Beginners Box in Pathfinder Society?

Pathfinder Society

I really enjoy running the beginners box for players and people seem to really enjoy it. Is there a way to run it in Pathfinder Society? (With a chronicle sheet)


Beginner Box Pathfinder Society Character Creation Guide This gives guidance on how to upgrade Beginner Box PC to full Pathfinder Society rules, but also allows the option to not use the full rules "until you're ready." If everyone at the table is using Beginner Box PCs and are level 5 or less you are able to do this.

Bradley McTeer wrote:
Beginner Box Pathfinder Society Character Creation Guide This gives guidance on how to upgrade Beginner Box PC to full Pathfinder Society rules, but also allows the option to not use the full rules "until you're ready." If everyone at the table is using Beginner Box PCs and are level 5 or less you are able to do this.

I couldn't find a chronicle sheet for reporting on it. Do you know where I could find it?


You would run Pathfinder Society scenarios using Beginner Box rules.

Dark Archive 4/5

How would you assign the XP/PP/chronicle sheet to a character who has gone through it, though?

Grand Lodge 4/5

There was a specific PFS event called the Beginner Box Bash. Currently I don't believe the Beginner Box adventures are sanctioned content, but you could look at the Quests as something similar.

I would specifically like to run the adventure in the beginners box, it's pretty epic. Is there any way of doing that within the society? Or do I need to get people to play it outside of an organized play game?


No. The adventures in the box are not playable under PFS.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Columbia

What about the follow up scenarios produced for it?

Resurrecting an old thread here, but the Remastered version of the Beginner Box is sanctioned for Society play. I've not found any chronicle sheets but when creating an event, the Beginner Box is available as two adventures (the upper and lower dungeons) under Pathfinder RPG (second edition) Adventures (Sanctioned). The full titles are:

  • Pathfinder Beginner Box (Remastered Edition) - Pathfinder Beginner Box: Menace Under Otari - Lower Dungeon
  • Pathfinder Beginner Box (Remastered Edition) - Pathfinder Beginner Box: Menace Under Otari - Upper Dungeon

Grand Lodge **

It always was. This thread is old enough that they were talking about the 1st edition Beginner Box.

For non-Society adventures that are sanctioned, the Chronicles are included in the sanctioning document that also outlines any rules for assigning credit. In the case of the Beginner Box, it's Repeatable but all credit must go to first-level characters.

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