Touch spells vs. Illusions

Rules Questions

Grand Lodge

The following situation recently came up in a game:

The PCs are about to fight a wizard. He hears them coming, so he turns invisible and creates an illusion of himself (major image, I think). The cleric PC casts bestow curse and tries to touch the illusion. Does he expend the charge? I know that if he misses he keeps it, but is the illusion real enough that a hit consumes the spell? Does it matter if he makes the save to disbelieve?

The description for mirror image specifically says that hitting an illusion consumes a charge, but that seems to be specific to that spell.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

A touch delivered spell like Bestow Curse should not be expended when used against an illusion like Major Image. The cleric would receive a will saving throw for interacting with the illusion and figments have an AC equal to 10 plus the size modifier but there is nothing to actual strike so no way for the touch spell to be expended.

If the cleric disbelieves the illusion or not is not factored into whether or not he keeps the spell.

Sovereign Court

I agree with Hendebolaf's main point: the illusion does not have substance, so there's nothing to discharge the held charge at.

Since illusions do have an AC that you can "hit", you might argue that "hitting" the illusion, feeling no substance, and your spell not going off either, constitutes enough proof to automatically disbelieve the illusion.

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