Starfinder Map

General Discussion

I created this Starfinder Map, it is blank so anyone can detail their part of the Galaxy in it. I intensionally left the scale of the hexes out, it could be a parsec, a light year, 10 light years, anything you want. I've includes symbols for all the types of star you might encounter, including white dwarfs, pulsars/neutron stars, and black holes.

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Here is my Starfinder Map with stars. I've included every common type of star and a few uncommon ones as well, including a red supergiant, a couple pulsars and black holes as well.

The map shows only primary stars, which by definition are the most massive stars in each system, often they are the brightest stars as well, but not always. For instance, there are two black holes on this map, each one is the primary of the system, there could be other stars orbiting the black hole, but according to convention they are not shown. I have not determined which systems have multiple stars yet, that is another phase of development. I started generating systems according to the Traveller rules, but that proved to be tedious, so what I ended up doing is I copied each star type Size IV and lower and randomly pasted each a number of times on he map. I took care to make sure there were more low mass stars than high mass stars, black holes and pulsars are fairly rare so there are only two of each on the map, there is only one supergiant as well, a red one, surrounded by nebulas as they often blow out their outer atmosphere prior t going supernova!

This is awesome thanks for sharing! Im gonna try to use the HUGE printer at work...

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

how about a option for a white background so its not a ink killer
and maybe putting just the pack worlds system in

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

here one i am working on
galaxy map

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