Captain Yesterday's Guide To Skyrim Incompetence: Legendary Edition!

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For clarification I should say that the reason I find Dawn Guard slightly annoying is I'm not a fan of being a vampire in Elder Scrolls games. Serana is hand's down the best companion you can find in Skyrim so it's worth it just to hang out with her and I do like that you can choose which way you want to approach it.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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The only mods I have installed are the ones you can get via the in-game interface (not the Creation Club, but if you click on the Mods link you go to a series of free user-made mods), because it is much easier to use (select, install, and maybe check load order--done!). Every time I go on the Nexus thinking "Oh, I'll just install a little thingy that does X" I am overwhelmed with the nesting options that emerge... oh to use this mod you need this other mod AND a script extender AND a third party mod manager AND a partridge in a pear tree AND don't use this other mod with it because they're incompatible and... yeah. Just too much work and not getting to gaming fast enough. Note: I believe the in-game mod option is available to all platforms (Lathiira IIRC plays on console and uses mods so this is how that has to happen).

IIRC you are not a vampire for long, if you don't want to remain a vampire. (I never do, personally, and help Serana get cured, but to each his/her own.) They definitely wrote her extremely well--plus voice by Laura Bailey!--and were clearly working on more responsive and in-depth companions for Fallout 4, with Serana as a successful test run via Skyrim. And I know gamers love to rag on Fallout 4, but that game is the best game Bethesda has done period when it comes to companion interest and complexity. (Is it perfect? No. Are they good as Obsidian companions? No. But Bethesda clearly listened to feedback and improved how companions/followers work dramatically.)

I am about to start Dawnguard once I finish cleaning up some stray quests from finishing the Winterhold storyline. We'll see how my "druid" (switch between bludgeon weapon/elemental magic and is a werewolf) fares.

(Although I almost NEVER use the werewolf transformation. You can't heal, can't do anything but fight, and have to wait till the transformation dies to be able to do anything. Eventually I finish the companions quest line and undo that but I have other goats to follow right now.)

Console (Xbox) version, non CC:

Go to Bethesda site. Find mod I might like, subscribe to it.

Start Skyrim, go to Mods. Download mod. Note: I can search up mods instead of going to Bethesda site as I like.

Once done with mod downloading and/or updating, game will restart. Start game. Mods in description often advise where to put themselves in load order; prereq mods are usually listed as well, not to mention incompatibilities.

Start game.

Pray you don't have Serana with gravel face and white-blue hair, or naked mostly invisible Imperial guards sliding around.

Pop out, figure out what went wrong, adjust load order manually. Restart game.

Repeat till things run more or less smoothly. Cry and curse the dark gods of the netherworld if you install a couple mods and have Gravelana appear again and you have to fix your load order.

captain yesterday wrote:
For clarification I should say that the reason I find Dawn Guard slightly annoying is I'm not a fan of being a vampire in Elder Scrolls games. Serana is hand's down the best companion you can find in Skyrim so it's worth it just to hang out with her and I do like that you can choose which way you want to approach it.

I'll probably try Dawn Guard before Dragonborn based on this an other recommendations.

DeathQuaker wrote:
The only mods I have installed are the ones you can get via the in-game interface

I've never noticed that, but, as I said, I'm still on vanilla Skyrim. I'll have to look for that feature next time I play, or once I try out SE.

Currently, I'm playing an orc 2-handed bruiser who is becoming a Thane in each hold to prove his worth to Malacath. (Although you have to start the Civil War questline to become a thane of Windhelm, ugh.) Plus, the Hearthfire Lakeview house is his attempt to start a new orc stronghold (nevermind that he's the only orc), so he needs to go out and clear out any dungeon or bandit camp nearby so that there are no security threats.

He might get distracted by a goat or fox soon.

DeathQuaker wrote:
I am about to start Dawnguard once I finish cleaning up some stray quests from finishing the Winterhold storyline. We'll see how my "druid" (switch between bludgeon weapon/elemental magic and is a werewolf) fares.

I love that "druid" build.

Any time I start or return to an Elder Scrolls game, I usually do my second* playthrough as a "cleric," which is just heavy armor, shield, a mace, and healing myself for every little papercut I get to skill up Restoration.

* The first playthrough is as a stealth archer, obviously, but that's a very directionless sort of game for me.

The only build I've had success with is sneak and summon. Basically shoot everything with a bow if possible and then when that one a!!!&@$ summons a frost atronach I can summon my own frost atronach. Although I've recently learned that if you take armor perks you don't die in one or two hits so I've been trying to do other things, like just sneaking with a bow and not giving anyone a chance to summon anything.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

My very first playthrough I played my preferred style in most games like this: stealth with dual wield. And while I was a little prone to taking damage, it was a very satisfying way to play. Especially since you find so many nice weapons in the game, it's nice to be able to wield two.

I've done the stealth archer thing too which is definitely effective and fun. (That was my Imperial Assassin build I discussed many moons ago upthread.)

I have attempted full mage, but my problem with full mage is early on, when I'm still trying to level my magic, I get frustrated with enemies that close in so fast but who won't die quickly enough to my spells, and end up hacking them to death with a sword anyway.

I don't use summons myself as often, as I forget to switch between spells/staves and bow, but will rely on less stealthy companions and what they summon. For example if I want the enemy to be distracted by a meat shield, I'll take Lydia with me, and be sure in addition to her heavy armor and weapons she also has at least one elemental damage and one summoning staff. She will charge in, summon a creature with her staff, and then hack and/or elemental spell everyone. If I'm stealth based I can shoot from the shadows and if I'm not I still let her go in first and then attack any support while she keeps the main enemy occupied.

If I don't mind my companion to be a little less armored, Areana, the priestess of Azura, is my go-to. She summons powerful atronachs and herself casts a lot of powerful spells, so she can often power through weaker fights all on her own, and is very helpful to a stealth build as well as you can hide while she distracts the enemies with her atronachs.

One thing I've never done is heavy armor/two-hander and if I ever play through one more time I might give that ago. Sometimes it's satisfying to just crunch things.

Don't companions perma die in Skyrim?

The problem I have with companions in video games is my sheer incompetence will inevitably get them killed so unless they can bounce back my guilt usually keeps me solo.

Ironically I don't usually go with stealth builds (I prefer to go in loud and heavy) it's just the only one in Skyrim that I can survive past 6th level with.

If companions don't perma die then I'll have to start recruiting!

DeathQuaker wrote:
One thing I've never done is heavy armor/two-hander and if I ever play through one more time I might give that ago. Sometimes it's satisfying to just crunch things.

It can be so satisfying. One tip I'll offer is that you should be aware of your 2-handed weapon's reach, since that allows you to down charging enemies before they can reach you with theirs. Plus, it can help with fleeing/back-up enemies.

captain yesterday wrote:
Don't companions perma die in Skyrim?

No, unless there's some fringe follower I'm not aware of that might.

Followers can perma-die, but that's only if they've become brought to zero health, in which case they're incapacitated and they kneel and start recovering health. Enemies will stop attacking them on purpose during this time, but they're not protected from a stray shot, AoE magic, or other incidental damage. If they are then brought to zero again while they are in their incapacitated state, then they will perma-die.

The problem I have with companions in video games is my sheer incompetence will inevitably get them killed so unless they can bounce back my guilt usually keeps me solo.

**Insert awkward face emoji here**

Andostre wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
Don't companions perma die in Skyrim?

No, unless there's some fringe follower I'm not aware of that might.

Followers can perma-die, but that's only if they've become brought to zero health, in which case they're incapacitated and they kneel and start recovering health. Enemies will stop attacking them on purpose during this time, but they're not protected from a stray shot, AoE magic, or other incidental damage. If they are then brought to zero again while they are in their incapacitated state, then they will perma-die.

The problem I have with companions in video games is my sheer incompetence will inevitably get them killed so unless they can bounce back my guilt usually keeps me solo.
**Insert awkward face emoji here**

That does sound like me!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

captain yesterday wrote:

Don't companions perma die in Skyrim?

The problem I have with companions in video games is my sheer incompetence will inevitably get them killed so unless they can bounce back my guilt usually keeps me solo.

First, some companions are marked as essential (I know one of them is Mjoll the Lioness who you can recruit in Riften), so they definitely can never die. If you want to be extra careful you can look up who those are and recruit only them. (Serana I think also is essential at least until the end of Dawnguard.)

Second, other companions can only permadie if you yourself kill them. So you have to be careful about not accidentally hitting, shooting, or fireballing them when their HP are low. The thing to be careful of especially is area effect spells and shooting when fighting a dragon. Otherwise as Andostre notes, when they are brought to low HP, the drop into the surrender pose and their HP will regenerate and they cannot be harmed by anyone but you.

Andostre wrote:
only if they've become brought to zero health

I need to stop posting in a hurry.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Second, other companions can only permadie if you yourself kill them.

This is also accurate. In fact, I thought that this was the only way that non-essential followers could die, but I checked UESP before making my above (hurried) post, and read the part about essential damage, and thought that I misunderstood all this time. But on checking again, both the additional-damage-while-incapacitated scenario and damage-from-player scenario can kill them, according to UESP.

In my defense, I've had plenty of scenarios where my aim has been so bad that I've hit an incapacitated follower. :(

So, it was me killing them all along!


Well, it's too late to change my play style now!

Inspired by you guys I actually uploaded my game and started a new playthrough.

This time I'm a high elf focusing on summoning and a bow. But I'm putting perks into light armor and trying my hand at also branching into illusion magic, specifically fury and fear type of spells, and also destruction.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Andostre wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
Second, other companions can only permadie if you yourself kill them.
This is also accurate. In fact, I thought that this was the only way that non-essential followers could die, but I checked UESP before making my above (hurried) post, and read the part about essential damage, and thought that I misunderstood all this time. But on checking again, both the additional-damage-while-incapacitated scenario and damage-from-player scenario can kill them, according to UESP.

Fair enough. Usually in practice it seems to only happen if I accidentally hit one of my followers (often with J'zargo's explosive flame cloak). I thought they had actually patched out them getting killed by other area effects because I swear I've seen Lydia survive dragon breath when it should have killed her, but I won't argue with the UESP.


In my defense, I've had plenty of scenarios where my aim has been so bad that I've hit an incapacitated follower. :(

Happens to all of us.

captain yesterday wrote:

So, it was me killing them all along!


Well, it's too late to change my play style now!

Just get an essential companion like Mjoll. She's super cool anyway.

I've also decided to join the Stormcloak rebellion, on account of the imperials trying to behead me and all.

captain yesterday wrote:
I've also decided to join the Stormcloak rebellion, on account of the imperials trying to behead me and all.


But you're a high elf.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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To be fair, nearly being beheaded does tend to alter your opinion about a thing.

Plus, I have a feeling even most high elves think the Aldmeri are giant douchebags.

Also, I've never done it before. Of course I've also barely allied with the empire that one time.

In other news, I'm now a landowner! With a garden and everything.

Also, my last play through I was a wood elf and I gotta say, I miss not getting mauled by cave bears.

Earned a cool 2 grand liberating Dawnbreaker from that necromancer douchebag, which will help me furnish my new house as buying the land and building the house left me cash poor.

As long as the water heater doesn't go out the same week a giant squats in my animal pen I should be fine.

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Got the stupid Arcwind glitch. You'd think they'd fix that one of these days.

Anyway, so I had to rampage across Skyrim to find Northwind something or other to cancel out the Arcwind glitch, unfortunately (for the dragon) I remembered where it was wrong and ended up at the wrong dragon lair and then took out the one in the middle of the hot springs just because before I finally made it to Northwind something or other and smote the s%%# out of that dragon.

On the way I befriended this really cool wizard lady named Illiani or something and so she joined up with me hoping to do some good for once.

Alas, we were fighting these spiders on the way to the wrong dragon lair and I shouted her off a cliff. Whoopsie!

Now I need a new friend.

Dang it, every dragon mask I've tracked down has been heavy armor, I could have sworn there was some light armor masks. Otherwise I might as well not go down that road yet as I'm getting low on resources fighting them all.

I recall that some of the dragon masks are light armor.

I'll find them eventually.

I found another one, heavy armor of course. This time this bad ass wizard chick was there to help with the massacring so I didn't go through as many resources.

There are definite advantages to doing the winterhold college missions at lower levels. I started it at about 21st level so in order to survive getting to Saarthal I had to outrun the following; a snow bear, cave bear, two death dogs, and 3 wolves.

Fortunately once I got there I was able to find this hidden ledge in the Saarthal hole where they couldn't get to or see me so after about ten minutes of waiting real time I was able to get down to the entrance and wait for the rest of the crew.

Done with Saarthal, talked to the archmage, and then moved on retrieving the books for grumpy library dude.

For some reason I decided to mostly clear out the dungeon before unlocking Orthorn's cell and then used his assistance for confronting what's her name, in a twist since Orthorn survived she offered to trade the books for Orthorn, and remembering what a suicidal prick he is from previous playthroughs and not really wanting to waste any more time, I took the offer.

Now I need a new friend.

I found one, on Marakei or whatever his name is, after prying the Staff of Magnus from his cold dead hands.

Unfortunately I've since decided Dragon masks aren't as fashionable or protective as I'd originally thought, so I've just been selling them all as I find them.

Also I found this super obnoxious and grindy way of defeating dragon priests, just shoot them with an arrow, run down a few hallways hide around a corner until they lose interest and return to their crib and then repeat the process for about a half hour until you grind their life force down.

It's pretty obnoxious but it beats running around flailing away with Dawnbreaker and feverishly chugging potions and summoning atronachs until one of us dies first.

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I'm working on my last Thane-ship, but I have to advance the Civil War questline to do so. I sided with the Imperials, even though that will take me longer than if I had sided with the Stormcloaks to get to the point where I can be appointed Thane of Whiterun.

CY, if you collect all of the Dragon Masks, you can earn a special Dragon Mask! It's also heavy armor!

I just looked it up, and these are the masks that are light armor, if you're interested:

* Krosis - found at Shearpoint; improves Alchemy, Archery, and Lockpicking by 20 points
* Morokei - found in Labyrinthian (as part of the College of Winterhold questline); doubles Magicka regen
* Volsung - found in Volskygge; it allows you to breathe underwater, carry an additional twenty units of weight, and increases your bartering abilities by twenty points

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Oh man, I hate Krosis! Whoever decided that it would be hilarious to have you fight a dragon priest at the same time as a dragon is an a%&%!$&.

Ha ha, true! What difficulty setting do you play on?

I keep it at the default medium setting. Sometimes I wish I set it a bit higher, but whenever I do that, I always get taken out by some power attack from behind that I don't see coming, which is pretty unstatisfying.

Medium or regular.

I'm a casual gamer so I don't have the time or skill level to put it any higher.

I actually had to find the dragon shout in Volsygge so it all worked out perfectly plus there was this other dungeon with another shout on the other side of the same valley so I did a rampage twofer!

The other one was Hag's End which I've done at least a thousand times by now so I went in on full rampage mode and destroyed the place with Dawnbreaker, a frost atronach, and muscle memory.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Andostre wrote:

I'm working on my last Thane-ship, but I have to advance the Civil War questline to do so. I sided with the Imperials, even though that will take me longer than if I had sided with the Stormcloaks to get to the point where I can be appointed Thane of Whiterun.

CY, if you collect all of the Dragon Masks, you can earn a special Dragon Mask! It's also heavy armor!

I just looked it up, and these are the masks that are light armor, if you're interested:

** spoiler omitted **

My favorite of those are Volsung (which it sounds like Capn just got). The waterbreathing and boost to fortify carry weight just makes it overall super useful for my (compulsive hoarder in light armor) play style.

Being a compulsive hoarder I always keep all the dragon masks 'cause they look cool. I just wish they would give you a display unit specialized to show them all off.

Oh I forgot there is a benefit you can get if you collect all of them but it requires some work... which is also what Andostre just said and I didn't notice.

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DeathQuaker wrote:
Andostre wrote:

I'm working on my last Thane-ship, but I have to advance the Civil War questline to do so. I sided with the Imperials, even though that will take me longer than if I had sided with the Stormcloaks to get to the point where I can be appointed Thane of Whiterun.

CY, if you collect all of the Dragon Masks, you can earn a special Dragon Mask! It's also heavy armor!

I just looked it up, and these are the masks that are light armor, if you're interested:

** spoiler omitted **

My favorite of those are Volsung (which it sounds like Capn just got). The waterbreathing and boost to fortify carry weight just makes it overall super useful for my (compulsive hoarder in light armor) play style.

Being a compulsive hoarder I always keep all the dragon masks 'cause they look cool. I just wish they would give you a display unit specialized to show them all off.

Oh I forgot there is a benefit you can get if you collect all of them but it requires some work... which is also what Andostre just said and I didn't notice.

Knowing Bethesda they probably have it for sale in the Atom Shop in Fallout 76 for 1,500 atoms.

I've overrun Whiterun and defeated the Jarl who was kind of dick about not joining the Stormcloaks and then was a dick when I defeated him.

Interesting glitch I think if you get to the Jarl without fighting a lot of the Whiterun guards one will pop up occasionally in other places and ask "Do I know you?".

So far I've seen him in Windhelm and on the road to Falkreath, and in Ivarstead.

I also conquered Falkreath.

captain yesterday wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

My favorite of those are Volsung (which it sounds like Capn just got). The waterbreathing and boost to fortify carry weight just makes it overall super useful for my (compulsive hoarder in light armor) play style.

Being a compulsive hoarder I always keep all the dragon masks 'cause they look cool. I just wish they would give you a display unit specialized to show them all off.

Oh I forgot there is a benefit you can get if you collect all of them but it requires some work... which is also what Andostre just said and I didn't notice.

Knowing Bethesda they probably have it for sale in the Atom Shop in Fallout 76 for 1,500 atoms.

I think I read that one or more of the CC mods available have a display for them.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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captain yesterday wrote:
I've overrun Whiterun and defeated the Jarl who was kind of dick about not joining the Stormcloaks and then was a dick when I defeated him.

Aw. I like the jarl of Whiterun. But then I think the Stormcloaks are kind of dicks, so. (This is not a comment on you, of course. It's fun to play the different sides and get the different characters' stories.)


Interesting glitch I think if you get to the Jarl without fighting a lot of the Whiterun guards one will pop up occasionally in other places and ask "Do I know you?".

So far I've seen him in Windhelm and on the road to Falkreath, and in Ivarstead.

I also conquered Falkreath.

I think there's something in the anniversary update where one says something to you relevant to the fact that there's an anniversary. Maybe he's chasing you down to get off his spiel.

But it's probably just a bug.

DeathQuaker wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I've overrun Whiterun and defeated the Jarl who was kind of dick about not joining the Stormcloaks and then was a dick when I defeated him.

Aw. I like the jarl of Whiterun. But then I think the Stormcloaks are kind of dicks, so. (This is not a comment on you, of course. It's fun to play the different sides and get the different characters' stories.)


Interesting glitch I think if you get to the Jarl without fighting a lot of the Whiterun guards one will pop up occasionally in other places and ask "Do I know you?".

So far I've seen him in Windhelm and on the road to Falkreath, and in Ivarstead.

I also conquered Falkreath.

I think there's something in the anniversary update where one says something to you relevant to the fact that there's an anniversary. Maybe he's chasing you down to get off his spiel.

But it's probably just a bug.

Yes, I'm not going to lie I felt a bit bad about it, but in fairness I did give him a chance at a truce beforehand. And the Stormcloaks are absolutely dicks but they weren't going to execute me just for the lols. Plus Rolof in his Stormcloak armor and helmet following you around all excited and cheerful about sticking it to the man is incredibly infectious.

And yes, I heard about that too! It might be that as I haven't really progressed in many quests around Whiterun yet so it's probably that.

Andostre wrote:
I'm still on old vanilla Skyrim, but I bought Special Edition during a Steam sale not too long ago. I'm kinda worried about how my laptop will handle the updated engine

Just for the heck of it, I installed SE even though my laptop has 2 GBs less than SE's minimum system requirements (graphics, hard drive, etc. is all above the minimum requirements). Unsurprisingly (but disappointingly), the game crashed both times I tried to run it.

It might be time to buy a new laptop.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

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Andostre wrote:
Andostre wrote:
I'm still on old vanilla Skyrim, but I bought Special Edition during a Steam sale not too long ago. I'm kinda worried about how my laptop will handle the updated engine

Just for the heck of it, I installed SE even though my laptop has 2 GBs less than SE's minimum system requirements (graphics, hard drive, etc. is all above the minimum requirements). Unsurprisingly (but disappointingly), the game crashed both times I tried to run it.

It might be time to buy a new laptop.

If it's 2 GB RAM lower, then yeah--Bethesda games eat up a lot of RAM. They're not going to run on anything less than the minimum and really need higher (I remember both Skyrim and Fallout 4 crashed all the time before I upgraded my meets-minimum-spec RAM). I'd at least try to upgrade the RAM on your machine, but that can be hard to do on a laptop.

My old gaming desktop originally purchased over 10 years ago... mind with later upgrades to RAM and video card and motherboard (though v card is still very old by today's standards) will run it. So if your laptop can't do what my ancient frankenstein can do... yeah.

Captain Yesterday wrote:
Yes, I'm not going to lie I felt a bit bad about it, but in fairness I did give him a chance at a truce beforehand. And the Stormcloaks are absolutely dicks but they weren't going to execute me just for the lols. Plus Rolof in his Stormcloak armor and helmet following you around all excited and cheerful about sticking it to the man is incredibly infectious.

It's a fair reason to not want to fight on the side of the people who were going to execute you. Though at least one of my playthroughs I decided that my character absolutely did deserve to be there and be executed, but just for some reason her name wasn't on the list.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Andostre wrote:
Andostre wrote:
I'm still on old vanilla Skyrim, but I bought Special Edition during a Steam sale not too long ago. I'm kinda worried about how my laptop will handle the updated engine

Just for the heck of it, I installed SE even though my laptop has 2 GBs less than SE's minimum system requirements (graphics, hard drive, etc. is all above the minimum requirements). Unsurprisingly (but disappointingly), the game crashed both times I tried to run it.

It might be time to buy a new laptop.

If it's 2 GB RAM lower, then yeah--Bethesda games eat up a lot of RAM. They're not going to run on anything less than the minimum and really need higher (I remember both Skyrim and Fallout 4 crashed all the time before I upgraded my meets-minimum-spec RAM). I'd at least try to upgrade the RAM on your machine, but that can be hard to do on a laptop.

My old gaming desktop originally purchased over 10 years ago... mind with later upgrades to RAM and video card and motherboard (though v card is still very old by today's standards) will run it. So if your laptop can't do what my ancient frankenstein can do... yeah.

My laptop has 6 GB, and the minimum requirement for SE is 8. (Vanilla's minimum is 4 GB, I think.)

The laptop is 8 or 9 years old, so it's to be expected.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Andostre wrote:
Andostre wrote:
I'm still on old vanilla Skyrim, but I bought Special Edition during a Steam sale not too long ago. I'm kinda worried about how my laptop will handle the updated engine

Just for the heck of it, I installed SE even though my laptop has 2 GBs less than SE's minimum system requirements (graphics, hard drive, etc. is all above the minimum requirements). Unsurprisingly (but disappointingly), the game crashed both times I tried to run it.

It might be time to buy a new laptop.

If it's 2 GB RAM lower, then yeah--Bethesda games eat up a lot of RAM. They're not going to run on anything less than the minimum and really need higher (I remember both Skyrim and Fallout 4 crashed all the time before I upgraded my meets-minimum-spec RAM). I'd at least try to upgrade the RAM on your machine, but that can be hard to do on a laptop.

My old gaming desktop originally purchased over 10 years ago... mind with later upgrades to RAM and video card and motherboard (though v card is still very old by today's standards) will run it. So if your laptop can't do what my ancient frankenstein can do... yeah.

Captain Yesterday wrote:
Yes, I'm not going to lie I felt a bit bad about it, but in fairness I did give him a chance at a truce beforehand. And the Stormcloaks are absolutely dicks but they weren't going to execute me just for the lols. Plus Rolof in his Stormcloak armor and helmet following you around all excited and cheerful about sticking it to the man is incredibly infectious.
It's a fair reason to not want to fight on the side of the people who were going to execute you. Though at least one of my playthroughs I decided that my character absolutely did deserve to be there and be executed, but just for some reason her name wasn't on the list.

Every time the intro plays I hear Dante from Clerks saying "I'm not even supposed to be here today!" So I imagine I was covering for someone and then got caught up in everything. I've played it something like 6 times, once to completion and this is the first time I've picked a side.

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I watched a Skyrim YouTube video where a person wanted to show how a group of random NPCs standing around just died for absolutely no reason, and then the very next time I played, the exact same thing happened in my game (different NPCs, though), and so now I'm wondering if my game is cursed a la The Ring.

I'm currently devastating Stalthrim. Found the full set of Deathbrand armor for the first time ever (there used to be a glitch where you the last piece wouldn't trigger and the only way to get around it was to go back to a previous save before the quest triggered and hope it didn't do it again) I've been reading these black books that while they make some good points I could do without the actively trying to kill you pop ups that they love to throw on every page.

captain yesterday wrote:
I'm currently devastating Stalthrim.


I've decided I'd go with being a vampire this time.

Thankfully it's way better than being a werewolf.

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I haven't tried a vampire since Oblivion. Let us know how it goes! Do the Meridia quest if you find the beacon!

I already did that one long ago, Dawnbreaker is the beezneez in the soul cairn.

Although, know I want to restart my game to try that.

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