NPC Dave |
My PCs will soon be starting City of Broken Idols, and as they are a party of six, some of whom are highly optimized, I was looking at beefing up their opposition.
If I give the average Olman skinwalker two levels of fighter, he picks up one general feat (at 9HD) along with the two fighter bonus feats. I then assign him the feats Power Attack and Improved Critical(macuahuitl) and for the general feat I assign him Leap Attack from Complete Adventurer.
So now he can make a charging leap and use power attack to do 2x the damage of a normal power attack. Since he has pounce, that also means he can do a full attack.
My question is...does the power attack hit penalty and damage bonus apply to the bite and claw attacks of the skinwalker in addition to the macuahuitl weapon the skinwalker carries? Or does the power attack only work for the macuahuitl?