GenCon 50 - PSA Coloring Book: Academy Bestiary

Pathfinder Society

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

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Good Evening Pathfinder Community,
It is that time of year fellow Pathfinder with the call for volunteers for GMs/HQ. I am putting out the call for contributors to help with drawings, as well as something a little different for all the drawings we are going to be putting stat blocks to go with them.

For the past two years I have put together a Coloring Book for Kids' Tracks and Pathfinder Society Academy, I put this Coloring Book together for the Kids to work on while they waited play or got bored waiting for their turn. This year I would like to try and put another one together and I will be looking for artists and other contributors. Like last year the theme was Kid Adventurers this year's theme is Monsters and Enemies.

I will be looking for B&W Line-art 300 to 600 dpi to fit on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper.

For those of you that can't draw if you think there is something you can submit email me and we can see how you can help. We have a a large amount of word finds and a few crossword puzzles we are looking for mazes, dot to dot or something different for a activity for the book.

If you are interested please contact me at

Thanks For your Time and see you at Gen Con,

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

Ooh, a chance to draw cute adorable monsters! This will be fun.



Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

Good new everyone, we have a printer for this year's project and we have a few artists lined up we still need people to help with stats, we will be using the unchained rules.

Thanks Everyone who volunteered so far.

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I'll be drawing mini Goblin, Bugbear and Kobold > w </ 'cause they are too adorabu <3

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

Here is an Update for the Monsters we have so far.
Goblin, Bugbear, Kobold, Gorgon, Harpy and Cthulhu.

We will be needing Unchained stats for these with a twist based on the image provided if you are interested please let me know.

Thank you as always

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

So... Those are all claimed? (I was hoping to have goblins running from Squealy.). Would Squealy still be allowed?


Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

Those are the ones claimed so far a Pig would be available.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

Mimic has been taken

Dark Archive 5/5 5/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Lucas Servideo wrote:
Mimic has been taken

Mimic has been taken.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

pipe fox, the gibbering mouther, and a kirrix are now spoken for.


I talked to you in PM about Owlbear too. Although now I'm kind of wanted to draw a veiled master...

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

If anyone is interested we are still taking submissions.


Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

zefig wrote:
I talked to you in PM about Owlbear too. Although now I'm kind of wanted to draw a veiled master...

Why not both?

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

Good Morning Pathfinders,
The 2017 GenCon 50 PSA Bestiary Coloring Book is coming along great.
Currently we have the following Monsters: Bugbear, Goblin, Kobold, Mimic, Mite, a Gaggle of Harpy, a Sullen Gorgon, a Hide Elder God and few more in Progress. Along with some puzzles and activities in the works.
As I said at the beginning with this one we are also going to try to put unchained stats based on the drawings given to us by the artists so it will be something for the whole community.
Thank you All and see you at GenCon

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

GenCon 2017 Smaht Goblin Coloring Book Update.

Going through the images for the Coloring Book I have now the list of Final Drawings of the Monsters as well as some Drawings I did last year and Didn't include of some of the greatest hunters of our Time.

Gelatinous Cube
and some Meddling Pathfinders.

There will be Mazes, Crossword Puzzles, Madlib?, Find the Hidden Monster and maybe some surprises.

Layout is happening now, look for previews right here.

PS: Stats for these Monsters will not be in the printed book, I will be putting out PDF only edition after GenCon, this is happening due to time constraints.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Great Lakes

Were you ever able to put together the PDF of this? I would love it if you would share! Thank you!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 **** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Massachusetts—North Shore

Northern Dreamer wrote:
Were you ever able to put together the PDF of this? I would love it if you would share! Thank you!

Yes I did links can be found here and here as well as the journals that I put together for Starfinder Society and Pathfinder Society.

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