6th level dwarven tomb / ruins adventure?


The all dwarf party in my Giantslayer campaign have gone somewhat off the rails; sidestepping a good chunk of the second module. This leaves them a bit underpowered before venturing into the deep end of the third module.

To that end, I'm looking at either shoehorning in a 6th level exploration side-quest or using a significantly more elaborate giantslayer's tomb than what is presented in the third module; seeing as how I find its arachnid-theme somewhat odd.

So can anyone suggest some cool 6th level dwarven tomb/ruin adventure; something substantial enough to take the PCs up to the edge of 8th level?

Sovereign Court

The Glories of the Past trilogy for PFS comes to mind. While part 1 is a bit humdrum, part 2 makes you a rockstar and part 3 is about finding one of the things most precious to the dwarves of Golarion.

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