This is a test, this is only a test. Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, can I change my title after I've submitted it? YEP! STILL YEP!

Off-Topic Discussions

So... can I?

EDIT: YEP! Looks like I can. Neat.

After there's more than one post?

EDIT: Still yep! Good to know. :)

Sorry for the spamminess, Devs. I'm learning something here, today, and maybe a few other people are, too.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, but can you change it after someone else posts? Huh? Can you? Not so tough now, are you?

DeathSpot wrote:
Yeah, but can you change it after someone else posts? Huh? Can you? Not so tough now, are you?

Alas, the world my never know.

As far as i recall you can edit a thread title after someone else posted, but as with all edits, only for one hour after you made the original post.

Threeshades wrote:
As far as i recall you can edit a thread title after someone else posted, but as with all edits, only for one hour after you made the original post.

And knowledge (somewhat) groooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwsssss!

(By which, of course, I mean, "Cool, thanks.") :D

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