Party ideas for encounters.


I think a little advice/help is required for this little project. I need 3 adventurer bands that have a bit of a theme to them. The first band is a group of 6 female adventures including a 1/2 orc wizard, a 1/2 elf bard, a human Barbarian wearing sod all in the way of armour and three other members. They are from more northen climes.

Group 2 consists of 5 members mostly human with a least 1 elemental kin amongst them. They are from More southern/desert climes(Arabian Adventures style).

Group 3 consists of 5 members a only 1 is human. From a major metropolis with a seaport.

They ideally need to use stuff from the following books Core, APG, ACG, UM and UC and for group 1 please keep to as few archetypes as possible.



Group 1: 1/2 elf Druid (bear shaman), Human Oracle(frost) and human Rogue

Group 2: Oread Monk, Human fighter, human sorcerer(earth), 1/2 elf ranger(archer/Big Cat), human Oracle (volcano or stone)

Group 3: human wizard, gnome alchemist, dwarf gunslinger, 1/2 orc Paladin, 1/2 elf Cleric

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