BackHandOfFate |

So I saw this Phrenic Amplification from Occult Origins:
Dragon's Breath Focus (Su): The psychic can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to change a linked spell that has a line or burst area of effect into a 30-foot cone that emanates from the psychic's mouth as a breath weapon. Source PPC:OO
Looks like a fun way to alter spells to be more adaptable. But as I'm looking through the Psychic's spell list... I don't see many spells that would really benefit. Am I missing something? I'd love to find a viable way to work this into my upcoming Psychic character..
I'd like to compile a list of spells that can work with this Phrenic Amplification. Of course I'll spend more time investigating this.. But has anyone else out there researched this, yet?

BackHandOfFate |

I don't think there are (m)any. The new amplifications in that book were largely dire and not well thought out, and I noted this one in particular as not making much sense.
Yeeahh I'm seeing bupkis. That's a damned shame. With the right spells, this could have been useful or at least fun.
The only thing I'm seeing that could potentially be applicable at low levels are spells like Sleep, that have a limited radius. You could possibly shape the spells with cones to make the effects hit more targets. But with Sleep, the spell is limited to 4HD, so there goes that.
That's disappointing.. But the silver lining in all this that I saved myself the trouble of completely wasting one of my Phrenic Amplification choices.