Greyhawk Uncial Font owned by Pazio

Paizo General Discussion


I am a partner of Greyhawk Games store, and we sell pathfinder and such.

Anyway, I was looking for the font that was used by a old AD&D Setting also called Greyhawk (Greyhawk Uncial).
I noticed it was owned by Pazio. And I was wondering, if we could get permission to use, and get a copy of the font 'Greyhawk Uncial'.

We wanted to make sure that there was not any complications, so we came directly to you.

Jim Culbreath
Greyhawk Games

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

We own this font but do not currently offer it for sale. It was not used in the original boxed set, but rather is a new font designed by Darlene based on her calligraphy that was used in the original 1983 boxed set.

The short answer is that the font is currently unavailable. Sorry.


It has been nearly 12 years since you guys contracted for that font with Darlene. Is there any reason to sit on it. There are lot of us old Greyhawk hands that would love to use the font for our own purposes.

Are you still planning to use it?


Bryan Blumklotz

Would really like to use that font in my home character sheets.

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