Western Heartlands Pathfindered - Beregost


I was clearing out some stuff and came across my Baldurs Gate manual and thought that it would be a cool idea to updated the town and mix in the pathfinder ruleset. A mixture of Golarion and FR Deities will be used and that the successful completion of the Baldurs Gate game has occurred but at the earlier date of 1368DR and this is the town as of 1370DR.

First off I have expanded the towns population to about 3100 people and that its under Baldurs Gates official protection. The town now has an official mayor, a constable and his watch alongside a Flaming Fist Barracks. The Merchants League has also opened up a waystation in the town and that Thalantyr has rebuilt and reopened Ulcasters school.

Was also thinking that a minor modification to the way armour works would help when showing the differences between normal and magic armour in the game. The first is that masterwork reduces the weight of the armour by 10% and magic reduces it by another 10% for a 20% total reduction. This will not affect mithral and the affect for admaintium will be halved hopefully this wont be too disruptive.

More at a later date.


Now I will also add in the broadsword which is 20gp, weighs 6lbs, 2d4 damage (M), and will only crit on a natural 20 but with a *3 multiplier.
The following gods are prevalent in the region- Adbar, Beshaba, Bhaal, Brigh, Calistra, Cyric, Demeter, Elistree, Gozreh, Helm, Lissala, Mask, Mystra, Ogmha, Pharasma, Saranrae, Shandukal, Tempus, Tymora and Urgotha.

Note: some of the magic items from the game will be updated at a later point.

Now in Beregost there is the temple of saranrae just outside town and a shrine to Demeter and one to shandukal.

Beregost: Large Town with the following qualities- Academic, Rumormongering Citizens and Tourist Attraction. It is NG and a Autocracy.

If anyone has suggestions please comment. Until Later.


I think the Realms have enough deities, that I don't see the point of mixing in the Pathfinder ones. I mean, do whatever you want, but I'm curious about your reasoning.

Its a bit of a merger since there are certain realms deities that I despise with a passion (Namely Shar and Tyr) but it is also for flavour reasons. The reason I picked the deities I have is the flavour behind all of them and they are each cool in their own regard. Plus there is also a few Golarion deities that I just cant get into (Zon-Kuthon and Norbringer for example) but I am also just focusing on one area of the realms and went with those that fit the best.


Now some of the magic items will also be updated and if anyone else wants to jump in and help with them it would be appreciated. First the "Rings of Princes" now this was just a +1 ring of protection in BG1+2 but in NWN2 it was a +2 that gave an additional +1 vs undead. Since there are reportedly 7 of them that they would each be moderately similar but unique, with the one above called the "White Prince" which is made of white marble and glows a gentle white light when around undead, its a ring of protection +2 which becomes +3 vs undead.

I hope to do this with each of the items and some will find their way into NPC hand and others as parts of treasure hoards or spoils.

Till later


Ok the second "Ring of Princes" is now called "Dark Prince" made of black basalt it seems to shun the light. This Ring of Protection +2 also give a +2 bonus to saves against necromantic spells and effects. Currently have the 5 other rings called red, green, blue, gold, and silver respectively but if someone can get inspiration from this I could see things like the "Gryphon Prince" etc.

The Battle Axe of Mauletar will remain a Battleaxe +2 but will have house Ossyinds coat of arms on and have a gentle golden sheen to it. The Army Scythe is a +1 light crossbow of speed and Fallorians Plate is now +2 Plate Mail that grants a +2 bonus to Charisma. (Note Plate Mail is Technically Half Plate.)



More items then I will work on the town later on.

Bervel's Retort +1 throwing axe of returning
Golden Axe +1 Battle Axe grants the wielder access to the disruptive feat
Kondar +1 (shapechanger)Bane Bastard Sword
Chanserv's Fish +2 frost club
Mighty Oak +2 Darkwood Club
Boomerang Dagger +2 returning dagger
Heart of the Golem +2 admantine (Construct)Bane dagger
The Thresher +2 heavy flail
Suryis's Blade +2 Halberd
Varscona +2 frost longsword with faint necromantic aura
Drusus +1 Gladius
The Whistling sword +2 short sword (cast ghost sound 3day)
The Shadows Blade = Assasins blade
Backbitter +3 cursed longspear (inflicts equal damage upon its wielder as it does upon their opponent)
Protector of the Dryads +2 shortbow
Protector of the Second +2 leather armour
Shadow Armour +3 shadowed studded leather
Telbar's Armour +2 Studded leather
Mail of the Dead +2 Chainmail
Ankheg Plate = mithral full plate (non-metallic)
The Magma Bulwark +2 fire resistant mithral Plate mail
Redshield +2 heavy darkwood shield (+3 vs giants)
Shield of Devotion +2 heavy steel shield (grants toughness feat)(if paladin grants access to and additional 1st level spell slot)
The Amplifier (grants access to a bonus 2nd level spell slot)
The One Gift Lost (cast flaming orb 1day)
Sensate Amulet (user under protection of False Life)(protection from evil 3day) +2 Charisma
The Protector (Amulet of natural armour+1 & cloak of resistance+1 in one)
Elistraees Boon (Circlet grants spell resist 10 and functions as a cloak of resistance +1)
Helm of the Noble = Helm of Glory (+1 insight armour bonus, +2 Charisma)
The Eyes of Truth (Helmet grand low light vision 60ft, ability to cast see invisibility 1day)


There is a few that I'm not to sure on such as the Helm of Balduran, Amulet of Power and Spider Bane. There are others but that's a few of them.



Note most of these item are from Baldurs Gate 1 not including Tales of the Sword Coast expansion. If others want to get involved feel free.


Here is Beregost.

NG Large Town
Corruption -2; Crime 0; Economy +2;
Law 0; Lore +4; Society -1
Rumormongering Citizens
Tourist Attraction
Danger +5
Government Magical
Population 2915
Notable NPC's
Kelddath Ormlyr- High Priest of Saranrae and town Govener Cleric 12
Thalantyr - Wizard (Conjurer) 13
Taerom "ThunderHammer" Fuiruim - Smith Fighter 4/ Expert2
Base Value 3000gp; Purchase Limit 15000gp; Spellcasting 6th;
Minor items- +1 Elven Curve Blade; +2 light crossbow; Oil of Shillelagh;
Scroll of Sleep; Scroll of Find Traps; Wand of Hide from Undead; Ring of
Climbing; Anatomy Doll
Medium Items- +1 Keen Sickle; +2 Fire Resistant Splint Mail; Shadow Armour- +3 Shadowed Studded Leather; Scroll of Blur; Goggles of Elvenkind; Cloak of the Dustwalker
Major- Army Scythe- +1 light crossbow of speed; +3 Disruption Warhammer; Manual of Bodily Health+1

I know the qualities are different from upthread but these fit the town better.

Anyway Later


NG Large Town
Corruption 0; Crime 0; Economy +1;
Law 0; Lore +3; Society 0
Rumormongering Citizens
Tourist Attraction
Danger +5
Government Autocracy
Population 3425
Notable NPC's
Kelddath Ormlyr- High Priest of Saranrae Cleric 12
Thalantyr - Wizard (Conjurer) 13
Taerom "ThunderHammer" Fuiruim - Smith Fighter 4/ Expert2
Bernard Hollis- Mayor Expert4
Officer Vai Markits- Commander of the local Flaming fist forces Fighter4/Cleric3 (Tempus)
Base Value 2400gp; Purchase Limit 15000gp; Spellcasting 7th;
Minor items- +2 Slick Chain Shirt; +1 Heavy Steel Shield; +1 light crossbow; Pearl of Power (1st); Scroll of Sleep; Scroll of Find Traps; Scroll of Endure Elements; Wand of Hide from Undead;
Medium Items- +2 Fire Resistant Splint Mail; +1 Flaming Dire Flail; Potion of Remove Curse; Ring of Retribution; Scroll of Protection from Energy; Veil of Fleeting Glances
Major Items- +2 Axiomatic Light Pick; Manual of Bodily Health+1;Poiseners Jacket (Greater)

This is Beregost 1370DR after the Iron Crisis.

Will hopefully do my fix of the races and the Friendly Arm Inn before I take a break from the Boards till mid-January.


Elf- Moon-As Core
Sun- As Core but for -2Con, +2Int
Wild- As Core but for +2Dex, -2Int
Wood- As Core but for +2Wis, -2Int
Aquatic- As bestiary
Shadow- As Core but for +2Dex, -2Cha
Drow- As bestiary- Essentially all Demon/Daemon/Devil worshipers the odd non-evil drow are those that have a significant amount of shadow elf blood in them. Approximatly 1 in every 25000 drow will be non-evil.

Dwarf- Shield- As Core
Gold- As Core
Duergar-As bestiary

Gnome- Hill- As Core without the bleaching
Forest- As above but with a racial bonus to hide instead
Svirfneblin- As bestiary

Halfling- Lightfoot- As Core
Strongheart- As Core but for +2Dex, +2Wis, -2Cha
Ghostwise- As Core but for +2Con, +2Wis, -2Cha

Human Ethnicities- Calashite-
Gur- Rashemi
Mulhorandian- Untheric
All of the human racial groups are as Core but with ethnic languages each cultures native language in all cases except where noted. The reason for Untheric is that it is mostly Mulhorandi of Untheric descent active in the western heartlands.

Half-Elf- As Core

Half-Orc- As Core

Please note ethnicity will factor in what bonus feat you will be eligible for.

They aren't perfect by any means but I don't own the Advanced Race Guide this will do. Unless someone else wishes to take a crack at it otherwise it will have to wait till I get the book. This also includes Xvarts, Gibberings and Tasloi.

Next hopefully the Friendly Arm Inn.


Friendly Arm Inn
CG- Hamlet
Corruption -2; Crime -1; Economy -1; Law -2; Lore-2; Society -1
Qualities- Strategic Location
Danger -5
Government- Magical
Population- 52
Notable NPC's
Bentley Mirrorshade- Owner Rogue3/Wizard(Illusionist)4
Gellana Mirrorshade- Bentleys wife Cleric 4
Base-220gp Purchase Limit- 1000gp Spellcasting 2nd
Minor Items- +1 Adamantium Scimitar; Glowing Glove; Ring of Sustenance; Scroll with Death Knell and Fire Trap (Divine); Wand of Command


Monsters- Hobgoblins

That is about all I'll use for this area of the world the only other noted races could be Giants, Naga, Lizardfolk and serpentfolk.

If people can give me a convincing argument about others I could see about adding them.


No orcs? Also what type of dragons?
Looks good though, you have obviously put thought into it.

Basing most off Baldurs Gate the PC game. Orcs do not appear in the first game or its expansion TOSC. But the chosen races are partly game based but also fairly thematic for the region. I the case of Dragons Young Adult would possibly be the size/age limit and more and likely green and black and possibly the odd red. In the metallic case any that seem thematic for the area so any and every essentially.

The game is an all time favourite and the region is strong in history and yet also fairly sparse outside the city states. So the ability to both convert it and also modify it at the same time allows a GM/Player a good amount of freedom but still a tight ruleset.


Heads up. I aim to take a break from the boards till about the 16th Jan so if anyone wants to continue on with gullykin and Baldurs Gate itself it would be appreciated. Also will aim to start to move into doing the other settlements and assorted powers groups after January. Hope this little project helps some people and if there are any critics I will answer them in Jan.

Outside that Game On and have fun!

EtG out.

Illness has now cancelled what plans I had for the week ahead so I find myself back on the boards instead of taking time away. This just means that I can show some of the feats that I have thought about note these feats take the place of the trait system. I other words you can have one or the other not both.

Example; Talfirian group feat- Proficiency with Broadsword and Shortbow and a +2 bonus to stealth and stealth becomes a class skill.

Now yes this feat is semi serpurfulous for martial characters but other feats will possibly suit them better. These first ones are just to help bulk out concepts whether PC or NPC, they should help with the feel for each group.

Calashite- Proficient with the Scimitar and Falchion and a +2 bonus to Bluff and Bluff becomes a class skill.
Chondathan- Proficient with the Greatsword and Light Flail and a +2 bonus to Appraise and Appraise becomes a class skill.
Damaran- Proficient with the Bastard sword and Heavy Flail and a +2 bonus on Sense Motive and Sense Motive becomes a class skill.
Illuskan- Proficient with Battle Axe and Throwing Axes and a +2 bonus to Intimidate and Intimidate becomes a class skill.
Mulhoranidian- Proficient with the Khopesh and Whip and a +2 bonus on Knowledge(Religion) and Knowledge(Religion) becomes a class skill.
Netherese- Proficient with the Glaive and Light Flail and a +2 bonus to Spellcraft and Spellcraft becomes a class skill.
Rashemi- Proficient with the Greatsword and Battle Axe and a +2 bonus to Knowledge(Nature) and Knowledge(Nature) becomes a class skill.
Talfirian- Proficiency with the Broadsword and Shortbow and a +2 bonus to Stealth and Stealth becomes a class skill.
Tashlan- Proficient with the light Repeating Crossbow and the Scimitar and a +2 bonus to Craft checks.
Tethyrian- Proficient with the Light Hammer and Longsword and a +2 bonus to Sense Motive and Sense Motive becomes a class skill.

Less region/ethnic based feats later.


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