How do you repair a Nightmare Constructor's Horror?

Advice and Rules Questions

There doesn't seem to be any powers to do so on the dread list, they don't heal naturally, and repairing it via normal construct rules is costly. It requires a feat and is expensive. So how does he do it?

Does anyone at least know where I can look to find the answer?

Its a construct, you have to repair it like one. That said since it functions like an Eidelon you can also just let it die and resummon it at half HP

Dreamscarred Press

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It's a construct.

The reconstruction power would work, as would anything else that repairs constructs.

Jeremy Smith wrote:

It's a construct.

The reconstruction power would work, as would anything else that repairs constructs.

Dreads dont get anything that repair constructs. Theyre sort of in the vein of the old "Warmage, Dread necromancer" 3.5 style, where they get some combat ability in exchange for a super limited selection of abilities and a very strict theme

Dreads scare people, and drain life force, and not much else.

edit: which uh...shouldnt you know? =P

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I guess you could take expanded knowledge though. I had forgotten that was a thing

So you have to take a feat to heal your companion? That seems a bit off. But thanks.

the nightmare constructor has an ability to heal their companion with a touch. it was cut froM d20pfsrd for some reason. I'll post the quote soon.

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Ultimate Psionics, page 268 wrote:
Reinvigorate Horror: The nightmare constructor is able to channel his own energy to restore the nightmarish form of his horror. As a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, the nightmare constructor can touch his horror and restore 5 hit points per power point spent. The nightmare constructor cannot spend more power points on this ability than his manifester level.

There you go. Support the company, buy the book C=

Also, I know that the guys over at d20pfsrd do good work, but the fact they sometimes miss things like this leads to a lot of confusion.

Thanks! I'd buy it if I could. But that solves my issue. Thanks a lot

Dreamscarred Press

Thank you for posting about that... I didn't have a chance to pop open my PDF and relied on d20pfsrd... that'll learn me!

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