SlimGauge |
Is there anything that prevents a swarm from attempting a dirty trick maneuver to blind ?
Tarantula |
Swarm Attack: Creatures with the swarm subtype don't make standard melee attacks. Instead, they deal automatic damage to any creature whose space they occupy at the end of their move, with no attack roll needed. Swarm attacks are not subject to a miss chance for concealment or cover. A swarm's statistics block has "swarm" in the Melee entry, with no attack bonus given. The amount of damage a swarm deals is based on its Hit Dice, as shown below.
They don't make attacks, they just deal automatic damage. I wouldn't have them perform combat maneuvers.
Jengada |
I'm inclined to agree with Java Man, with one clarification. Vomit Swarm says the caster can control direction of movement, but does not say the caster has any other control. Changing direction or moving it in subsequent rounds requires a standard action. RAW, there are no other control abilities, so the caster could not tell the swarm to do things like cover a creature's head, crawl into a container, spell out words, or anything else.
And while I'd like to have them pull a dirty trick (if it was my swarm) I'd have to agree with Tarantula, too.
Marcella |
*On a physical level: The Bestiary states swarms are unable to grapple, which implies they *can* perform other combat maneuvers. Unfortunately, most other maneuvers either replace standard melee attacks (which swarms don't & presumably can't make) or work only on creatures a maximum of one size larger. Since swarms have the effective size of each component creature, the latter type can work only upon Small or smaller opponents (or other swarms).
This leaves steals and dirty tricks, which I would allow as standard actions. If a swarm has already provoked AOs from entering the foes' squares and has used only one move action, it may as well try a steal or dirty trick. I note that some online entries (as opposed to printed books) for various swarms list CMBs and CMDs as nonexistent, though I don't know if that came from the game designers or just from website writers trying to make sense of this.
Tiny or smaller creatures use Dex instead of Str when determining CMB, but they still take a size penalty.
*On a mental level: I judge combat maneuvers to require far more intelligence and coordination than a vermin swarm is ordinarily capable of, and I don't think Vomit Swarm provides anywhere close to the necessary control. Even animals have Intelligences of no more than 2.
A steal or dirty trick also must be in keeping with the creature's motivations. Real-world crows like shiny objects (as do rats) and aim for the eyes, but a wild swarm hungry/angry enough to attack people isn't likely to bother with stealing trinkets or even weapons, especially if doing so triggers an AO.
*Two special exceptions of interest: 1) The "mad monkeys" spell tells how to conduct and receive steals & disarms. 2) A swarm-monger druid's fecund familiar has a starting Int of 6 (even in swarm form), speaks with its master, and can get Improved Steal/Dirty Trick from familiar archetypes. I think in this instance those maneuvers could work.