Uses and abuses of the Telepathic Targeting major phrenic amplificaiton


I'd like to discuss interesting applications of the Telepathic Targeting major phrenic amplification from Occult Origins, which reads:

Telepathic Targeting (Su): By spending 2 points from her phrenic pool, the psychic can target any creature with which she is in telepathic communication (whether via her telepathic bond ability, a creature's telepathy ability, or another effect) with the linked spell, even if the creature would normally be out of range. The linked spell must have the mind-affecting descriptor and must have a range of touch or greater.

The earliest you can take this is at Psychic 11, when you have access to your Telepathic Bond class ability and can take Telepathy as a spell at level 10. You get permanent Telepathy at level 17.

It seems there are a few ways to use this:

1. Use to attack at longer range with Telepathy. This is really about Euphoric Tranquility at high levels, as there are no other good mind affecting touch attacks, and 100' vs. close range isn't much of a benefit. But wow, once you hit level 17 this is an ugly ability. No roll to hit, no save, only SR can save the target from being out of the fight and being supremely vulnerable once its allies are dead.

2. Let's follow with the most powerful but controversial: Use to attack without line of sight or line of effect with Mind Affecting spells.

Does telepathy require LOS/LOE? RAW no one knows, so it's a GM call. There are threads at OOTS and here at Paizo discussing it. I'll just point out that both Hell's Rebels 5 (minions of the Contract Devil) and Curse of the Crimson Throne (revised) 4 (the Sakhil) have tactics lines where they use telepathy to warn allies in other rooms (w/o LOS or LOE) if they are engaged in combat. So at least James Jacobs thinks it doesn't require LOE/LOS, and I agree. So I'm going to assume that you can use telepathy on creatures you know are in range, even if you can't see them or have a wall in between you. (I'm not sure how far I'd take this with lead or force effects, but for most purposes I think this should work.)

So, all that out of the way, what can we do with this ability offensively? In an intrigue scenario you can cast a dominate or charm effect on someone from an adjacent room, where they can't see you cast. (So much for spell manifestations!) Add [url= Spell[/url] for a -2 to their saves.

In a dungeon scenario you scout the next room, then start killing them one by one with Mind Thrust or Psychic Crush. Or put up a fog bank and don't bother pinpointing them. Did you see them before they went invisible? Broadcast telepathy to them with a spell attached, too bad, so sad. They threw up a Prismatic Wall to block the corridor? Who cares?

And so on. Powerful? Yes. But limited by those 2 Phrenic Points per use, and you can only hit one target a time, so no Confusion on 8 people sitting down to dinner while you've excused yourself to the bathroom.

3. Use via Telepathic Bond or Telepathy to buff allies you can't touch or who aren't in close range, as applicable. Obvious combat options here are (Greater) Heroism, Contagious Zeal, Hermean Potential, and Placebo Effect.

4. Use via Telepathic Bond for intrigue options. You can be anywhere on the same plane while they infiltrate a dinner party and then sneak off to the library or whatever, and they aren't casting the spell so observers won't see it happen. You might want to boost skills with Investigative Mind, give them Memorize Page to store what they found in the BBEG's desk/library, or similar. Or after they've reached a point where they need your spell casting ability, cast Mind Swap to take over their body and solve their problem before dismissing it to return them to control and finish the mission. Are they trying to run away? Miserable Pity so it's hard to attack them.

5. Use via a Dominate Person/Monster link to renew your effect before it wears off (or add a Geas to bring them back to you if someone dispells the Dominate spell) and manage your minion guarding your backup gear (or whatever) remotely and indefinitely. You can also send them on mission, watch through their eyes, and then buff them per 3 or 4.

Bumping in case any of the weekday crowd cares about this.

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