Pearls of power and spontaneous casting

Rules Questions

When a cleric turns a prepared spell into a spontaneous cure spell, and later uses a Pearl of Power to recover it, does she get the original spell back or the Cure one?

Thank you!

Silver Crusade

Good question. Same applies to a Druid and Summon Natures Ally.

My vote is the original spell.

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This seemingly normal pearl of average size and luster is a potent aid to all spellcasters who prepare spells (clerics, druids, rangers, paladins, and wizards). Once per day on command, a pearl of power enables the possessor to recall any one spell that she had prepared and then cast that day. The spell is then prepared again, just as if it had not been cast. The spell must be of a particular level, depending on the pearl. Different pearls exist for recalling one spell per day of each level from 1st through 9th and for the recall of two spells per day (each of a different level, 6th or lower).

You didn't prepare the cure spell, so you don't get it back.

Spontaneous Casting: A good cleric (or a neutral cleric of a good deity) can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name).

You don't cast the prepared spell, you just "lose" it.

It would seem that by the rules, the slot can not be regained with a pearl of power. You neither prepared the spontaneous cure spell, not cast the actual prepared spell.

Edit: That being said, there is this:

Spontaneous Casting of Cure and Inflict Spells: A good cleric (or a cleric of a good deity) can spontaneously cast a cure spell in place of a prepared spell of the same level or higher, but not in place of a bonus domain spell. An evil cleric (or a cleric of an evil deity) can spontaneously cast an inflict spell in place of a prepared spell (that is not a domain spell) of the same level or higher. Each neutral cleric of a neutral deity spontaneously casts either cure spells like a good cleric or inflict spells like an evil one, depending on which option the player chooses when creating the character. The divine energy of the spell that the cure or inflict spell substitutes for is converted into the cure or inflict spell as if that spell had been prepared all along.

"As if prepared all along" could be read as allowing the pearl of power to recover the spent cure spell. You spontaneously prepare and cast it, so it meets the requirements for the pearl (a cast prepared spell). The same would apply for the druids spontaneous summon spells.

Grand Lodge

I have never had this happen in one of my games. That said I would let them get back the original spell.

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KalEl el Vigilante wrote:


When a cleric turns a prepared spell into a spontaneous cure spell, and later uses a Pearl of Power to recover it, does she get the original spell back or the Cure one?

Thank you!

The original spell because that is what was prepared. And that's what the pearl does, recover original spells that have been spent, whether by casting or conversion.

I believe Jeraa has the right of it, since you aren't casting the prepared spell.

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I'd say it should restore the original spell. The interpretation that it can't recover the slot because it had been converted to a spontaneously cast spell seems like a tortuously-derived, nit picky reading of the rules to me.

"Prepared and then cast", the recquisites for the Pearl to recover a spell, are the point. One was prepared but lost, the other was cast but not prepared. A Pearl cannot be used to recover a spell lost, say, after being afflicted by a Spellsteal or failing a concentration roll and not successfully casting it.

But the provision Jeraa points of the Spontaneous spell being as if it always has been prepared all along seems to clear the question: the Cure spell (or Summon Nature's Ally for druids) is recovered by the Pearl.

RAI is more likely on Dunn's side, but if we're committed to being tortuous, Jeraa is technically right.

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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
if we're committed to being tortuous

Rules forum. There is no if

I would have them recover the original spell.

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