Eidolon Attacks at level 1 Biped

Rules Questions

Form: Biped
Evolutions (extra): Bite (1), Ability Increase (Strength, 2)
Feats: Power Attack
Attack Routine (with Power Attack): Bite +4 (1d6+6) and 2 claws +4 (1d4+4)
Strength 18 (+4 str mod)

Assuming this is my build for a regular (Non-unchained Eidolon)

In Regards to the attack routine wouldn't the 2 claws be 1d4+6 because you are getting the bonus from power attack on all your attacks as well? And this applies to each individual claw correct?

I saw a post awhile back saying this is what the damage and attack bonus would be on a biped eidolon at level one.

I understand you can only get all 3 attacks as a Full round action but wouldn't you get the normal bonus from power attack for all attacks since it states in works for any number of attacks until your next turn?

Yes, power attack works on all melee attacks for the rest of your turn.

So the damage would be +2 power attack on all of them (natural weapons are all light weapons). You pay for that with the penalty to all of those attacks (not too huge a worry for natural attacks though, since they all hit at full BAB).

I notice a problem with your math though: you put down +6 as the bonus to your bite attack. Is that due to power attack, or are you giving yourself x1.5 bite?

Ignoring special rules for single natural attack builds, your bite only gets x1.5 if you already have a bite attack (which biped doesn't). So I suppose you would need to invest another point into it. As in the first point gives you the bite, and the second point gives you the x1.5 bite.

Note: once a natural attack gets x1.5 str bonus, it also gets x1.5 power attack. So it is definitely worth considering to put a point into that in the next couple of levels.

I was adding that in as the power attack not the 1.5x from single natural attack. i saw a post showing this math and it was confusing me and i wanted clarification on it.

And penalty you are referring to the power attack -1 correct?

HippopotamusXXX wrote:
And penalty you are referring to the power attack -1 correct?


HippopotamusXXX wrote:
I was adding that in as the power attack not the 1.5x from single natural attack. i saw a post showing this math and it was confusing me and i wanted clarification on it.

You are confused because the math in the example you saw is wrong, your own math are correct.

It should be like that:

Attack Routine (with Power Attack): Bite +4 (1d6+6) and 2 claws +4 (1d4+6)

attack +4 comes from: bab +1, str +4, power attack -1
damage +6 comes from: str +4, power attack +2

Thanks everyone for the clarification! Wanted to just make sure i was playing correctly.

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