Tiny Coffee Golem |

Disclaimer: If you've stumbled upon this thread randomly please know that this game is specifically for a few friend I know IRL and maybe a couple of specific virtual friends. Please don't take it personally. I'm sure you're a great player, but this is not a public game. Though if you like the story feel free to read along. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. Good gaming.
Hi Guys,
I've decided to try my hand at DMing. I'm a long time player, but have minimal experience with being the Dungeon Master. However, I had an idea for a campaign setting and at least an initial story arc. I figured PBP would be a good way to get a little practice. I have no preconceived notions on how long this game will last, but i imagine we'll keep going as long as it keeps being fun.
House rules: As I don't DM much I don't have a specific set of house rules, but I do have a few ideas. If something else occurs to me later i'll incorporate it in a fair way. For example if it changes something about your character I'll replace it with something you'll be happy with. Also, if you have any specific house rules you've used and liked in the past i'm open to discussion about incorporating it.
At the moment the only thing that comes to mind is a couple of "free" feats. To simplify things I'm just going to give everyone the following feats:
- Weapon Finess
- Heighten Spell
Setting: I'll get into more detail in the game, but for the moment here are some details for the purposes of character creation. It may sound strange as a player, but keep in mind this is what your player knows and it all seems perfectly normal.
You live on an idillic but quite large island. Everyone you know has always lived on the island for as long as anyone can remember. Any knowledge of the world at large comes from books and stories. It's a small hamlet of about 500 people. Overall the community is Neutral. There are some people on the extremes, but basically the ruling body keeps everyone cooperative at minimum. The town itself is not huge, but it is well established. Most homes are stone and the quality of life is higher than one would expect for such a rural place.
There are 5 nobel houses which act as both specialists schools (wizardry, clerical, Martial, (TBD)) and ruling bodies. There is some healthy rivalry, but each of the houses understands their purpose for the greater good. This keeps them overall cooperative. There is quite a bit of Nepotism in these houses, but if an individual from one house or the nearby village shows talent in the specialty of the specialty fields they are adopted into the new house if they wish for further training/prestige. Each house has rather extensive grounds for training and other activities.
Outside of the village/houses area there is a large wooded area filled with a number of kinds of wild animals. Most are game animals, but there are an appropriate number of predators. Further past that is a tall snow capped mountain. The island as a whole has a surprising (to players, but again this is normal as far as characters know) number of ecosystems. All of which are maintained by a secretive order of druids.
The villagers, farm, hunt, etc as one would expect for a village. However, this island has what are colloquially called "wooden men" to do most of the manual labor. These are human shaped animated objects made of lacquered preserved wood that have a specific set of instructions "hard coded" into them. Basically they follow any instructions given to them regarding work, but will ignore any dangerous or violent instructions. They've been known to allow themselves to be harmed to protect the towns population. Beyond that their origins are unknown. You're just as likely to see them in fields being watched over by a farmer as you are to see one following a lady carrying packages. They are silent, docile, and mostly obedient. Basically perfect servants.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Character creation:
Any backstories need to take place wholly on this island. Beyond that i'm very lenient on the guidelines. Region specific traits can be used, but the fluff should be reworked to take place on the island.
Please make a level 1 character for a prelude game and a level 5 character for the real game. The difference between level 1 and 5 will be through training. The entirely of this time is study and practice on the island. Things will change after that.
25 Pt buy as you represent the best of the best in your respective profession(s).
For the level 1 you have any basic gear that you need, but "money" doesn't really exist on the island. There is a general store where everything is free and you're expected to just take what you need. As there's nowhere to sell anything using this for profit is not possible.
For the level 5 gear yourself up appropriate for that level's Wealth by level, but the method of getting it isn't going to be purchasing it. Any mundane gear will be free. Just keep in mind your carrying capacity.
I want to use this thread to refine your ideas before building the gaming thread. however, once everyone has the level 1's built i'll get the ball rolling before the level 5's are finished.

Illia- |

Hum, this is an interesting challenge in character creation. An "idyllic" world, where there doesn't seem to be any good reason to pursue martial endeavors beyond physical sport, and I need to make a character who living in that kind of world, nonetheless studies skills that will eventually make me a competent warrior.
1. As this place seems big on neutrality, what kind of gods are typically worshiped? Most of the neutral gods don't seem to be about neutrality because they are actively against extremes, but simply because they don't care about right or wrong in the pursuit of something else.
2. 3pp?
3. Any particular desired power levels? Would you like us to take it relatively easy on you with characters who don't have a lot of story bypassing powers, or do you want us all on our A game throwing every crazy thing we can think off at you, or would you like us somewhere in between?
4a. Will there be an inciting incident that motivates our characters to become stronger? Or does the will to power need to be an internal driving factor already within us?
4b. Does our beginning level 1 character need to be adept survivalists for the prologue/inciting incident? Or could we be, for example, a commoner with talent that has never been trained, because they've never had ambition until the inciting incident? Or will I need to pull my weight?

Monkeygod |

Human only for race?
Alternate racial traits(ARG stuff) allowed? Even if we're just humans?
2 traits?
Gestalt? ( :P sorta lol)
Background skills?
All Paizo material allowed?
I was always fond of my free background feat, which I believe I used for one or two of the games you were apart of.
In case you forgot, its a free non combat, non metamagic feat. The skill feats, weapon/armor prof, etc.
As for a character, thinking something nature oriented, not sure what exactly just yet. Seems like it would fit well, due to the area we're in.

thunderbeard |

Hmm. Sure, interested. Probably thinking of something occult, since I really enjoy those classes, but would probably pick one based on which role is the most unfilled (medium=melee/crafter, psychic=arcane, occultist=support/heal/buffs, mesmerist=face/debuffs, kineticist=scout/switch, spiritualist=???)
Though I'd probably be more interested in a story concept that fits the world, and a class that makes sense with the story. Maybe an inventor/explorer with really incorrect ideas about how the world works.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Hum, this is an interesting challenge in character creation. An "idyllic" world, where there doesn't seem to be any good reason to pursue martial endeavors beyond physical sport, and I need to make a character who living in that kind of world, nonetheless studies skills that will eventually make me a competent warrior.
1. As this place seems big on neutrality, what kind of gods are typically worshiped? Most of the neutral gods don't seem to be about neutrality because they are actively against extremes, but simply because they don't care about right or wrong in the pursuit of something else.
2. 3pp?
3. Any particular desired power levels? Would you like us to take it relatively easy on you with characters who don't have a lot of story bypassing powers, or do you want us all on our A game throwing every crazy thing we can think off at you, or would you like us somewhere in between?
4a. Will there be an inciting incident that motivates our characters to become stronger? Or does the will to power need to be an internal driving factor already within us?
4b. Does our beginning level 1 character need to be adept survivalists for the prologue/inciting incident? Or could we be, for example, a commoner with talent that has never been trained, because they've never had ambition until the inciting incident? Or will I need to pull my weight?
1. It's Polytheistic. All the major gods are represented and some of them even have spell wielding clerics.
2. I'd prefer not, but if there's something specific you want then we can discuss it. However, I reserve the right to decline.
3. you can do anything legal.
4a.Their will be an incident in the prequel. Why you go to level 5 is part of plot.
4b. You're not necessarily an adventurer at level 1. I just don't want to burden anyone with having to make level 0 characters. For example if you're a farmer then take the class closest. Maybe fighter. I'm not going to be restrictive though.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Human only for race?
Alternate racial traits(ARG stuff) allowed? Even if we're just humans?
2 traits?
Gestalt? ( :P sorta lol)
Background skills?
All Paizo material allowed?
I was always fond of my free background feat, which I believe I used for one or two of the games you were apart of.
In case you forgot, its a free non combat, non metamagic feat. The skill feats, weapon/armor prof, etc.
As for a character, thinking something nature oriented, not sure what exactly just yet. Seems like it would fit well, due to the area we're in.
This place consists of about 1000 humanoids that include the standard races. It's shockingly diverse for such a relatively small place.
Yes 2 traits.
Not gestalt. Though I love it as a concept I think we have enough that we won't need it. Plus I'm not sure i can deal with that as a DM just yet. Baby steps.
All Paizo material is allowed.
I do like the free background feat. i'll include that too.
There are many ecosystems and there is a small order of druids that live in the wilds. You can be one of them if you choose.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Are there any local dangers? What is the climate like?
It is known that there are large predators in the wild areas beyond town. However, none have ever crossed the tree line.
Climate is sunny and comfortable. The waters in the surrounding sea are always warm enough to swim in. However, if you go up the mountain the temp drops as you near the top.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Hmm. Sure, interested. Probably thinking of something occult, since I really enjoy those classes, but would probably pick one based on which role is the most unfilled (medium=melee/crafter, psychic=arcane, occultist=support/heal/buffs, mesmerist=face/debuffs, kineticist=scout/switch, spiritualist=???)
Though I'd probably be more interested in a story concept that fits the world, and a class that makes sense with the story. Maybe an inventor/explorer with really incorrect ideas about how the world works.
You and I would consider this a shockingly diverse place, but your characters see this as normal.
The houses train anyone who is willing in whatever their area of expertise is even if there doesn't seem to be a need. For example, the (Name TBD) house that specializes in warriors trains in every weapon imaginable (to cover the fighter and fighter adjacent classes). They hold tournaments to see who among them has the greatest skill. So in this case the reason you'd be an awesome fighter is through lots and lots of practice. However, it's distinctly possible that you've never actually killed anyone. If you did kill anyone then it was probably an accident in a bar fight or something.
The point being that if you want to play a spiritualist then there are ways to learn.
Which brings up another point. When you make up your background and it includes training in one of the houses consider if you're from that house genetically or if you've been "adopted" into it based on your skill set.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Updated Character creation:
Any backstories need to take place wholly on this island. Beyond that i'm very lenient on the guidelines. Region specific traits can be used, but the fluff should be reworked to take place on the island.
Please make a level 1 character for a prelude game and a level 5 character for the real game. The difference between level 1 and 5 will be through training. The entirely of this time is study and practice on the island. Things will change after that.
25 Pt buy as you represent the best of the best in your respective profession(s).
Free feats: Weapon Finesse, Heighten Spell.
1 free Background Feat - This is non-metamagic, non-combat designed to round out your character. The skill feats, weapon/armor prof, etc
3 extra skill points to spend at level 1 for professions, crafts, or knowledges only.
For the level 1 you have any basic gear that you need, but "money" doesn't really exist on the island. There is a general store where everything is free and you're expected to just take what you need. As there's nowhere to sell anything using this for profit is not possible.
For the level 5 gear yourself up appropriate for that level's Wealth by level, but the method of getting it isn't going to be purchasing it. Any mundane gear will be free. Just keep in mind your carrying capacity.
I want to use this thread to refine your ideas before building the gaming thread. however, once everyone has the level 1's built i'll get the ball rolling before the level 5's are finished.

Illia- |

Alright, I've got two potential ideas:
"The Nicest Guy:"
Just a helpful fellow who likes helping others.
Build: Straight from /pfg/ on 4chan.
Paladin: Holy Guide/Warrior of the Holy Light/Sacred Shield
Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard, Shield Focus, Helpful.
Give your allies all the AC. And then pretend you're a Psion by calling your Smite Evil "Intellect Fortress!"
Other: Way to get out of your comfort zone there, Hallow.
"The Gambler:"
A gal who enjoys the cards and the dice, they never seem to do her wrong.
Build: No clue. Not a lot of luck based classes. Harrow Decks can kinda do it, but I'm not a big wizard fan. Any ideas?
Other: Been playing Setback in Sentinels of the Multiverse.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Alright, I've got two potential ideas:
"The Nicest Guy:"
Just a helpful fellow who likes helping others.Build: Straight from /pfg/ on 4chan.
Paladin: Holy Guide/Warrior of the Holy Light/Sacred Shield
Combat Reflexes, Bodyguard, Shield Focus, Helpful.
Give your allies all the AC. And then pretend you're a Psion by calling your Smite Evil "Intellect Fortress!"Other: Way to get out of your comfort zone there, Hallow.
"The Gambler:"
A gal who enjoys the cards and the dice, they never seem to do her wrong.Build: No clue. Not a lot of luck based classes. Harrow Decks can kinda do it, but I'm not a big wizard fan. Any ideas?
Other: Been playing Setback in Sentinels of the Multiverse.
If you're going to go the Pally route and You're familiar with The Dresden Files books I'd recommend the Michael Carpenter type. Definitely a Pally, but not the constantly wearing gleaming armor trope pally. Play it however you like, but I think that's one of the realest depictions of a pally I've ever seen. My 2C
I'm not overly familiar with the luck thing. I think there are some clerical type classes that have luck stuff in them. Friend of mine in my tabletop game is playing a war priest of Desna. He's got some abilities to force someone to preroll and take the better or worst. I think there might also be a halfling prestige class.

thunderbeard |

Ooh! What's the legal status of alcohol on the island? Because this might be the perfect game to play a drunken warpriest (which would be a battlefield control/debuffer). Though that also means balancing BAB with channel levels in precarious ways, hmm, maybe I'll keep looking.
EDIT: Might be able to pull this off with an Inquisitor of Besmara/any other neutral deity associated with revelry.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Ooh! What's the legal status of alcohol on the island? Because this might be the perfect game to play a drunken warpriest (which would be a battlefield control/debuffer). Though that also means balancing BAB with channel levels in precarious ways, hmm, maybe I'll keep looking.
EDIT: Might be able to pull this off with an Inquisitor of Besmara/any other neutral deity associated with revelry.
There are now laws about alcohol. You can get whatever you want.

Illia- |

Hum, I could roll a Fate's Favored Archaeologist Bard, but that's pretty much just being a spellcasting Barbarian who starts rage as a swift action instead of free.
And, as far as I'm aware, there's really no way to action optimize a Cleric's domains or a warpriest blessing, without cohorts/leadership shenanigans, so more of a nice fluffy addition than a build.
The Fortune Hex seems alright, but still, more of a nice add on than a build in and of itself. Still, I did enjoy playing a buff/heal witch once.
The Luckbringer seems to be pretty much what I was looking for, but if you're not comfortable with 3pp, I've still got plenty of other options.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Hum, I could roll a Fate's Favored Archaeologist Bard, but that's pretty much just being a spellcasting Barbarian who starts rage as a swift action instead of free.
And, as far as I'm aware, there's really no way to action optimize a Cleric's domains or a warpriest blessing, without cohorts/leadership shenanigans, so more of a nice fluffy addition than a build.
The Fortune Hex seems alright, but still, more of a nice add on than a build in and of itself. Still, I did enjoy playing a buff/heal witch once.
The Luckbringer seems to be pretty much what I was looking for, but if you're not comfortable with 3pp, I've still got plenty of other options.
Luckbringer looks balanced enough. If anything absurd comes up later then we may have to discuss it.
Edit: that is to say you can play one if you want.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Would Channeling Scourge work as a background feat, or is it too combat-oriented?
Also—could I potentially start as middle-aged, or does that not make much sense?
The feat is designed to do more damage. That's pretty combat oriented. You can take the feat, but not as your background feat.
You can start whatever age you would like with all the weal and woe that it entails.

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Is there any sort of deadline for this? I have NYCC all this week, so I am going to be rather short on posting time.
Also, is there any sort of fey presence in the overall setting? I'm thinking of playing a fey themed gnome of some sort.
There's no deadline per se. Just try to work it out at least the baseline character by sometime next week.

thunderbeard |

And, as far as I'm aware, there's really no way to action optimize a Cleric's domains or a warpriest blessing, without cohorts/leadership shenanigans, so more of a nice fluffy addition than a build.
Heh. So naive. Cleric domains are hard to abuse, though not impossible; but warpriest blessings tend to oscillate between useless and game-breaking. (The incredibly broken warpriest/bolt ace was basically the reason they errata'd abundant ammo, though pure warpriests make surprisingly excellent summoners and are the second-best crit abuser class).
If you just want a lucky barbarian, a destined bloodrager might be your jazz. All the luck bonuses you can shake your head at, plus some truly crazy luck rerolls from rage cycling. (Or drop Arcane and Bloodcider + Boon Companion to get the toughest non-eidolon companion there is as well as a whole armada of floating, unpredictable defensive boons).
* * *
Meanwhile, I'm definitely going with the "Inquisitor of Sun Wukong" idea, though still no idea what domain to pick (and with a single fighter dip that lines up my BAB nicely for level 7 and 9 feats). Any thoughts on buying 4x cracked Ioun stones for a resonant power, or is that too gimmicky?

Tiny Coffee Golem |

Meanwhile, I'm definitely going with the "Inquisitor of Sun Wukong" idea, though still no idea what domain to pick (and with a single fighter dip that lines up my BAB nicely for level 7 and 9 feats). Any thoughts on buying 4x cracked Ioun stones for a resonant power, or is that too gimmicky?
FYI: The auras of multiple augmenting wayfinders tend to interfere with each other; a person with one who tries to hold or carry a second usually finds that both sputter out in just a few seconds, but activate again once the second one is set aside. Some advanced, expensive wayfinders may hold more than one ioun stone at the same time and still function (though another wayfinder can interfere if brought too close).

Illia- |

I think I'll go ahead and stat out a Luckbringer and a 1pp level 5 character, so that after the prologue lets us test out the Luckbringer, either way I'll have something ready.
And for maximum random, I'm gonna roll on the second Wayfinder Resonance table. :D
Random Resonance: 1d100 ⇒ 34
+2 HP per die from Cure Spells. I suppose I'm cheaper on the healing wand budget. :P

Doomed Hero |

Well, it would allow me to heal myself faster. It doesn't apply to things I do, it applies to things cast on me.
Take Fae Foundling. Actually be able to be healed effectively effectively in combat.

Illia- |

If I was playing a class with dice based healing, such as a channel energy or lay on hands capable class, Fae Foundling + that Resonance would be absurdly good at tanking raw damage.
Not sure I SHOULD do that.

thunderbeard |

Eh, it doesn't really break anything, just let you self-heal like crazy (especially with LoH)
Also I have a character. Still need to crunch the stats, but basic stuff:
Human Deviant Priest of Sun Wukong (fell from cleric path, then re-found calling)
Cleric 1 (Crusader; Travel Domain; Variant Channeling Ale)
Fighter 2 (Lore Warden)
Inquisitor 2 (Heretic)
-Sacred Conduit
-Two-Weapon Fighting (Human Bonus)
-Piranha Strike (1)
-Ascetic Style (Fighter Bonus 1)
-Piranha Strike (Fighter Bonus 2)
-Combat Expertise (Lore Warden Bonus 2)
-Channeling Scourge (3)
-Improved Dirty Trick (5)
-Weapon Focus: Quarterstaff (Crusader Bonus 1)
-Something (Thematic Bonus)
Guided Amulet of Mighty Fists (4k)
+1 Mithral Brawling Armor (5k)
Point buy:
Str 8
Dex 16 (15+1L)
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 14
Cha 18 (16+2R)

Illia- |

I'd just like to say, that if someone wants to take Paired Opportunists with me or can grant it to us all, that will be quite strong on my Luckbringer build, as I can take an attack of opportunity when someone adjacent to me is hit. If you've got a spare feat.

Illia- |

Alright, may I ask for my background feat to be Skill focus, Armorsmithing, that at fifth level transforms/can be retrained into Master Craftsman? I'd also like to retrain a level 3 feat pick into Master Craftsman for Weaponsmithing (despite not technically being allowed to take it twice) and then taking Craft Magic Arms and Armor for my level five pick.
There's also the matter of how crafting works. I'd like to use Spes Magna's Making Crafting Work. I'll admit it's a significant crafting buff. It's not a requirement, presuming we have like 6-7 years between prologue and adventuring, but I would like crafting to actually be useable on an appreciable adventure compatible time-scale, with the assumption that I don't abuse said time-scale for crafting and selling equipment.
With both my Master Craftsman Picks, I'll have +10 in both Armorsmithing and Weaponsmithing.
With Making Crafting Work: (Found at the bottom of d20pfsrd's crafting page)
Crafting a Adamantine Masterwork Elven Curve Blade, difficulty 24, time unit of 4 days. I have a +10 modifier, and so need a 14 or higher to succeed. That's a 65% chance of failure. Using my improved fatespin to roll 3d20s and take the highest, that's a 65%*65%*65% = 27.4625% chance of failure. So, odds are it won't take me much more than 4 days to craft, 8 or 12 if I'm really unlucky.
But how much will it cost? 1027 for the raw ingredients, and on a 19 or lower, I have to pay half of that again. This time, it's a 45% chance of bad failure. After fatespin, 45%*45%*45% = 9.1% chance of failure. So, odds are it'll cost me about an extra 4.5%, with a slight increase from the possibility of having to roll again.
Default Craft Rules:
The DC will be 18, for the item itself, and DC 20 for the masterwork component, and bloody hell who knows for the adamantine. I guess it's lumped into the item?
Total silver piece value I need to make 30800, 27800 at DC 18, 3000 at DC 20.
On the average, my check will be 27, multiplied by the craft DC of 18, which means with a little padding for the occasional failure, 60 weeks, for the item, and another 6 for the masterwork.
To fail hard enough to lose money, I'll need to roll a 3 or lower on all 3 dice, or a five or lower on all dice for the masterwork. This is a fantastically low chance, but, due to the sheer amount of rolls, this results in an average cost increase of 12% ish.
Given the amount of stuff I'd like to craft, I expect my character would need several years of dedicated crafting time to craft her Level 5 armor set, before even beginning to enchant it (which will take much less time, granted), given the normal rules.
But what is REALLY awesome, is that I'll be able to actually roll the checks here in character creation without requiring over 250-ish dice, so I won't have to spend a ton of time calculating averages. I can just roll 3 dice for each item I want to craft, and see if I succeed/fail.
Oh, and I should also probably ask about masterwork Armorsmithing/Weaponsmithing gear. 50 each? 150 each? Portable/non-portable? Would the masterwork stuff be like manuals and specific tools, or an entire forge? Should have asked for this before doing the above calculations, as I'm pretty sure it actually turns the Spes Magna into the one that costs more money, as .05*.05*.05 chance of failure will be REALLY small on the normal crafting. Yeah, even with 60 odd rolls, that's less than 1% chance of ever getting a failure, while Spes Magna's still gives me 4%.
And of course, it's all rather moot if Retraining and doubling up on Master Craftsman isn't allowed.

thunderbeard |

@Illia: I could take paired opportunists with my free feat? Inquisitor gets me solo tactics a level later, though Coordinated Maneuvers is a big deal there; but it doesn't seem that useful to my monkey inquisitor if he's using a quarterstaff, because that's not a reach weapon.

Illia- |

@Illia: I could take paired opportunists with my free feat? Inquisitor gets me solo tactics a level later, though Coordinated Maneuvers is a big deal there; but it doesn't seem that useful to my monkey inquisitor if he's using a quarterstaff, because that's not a reach weapon.
Coordinated Maneuvers... I seem to remember having a Whip Inquisitor who got to roll twice on all Combat Maneuver checks, due to some solo tactics shenanigans, but when I check that, it seems to only be +2 (which is still nice, certainly, but not as good).
Also, for dirty tricks, have you considered seeing if you can sneak in a rogue talent? Underhanded is quite good, I think, because it makes the blind unremovable on the first turn. Means they've got to just live with it for at least one turn, before wasting their second to remove it.

thunderbeard |

Ohhh... just remembered I took Improved Dirty Trick because I wanted to use Blade and Tankard style. Which it turns out I don't automatically qualify for unless it can apply to Sun Wukong (maybe with a monk weapon instead of a sword, or something) because of alignment things.

Doomed Hero |

So we have a priest of the Monkey King and a super-lucky martial type.
I'm kinda getting a Journey to the West, Legendary Companions vibe. I like it.
So far we have Monkey and Cricket. I think I'll be Snake.
How's a Mouser Swashbuckler with Monkey Shine and a Flying Talon sound?