Purple Dragon Knight |
I couldn't find a section where people put their HV PCs or NPCs; forgive me if I missed it, in which case please move this post to the appropriate existing thread.
Here's a character I just rolled for one of the off and on players at our table.
I'd encourage others to post their characters as well; keeping a link to this thread on one's smart phone could thus speed up play if a player comes unprepared or if one of the PCs dies early on a given gaming night! :P
Targar Ironfist
Male Half-orc Antipaladin (Tyrant) of Asmodeus 3
LE medium humanoid
Init +1 Senses Darkvision (60) Perception +2
AC 22, touch 11, flat-footed 21
hp 30
Fort 7 Reflex 5 Will 8
Speed 20 ft
Melee Masterwork Longsword +8 (1d8+3/19-20/x2) or Unarmed Strike +6 (1d3+3/x2) or Masterwork Longbow, composite (+3) +5 (1d8+3/x3)
Space 5 Reach 5
STR 16 DEX 12 CON 13 INT 10 WIS 14 CHA 16
BAB 3 CMB 6 CMD 17
Feats Weapon Focus (Longsword), Dazzling Display
Skills Acrobatics -5, Appraise 0, Bluff 3, Climb -3, Diplomacy 3, Disguise 15, Escape Artist -5, Fly -5, Heal 2, Intimidate 11, Knowledge (religion) 5, Perception 2, Ride -5, Sense Motive 6, Stealth -5, Survival 2, Swim -3
Languages Orc, Common
Gear Masterwork Full-plate, Masterwork Heavy Shield, Masterwork Longsword, Masterwork Longbow - composite (+3), Backpack - masterwork, Kit - Disguise, Kit - Grooming
Half-orc Traits
• Intimidating: Half-orcs receive a +2 racial bonus on Intimidate skill checks due to their fearsome nature
• Orc Blood: Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race
• Orc Ferocity: Once per day, when a half-orc is brought below 0 hit points but not killed, he can fight on for one more round as if disabled. At the end of his next turn, unless brought to above 0 hit points, he immediately falls unconscious and begins dying
• City-Raised: Half-orcs with this trait know little of their orc ancestry and were raised among humans and other half-orcs in a large city. City-raised half-orcs are proficient with whips and longswords, and receive a +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (local) checks. This racial trait replaces weapon familiarity.
• Darkvision: You can see in the dark up to 60ft
• Ex-Iomedean (combat) (APHV 12): Against followers of Iomedae, including many (but not all) archons and angels, you gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls
• Almost Human (UCa 62): You gain a +4 trait bonus on Disguise checks to pass as human, and Disguise is always a class skill for you
Class Features
• Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light, Medium and Heavy Armor. You are proficient with shields (excluding tower shields)
• Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons
• Aura of Evil (Ex) (APG 120): A paladin who uses smite evil on you deals 2 points of damage per paladin level on its first successful attack
• Detect Good (Sp) (APG 120): You can use detect good, as a move action by concentrating on a single Item or individual within 60 feet and determine if it is good, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds
• Smite Good (Su) (APG 120): As a swift action, you can choose one target within sight to smite. If this target is good, you add +3 on your attack rolls and you can add +3 on all damage rolls made against the target of your smite. If the target of smite good is an outsider with the good subtype, a good-aligned dragon, or a good creature with levels of cleric or paladin, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack is 6. Regardless of the target, smite good attacks automatically bypass any DR the creature might possess. While smite good is in effect, you gain a +3 deflection bonus to your AC against attacks made by the target of the smite. If the antipaladin targets a creature that is not good, the smite is wasted with no effect.
The smite good effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the antipaladin rests and regains his uses of this ability.
• Unholy Resilience (Su) (APG 120): You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma bonus (+3) on all saving throws
• Touch of Corruption (Su) (APG 120): As a touch attack, you can do 1d6 points of damage. You can use this ability 4 times a day. You can also use this ability to heal undead creatures
• Aura of Cowardice (Su) (APG 120): You radiate a palpably daunting aura that causes all enemies within 10 feet to take a –4 penalty on saving throws against fear effects. Creatures that are normally immune to fear lose that immunity while within 10 feet of you
• Plague Bringer (Ex) (APG 120): You do not take any damage or take any penalty from diseases. You can still contract diseases and spread them to others, but you are otherwise immune to their effects
• Cruelty (Su): At 3rd level, and every three levels thereafter, an antipaladin can select one cruelty. Each cruelty adds an effect to the antipaladin’s touch of corruption ability. Whenever the antipaladin uses touch of corruption to deal damage to one target, the target also receives the additional effect from one of the cruelties possessed by the antipaladin. This choice is made when the touch is used. The target receives a DC 14 Fortitude save to avoid this cruelty. If the save is successful, the target takes the damage as normal, but not the effects of the cruelty.
-3rd level cruelty: Shaken (The target is shaken for 3 rounds)
Background: Targar Ironfist is the son of Baron Ronvern Ironfist, who rules over the village of Montaire (made up), approximately two day's ride in the foothills west of Kantaria. His zeal in following the doctrine of Asmodeus' church is only exceeded by his yearning to please the House of Thrune. Soon after his training with the Cheliax military, he was recruited by the Royal Family as one of their loyal agents. During his early years of service, he served as an undercover agent to infiltrate a Iomedan parish located in a small town beyond the patrolled border of Cheliax. There he fell in love with one of the novice priestesses, enough so that he forgot his dark oaths to Asmodeus for a few months and took on the full on worship of Iomedae. When his superiors covertly requested updates on his assignment and failed to get a response from him, they sent spies to find him. Recognizing them for who they were, Targar met with them secretly and requested additional time for his assignment. When the spies refused and swore to report his blasphemous behaviour to the church of Asmodeus, Targar slew them both, and realizing the folly of his ways, he then proceeded to slay several Iomedans in their sleep, including his beloved girlfriend. Returning to the church of Asmosdeus with his dark trophies, he was promoted and displayed as an example of the glory of Asmodeus.
A bit heavy-handed at times, Targar works best as part of group of skilled individuals which he can supplement with his fearsome physical intimidation. However when a situation calls for subtlety or requires an exit plan, Targar can pass for almost anyone, blending in the crowds and able to assume a low-profile.
Tyrant's Code: A tyrant must be of lawful evil alignment and loses all class features except proficiencies if he willingly and altruistically commits good acts. This does not mean the tyrant can't take actions someone else might qualify as good, only that such actions must always be in service of his own dark ambitions. A tyrant's code requires that he place his own sinister goals above all else, respect rightful authority even as he twists its loopholes to his own ends, impose tyranny, and punish all those who dare dissent. A tyrant can accept underlings of any alignment; he cares not who serves him, only that they are truly loyal to him. He can even work alongside good-aligned individuals, as long as he is secretly manipulating them.