150 drunken bets!


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Games of chance, of course! The bet is a drink or coin.

57: Cards- Hi-Low. Determine the pot, either coins or drinks. A deck is presented, shuffled, and the top card is flipped. Gamblers wager another increment on the next card flipped being either a higher or lower value. equal is a draw, and continue drawing cards until the players choose to withdraw. Good for crowd-building, the winners split the pot.

58: Dice - High Rollers. Another easy one, determine the pot, 1 increment ante for 4 six-sided dice. Highest score wins. Add dice by paying twice the initial ante per die. great way to introduce NPCs to the party.

59: Darts - 2 throws each, winner takes all. Probably a ranged attack at 10' with a standard dart, highest attack roll totals win - this represents accuracy to the bulls' eye. Good for a tournament play.

60. Tall tales - best if it's a talky-roleplay group. Pick a subject and do opposed bluff/perception rolls. Great to add in other patrons who want to hear a good/brave/bawdy tale spun by the players, or add in plot hooks!

These should engage players at the table, rolling dice and getting them involved in the game at their comfort level/character's skill levels. At some point get another rival group of adventurers involved, especially if the Starstone is involved.

Good luck!

3 people marked this as a favorite.

61. I bet you can't beat the Starstone Challenge blackout drunk!
You know I was a very close friend, some might say his inspiration!

62. Bet a giant he can't chuck an orc 100 yards.

63. Bet he can't do it again.

Grand Lodge

64: Bet you can't drink this entire bottle of old law whiskey in twelve seconds!

MageHunter wrote:

61. I bet you can't beat the Starstone Challenge blackout drunk!

You know I was a very close friend, some might say his inspiration!

Isn't this supposed to be the 150th or 151st bet?

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