Gimme the most devious ideas you can think of! (Wrath spoilers)

Wrath of the Righteous

So my group is going to be liberating the Sky Citadel of Jormundur in one of my upcoming sessions and considering its original inhabitants and current Draw, Supercar, and demonic host I think some traps are in order. The city is built into a mountain in northwestern Sarkoris Worldwound, was taken over by a demonic Cleric of Shivaska who's in the process of renovating the place into the world's largest temple to his goddess.

Traps should include a mix of traps from both dwarves and the drow/duergar/demons living there currently. Interesting ideas may include dwarves traps which have been "improved" by the new residents, poisons, mechanical marvels, or use aberrations as part of the trap. The party will be Level 11/MT 3 upon entering and will finish at Level 12/MT 4.

For context, the party consists of a 2H Dwarven Paladin, a WIS-based Human Cleric of Sarenrae, a Human Psychic (Abomination), and a certain Bow-wielding succubus Master Spy. Hallways are typically 10' wide, walls should be at least 5' of stone, doors are typically made of iron (similar to Drezen's architecture, actually). Lots of winding corridors to make ranged attacks less effective inside.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Just an area where you may do some research. Paizo did put out an interactive scenario (6-00 Legacy of the Stonelords) where

the Pathfinder Society sends agents into Jormurdun to catalog what is there.
Interactive scenarios are scenarios designed to have multiple tables go through the same scenario simultaneously and affect each other throughout the scenario.

There are also three other scenarios that involve investigating other Sky Citadels that you could use to to see how they are linked and the kind of things that are in them. All three Glories of the past parts 1-3.

4-22 Halls of Dwarven Lore Glories of the Past part 1 has

an adventure in the sky citadel Janderhoff and has an elevator that takes the players to several different levels of that sky citadel.

4-24 The Price of Friendship Glories of the Past part 2 has

Not much directly, it involves tracing the tracks of a pathfinder agent to find information about where a Sky Citadel in Belkzen be.

4-25 The Secrets Stones Keep Glories of the Past part 3 has

an adventure that takes place in Koldukar and has puzzles and traps that are found in that sky citadel.

All of those scenarios could help you get ideas about what a sky citadel might be like but you don't have to use any of them.

A lot of season 5 pathfinder scenarios involve investigating the Worldwound to find out where Jormurdun is.

...I sure hope there weren't any scenarios there for characters below Level 7. I've read the Worldwound Campaign Setting, that place is dangerous enough for higher level PCs as it is. You have about a 50% chance of bad weather, a 25% chance of terrible weather, a 23% chance of "Don't go outside or you'll die" weather, and a 2% chance of a literal apocalypse storm that creates abyssal rifts (CR 10) instead of lightning. And that's just the weather, you can't safely gather food there and it's hard to figure out where you're even going without an amazing Survival score. Then there's all the demons. How does anyone get into Jormundur and back out again while Yaelek-Vor is in charge of the place? He's like CR 20 alone!

I actually did purchase the Humble Bundle with a bunch of scenarios a while back, but I think they're all Season 6 (Year of the Sky Key).

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