Looking for another place to develop freelancing skills? This is it!

RPG Superstar™ General Discussion

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Do you miss the days of Open Design, or did you never get a chance to try it?

Want to learn about the RPG Freelancing Business?

Check out Design Camp! A new project from me -- Ben McFarland, as well as Jason Sonia, and Brian Suskind.

Design Camp is a hands-on look behind the curtain of the RPG design process. As a Patron, you will get a front-row, behind the scenes seat as the designers work. Along the way, you will be able to comment and suggest changes to the manuscript, and you can even pitch and write up your own ideas for inclusion in the final document.

The first project for Design Camp is The Celestial Host. Return to the wonder and majesty of Deities and Demigods with a pathfinder conversion of three real world mythologies chosen by the Backers!

With Wolfgang Baur’s blessing, we have launched Design Camp to follow in the footsteps of Open Design. An epic, patron-sponsored series of projects, Wolfgang Baur’s Open Design taught hundreds the “in’s and out’s” of the design world and launched the careers of many award-winning RPG writers. For those who would enjoy a return of the days of Open Design, we proudly present Design Camp.

You can find the kickstarter here. We've broken the 50% mark so we're steaming forward to greenlight. Come check us out, I have the feeling folks in this particular forum would be interested.


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