AntiPaladin Fearmonger Cruelties question

Rules Questions

The archetype loses touch of corruption, but keeps cruelties.

What is the point of the cruelties if you don't have touch of corruption?

Am I missing something here? izo---antipaladin-archetypes/fearmonger-antipaladin-archetype

You are the most recent of many to question this archetype. Good luck figuring it out, I haven't found any explanation yet.

Ah unfortunate. Maybe it was just a misprint or something. I imagine it was supposed to replace something else, not touch of corruption.

Edit: Any hope of a errata or dev clarification on this?

Scarab Sages Developer, Starfinder Team

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I wrote the fearmonger, back when I was a freelancer. I can offer my original intent, but that has no official weight and may not be what the intent was of the archetype as printed.

My original idea was that the fear monger could use cruelties with a touch (though not dealing any damage) a number of times per day equal to how often he could have used touch of corruption. And, of course, he'd be healed each time since it was a fear effect, making it worthwhile even if not dealing damage.

Thank you, official or not this at least is one way of making the archetype work. I think I can now use it in my game without needing to come up with a fix myself.

That makes a lot more sense. Thanks.

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