Interim suggestion for Exclusive scenarios and pregen credit

Pathfinder Society

4/5 *

12 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

We're running 8-10 tables of the season 7 specials on Friday as the kick-off of our Convocation three-day event. (Many of you could make it to Winnipeg, Canada, if you left now... still a few spaces left... we also have the Season 8 multi-table interactive on Saturday...;)

I've re-read the Guide 8 text several times, and it is completely clear to me that the entire section on pages 6-7 applies to the level 1/4/7 pre-gens, and doesn't consider the scenario-specific pregens at other levels. You can't follow those rules unless you first "Choose one of the pregenerated characters available in Community Use Package: Pathfinder Society Pregenerated Characters", and the rules for resolving death don't work unless the pregen is at level 1, 4, or 7. (For Serpent's Ire, most pregens are level 8, one is lower level, and one has no character levels at all.)

I suggest that, until new rules come out governing the pregen credit rules for Exclusive scenarios, that we default to the rules from the previous season's guide. This is the only thing that I can see which allows for consistent application of rules until this gap is dealt with, because it specifically addresses all pre-gens of all levels:

PFS Roleplaying Guild Guide Version 7 wrote:
If you play a non-1st-level pregenerated character, you choose one of your characters to assign the chronicle to at the end of adventure, and then apply the credit to your character as soon as she reaches the level of the pregenerated character played. You may not assign a Chronicle sheet earned with a pregenerated character to a character that was already at the level of the pregenerated character or higher.

(Yes, I realize it violates the likely intent of the new pregen rules, but until those rules are clarified, they don't work for Exclusives.)

Does this sound like a reasonably-defensible position? I really don't want the spectre of a possible rebuild in several months looming over these games.

4/5 5/55/55/5 **** Venture-Lieutenant, Minnesota—Minneapolis

Marking FAQ, since previously some of the pre-gen rules were in an FAQ and this is getting asked about quite a bit.

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