ohako |
In order to use Heal as a Day Job, you have to have either the Temple vanity or the Faith Healer trait (and be an aasimar).
Heal: Providing long-term care requires 8 hours of light activity.
Presumably this is what you're doing when you're performing Heal as a Day Job. I presume this because the Craft and Profession skills also have a per diem use.
Healer's Kit: This collection of bandages and herbs provides a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks. A healer's kit is exhausted after 10 uses.
So here's the masterwork tool for the Heal skill.
When you use Craft as a Day Job, the cost of the raw materials you consume/purchase while working is abstracted away. When you Craft, you spend gp on raw materials (which is 0), and finished goods come out the other end that you sell for gp. So, when you Heal as a Day Job, the cost of your raw materials (bandages, salves, herbs, etc.) is also abstracted away, and healed bodies come out the other end (and then you, uh, bill their health insurance).
1) If you buy a masterwork tool for Heal (ie a Healer's Kit), do you get a +2 on Day Job checks?
Healing Hands (Ex): You gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks. You may provide first aid to two people or treat two people for poison as a standard action (make a separate Heal check for each creature). When using the Heal skill to treat wounds from caltrops (and so on), treat deadly wounds, treat poison, treat disease, or treat long-term care, you may treat double the normal number of people you may treat at the same time. You may provide long-term care for yourself.
2) If the thing you're doing as a Day Job is providing long-term care, and an oracle with the Healer's Hands revelation can treat twice as many people per day, does the oracle earn twice as much gp for doing their Day Job?
This last one is only kinda a PFS question.
One of the weirder things you can do with a Heal check is to perform surgery (fleshgrafting, implanting ioun stones, etc.). A healer's kit has 'salves' in it, I'm guessing stuff like aloe vera, willow bark, and maybe some soap. For those complicated surgeries, I'd really like something a little stronger.
3) If someone trained in Heal is going to perform surgery, could they buy a dose of drow poison to use on the subject? Or, perhaps you're trying to keep someone mortally wounded from getting worse: a dose of opium to dull the pain perhaps?

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1) and 2) Bonuses to apply to day jobs must be usable for the undefined duration that extends between scenarios and must benefit either all uses of the skill, or specifically the use of the skill to earn cash. No to both.
3) I've expressed doubt before whether the paralysis and disconnection from normal sensory input caused by drow poison is anything resembling restful sleep. Be that as it may, you can buy drow poison if you have access to it, but it has no defined rule benefit either for performing surgery or for day job checks.

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2) Bonuses to apply to day jobs must be usable for the undefined duration that extends between scenarios and must benefit either all uses of the skill, or specifically the use of the skill to earn cash. No to both.
The "You gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks" is permanent, and applies to the entire skill.

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Starglim wrote:2) Bonuses to apply to day jobs must be usable for the undefined duration that extends between scenarios and must benefit either all uses of the skill, or specifically the use of the skill to earn cash. No to both.The "You gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks" is permanent, and applies to the entire skill.
Agreed. The OP's question 2) was whether he could double the day job result by providing long term care to two people at once.

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A kit is not a tool, so the bonus would not apply.
I would not have a problem with Masterwork Healers Tools including mithril scalpel, adamantine bone saw and books on anatomy, diseases and treatments for 55gp. This would provide a +2 bonus on the day job, but there is no provision for such a thing in PFS since Heal is neither Craft, Profession nor Perform.

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A kit is not a tool, so the bonus would not apply.
Technically, yes it is.
Several common items already count as masterwork tools for particular skills. These are the alchemist’s lab, climber’s kit, disguise kit, healer’s kit, masterwork musical instrument, and masterwork thieves’ tools. Therefore, there is no masterwork climber’s kit, masterwork healer’s kit, and so on—those items are already the best available for general checks with the relevant skill.
EDIT: But the limited number of uses the kit has would still disqualify it as a "permanent" bonus.

Drahliana Moonrunner |

Nefreet wrote:Agreed. The OP's question 2) was whether he could double the day job result by providing long term care to two people at once.Starglim wrote:2) Bonuses to apply to day jobs must be usable for the undefined duration that extends between scenarios and must benefit either all uses of the skill, or specifically the use of the skill to earn cash. No to both.The "You gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks" is permanent, and applies to the entire skill.
No...the Day Job is an abstracted roll. Essentially if you roll a very high result, you essentially WERE treating more people succesfully than normal. So if you roll a 20 on a day job check for Heal, you were probably treating several people. If you rolled a one, everyone in your neighborhood had an inconvenient breakout of good health. ( or you're a bumbling quack with only a single rank, and several folks died under your care.)

ohako |
Nefreet wrote:Agreed. The OP's question 2) was whether he could double the day job result by providing long term care to two people at once.Starglim wrote:2) Bonuses to apply to day jobs must be usable for the undefined duration that extends between scenarios and must benefit either all uses of the skill, or specifically the use of the skill to earn cash. No to both.The "You gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks" is permanent, and applies to the entire skill.
Yep. Actually, Healing Hands lets you provide long-term care to 12 people at once instead of 6. In fact, you get to double the number of people you can do any of the basic Heal check things to: first aid, treating deadly wounds, treating poison, long-term care. The only thing you don't get to double are weird edge-case Heal checks, like implanting ioun stones.
So, I know this is hard: if you have two characters with max ranks in Heal, Skill Focus: Heal, the Caregiver trait, and the Temple vanity, the both of them together earn twice the amount on Day Job checks than a single character with Healing Hands, even though the Healing Hands character can do the work of two people?
Do I have that right?
Also, restful sleep or not, if I was a wizard who wanted to replace one of his teeth with a ioun stone, I am absolutely sure that surgery would go better if the dentist dosed me with a knockout drug first. Pity there aren't rules for using poisons and drugs when practicing medicine. That's gotta make the dentist's chair a little screamy.

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Ohako, you've made a fallacious assumption that the heal day job = long term care.
It does not. It could be any of a number of things that the skill covers, and more.
As has been mentioned earlier, any benefit that affects only a specific use of the skill (in this case long term care) does NOT have any effect on day job checks.