Psychic Hellknight Question

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Hi there,

Inspired by Path of the Hellknight, I was considering making my PFS Psychic into a Hellknight Signifer. Looking at how to practically do so has yielded some problematic results.

One of two feats is required to qualify: Arcane Armor Training or Warrior Priest. Psychics technically qualify for Arcane armor training but get no benefit from it. Warrior Priest does provide mechanical benefit, but requires a dip to qualify.

I know this is an unintended consequence of expanding rules, and that the week of Gencon is probably the worst time to ask this, but I don't suppose there's any plans for a way to provide a more appropriate way for occult classes (or classes not covered by the existing options) to qualify for the prestige class?

Silver Crusade Contributor

If there were, it probably would have been in the recent Path of the Hellknight. (The book does reference psychic magic users, including at least one who is a psychic/signifer.)

Since it was not addressed there, sadly, I suspect it will remain unaddressed for the foreseeable future. :(

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