[Kobold Press] Tome of Beasts is Here!!!

5th Edition (And Beyond)

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Liberty's Edge

Cool new review of the Tome of Beasts!!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I'm up to the Ms. Ems. The letter M. :-P

I've noticed a lot of creatures get shillelagh once a day instead of at will like most cantrips. What's the design philosophy behind that?

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:

It'd be great to see a couple more reviews up in the main product thread - guess it takes folks a while to fully digest 400 or so monsters :)

Speaking of reviews, please also consider posting a review over on EnWorld - we only need a few more reviews for the Tome of Beasts to be officially ranked.

8 reviews over at EnWorld so far - I *think* we only need 2 more before the Tome of Beasts gets an official ranking!

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:

8 reviews over at EnWorld so far - I *think* we only need 2 more before the Tome of Beasts gets an official ranking!

One review for ENWorld coming on-line B.A.

Liberty's Edge

marv wrote:
Marc Radle wrote:

8 reviews over at EnWorld so far - I *think* we only need 2 more before the Tome of Beasts gets an official ranking!

One review for ENWorld coming on-line B.A.

Awesome! :)

The Exchange Kobold Press

Need 2 more reviews at ENWorld. So close!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Look, I reviewed it, already; I can't say it's the most articulate I've ever been, but there you go. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Thank you!!!

Just ONE more!!!

If anyone who was good enough to post a review here on paizo wanted to post over on EnWorld as well ... I'm not going to say that the Kobold Gods will smile on you, but, well, it does seem like the odds for such a thing would have to increase considerably ...

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:

Thank you!!!

Just ONE more!!!

If anyone who was good enough to post a review here on paizo wanted to post over on EnWorld as well ... I'm not going to say that the Kobold Gods will smile on you, but, well, it does seem like the odds for such a thing would have to increase considerably ...

Done. Do I get a sword of Qorgeth slaying?

The Exchange Kobold Press

marv wrote:
Done. Do I get a sword of Qorgeth slaying?

YES, yes you do!!

::hands over sword of Qorgeth slaying::

(Thank you to everyone who reviewed Tome of Beasts, here and at ENWorld. Reviews do matter, and the pros and cons help designers and editors up their game.)

Liberty's Edge


Just saw that Tome of Beasts shot up from #10 last week to #3 this week on Paizo's Top Downloads From Other Companies list!!!

The Exchange

I got the Hardcopy +PDF and the Pawns from Kobold and I love them. I really needed more critters to throw at the party. I do have a minor gripe but it is minor, I really dislike some of the oddball names. I really would have rather seen more names that people in a fantasy setting would give some of the real-world mythological creatures instead of bagiennik, fext, asanbosam, and the myriad of others. Some I can derive a good common-folk name for, like tree-ogres for asanbosam, but others I really would have liked to seen a more common-folk name up front and then the real-world mythos name in the description along with whether they were from Slavic, Norse, African, etc...mythos.
Sorry. It really is a minor thing but I do hate using too much stuff like that because it take me out of the game a bit when I have a slavic creature, then an Indian creature, then a chinese creature with their naming conventions. So I then have to change them to conform to something the local peasantry would pick up and use. "Careful of the Uraeus pit down by the creek. It's near where the Water Leapers took that kid last month"

That said my complaint is very minor compared to how awesome having 400+critters is. Thanks guys. I would give a 4.5 out of 5.

Liberty's Edge

Wow! Just saw that the Tome of Beasts PDF is in the top ten Best Selling Titles over at DriveThru.com!

Liberty's Edge

Has anyone created monsters by type PDF download yet?

The monster by type pdf is on the tome of beast kickstarter page in the latest update.

Liberty's Edge

It is indeed!

Tome of Beasts is also the #1 Most Downloaded PDF this week right here at Paizo.com!

The Exchange Kobold Press

I'll see about getting that added as a free download on the Kobold Store as well!

Heck, maybe we should add it to the PDF appendices.

Liberty's Edge

Marc Radle wrote:

It is indeed!

Tome of Beasts is the #1 Most Downloaded PDF this week right here at Paizo.com!

Tome of Beasts is also currently #5 on DriveThru's Overall Best Selling Titles list!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey everyone!

Be sure to check out the Supersized Episode of the Tome Show featuring a discussion and review of the Tome of Beasts, followed by an hour long interview with Wolfgang Baur and Dan Dillon. Well worth a listen!

And ... the Tome of Beasts remains on Paizo's Top Ten Downloads list again this week at #3!

The Exchange Kobold Press

Currently #1 on the D&D titles at DriveThru.

Wish we had a list of monsters that were in the book. Might make the decision to buy much easier.

The Exchange Kobold Press

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Wish we had a list of monsters that were in the book. Might make the decision to buy much easier.

Oh, that's easy! Scroll down to the free list of Monsters by Type. There are also about a dozen preview monsters, like the Selang.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:
Wish we had a list of monsters that were in the book. Might make the decision to buy much easier.

All the advice you will ever need on this decision is this: "Do it!"

Sovereign Court

This is probably the most important non WotC book to own if you plan to play 5th edition. Even if you just buy the pdf, you should probably own this book.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

It's really good. Very inspiring, and while it has a vast selection of monsters, I like the parts it focuses on: ghouls and evil fey. I even like the Demon Princes, even if I never expect to have PCs capable of dealing with CR 27 threats.

Liberty's Edge

Many thanks for the wonderfully positive comments everyone!

Oh, be sure to check out this pretty darn cool Kickstarter:

Kobold Press Bestiary - A Collection Of Fantasy Miniatures

A collection of 28mm scaled miniatures based on the Midgard campaign setting as well as the Tome of Beasts from Kobold Press!

Kickstarter just launched yesterday and already funded in under 24 hours!

The Exchange Kobold Press

Already adding a bunch of stretch goals. It's looking pretty great for this collection.

I was on the fence about ordering this book because I didn't feel that for the price tag it would be a wise purchase when I could not flip though it page by page. So I didn't order it.

Went to my nearest gaming store a couple of weeks ago and saw it sitting on the shelf. I grabbed a copy and flipped through it. My first impression was so..so.. but I bought it anyway because I feel monster starved with 5th edition.

Tonight I was working on random encounter tables for my world. I went through the book one page at a time giving each monster a reasonable look and reading the first couple of paragraphs to see if the monster would work for this particular encounter table. Here's what I realized...

1. Tons of Fey, Undead, and Draconic monsters.
2. Some unique beings that were fey lords of some sort.
3. Far more work went into this book than I initially gave it credit for.

My only complaints are the separated paragraphs on the monsters relation to the Midgard world and occasional mention of specific deities or other places in the world. The art was reasonable but not top notch.

Am I glad I bought it...Absolutely. Well worth the price tag if your looking for good quality monsters to add to your campaign.

Good Stuff here, if your thinking about buying it, don't hesitate like I did, order it or find a copy in your local gaming store. I really think you will like it and I will use mine for my entire 5th edition DMing career.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I like how they separate the campaign specific fluff from the generalized fluff. :-)

It's quite a bargain for what you get (25 cents per monster?).

And it's big, but not too big to idly peruse. No feats of strength needed--like the PF CRB. :-D

Sovereign Court

Review posted HERE.

Really, buy this book. Don't make me get out my Jay Sherman voice.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Endzeitgeist give Tome of Beasts 5 stars, his Seal of Approval *and* a nomination for his Top Ten of 2016!!!


The Exchange Kobold Press

Very happy with the reviews and comments.

Thank you for that review, EZG!

Could someone explain to me what the Lovelorn pawn in the Pawn collection is? I found neither the name, nor the picture anywhere in the book.

The Exchange Kobold Press

No such monster in the book. An error in the pawns.

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