Things I Altered in Wrath

Wrath of the Righteous

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Let me start this thread off by saying that this is not a criticism. This is just me merely wanting a place to lay out what I changed, both for story reasons and mechanical reasons.

Most recently, I altered the guardian in the Vault of Graves. As written there are

4 Demonic Shades and 2 Arcane Coloxuses

Here is what I changed it to

1 Thanatotic titan

I went this route for several reasons. First off, I did not feel that the original was going to present any real challenge for the PCs. Much less a challenge created by a demon lord. Secondly, what I used were the creators of several things that are in book 5. So, I felt is was also thematically appropriate. Lastly, I REALLY wanted to use what I had found to stand in for Colossus size on a map.

I did tone down the damage slightly, as well as lowered the AC a couple notches. So, he wasn't exactly as he appears in Bestiary 2.

I keep trying to drive home the ballpark they are playing in. It is starting to sink in. It is starting to work. I am also going to alter Hepzamirah's guard.

4 Advanced Fiendish Labyrinth Minotaurs. Plus Hepzamirah

The guards would not be mythic. So, I am less concerned with them since the PCs will be level 14 mythic tier 6. I am trying to drain some points, so that when the "finale" happens there will be a legitimate "OH ****" moment.


Now, this will help give a better understanding of my methods for Wrath. This is the first time I have been a GM. I have been a player for years and years and years. So, I decided to jump in the deep end.

My current group is 4 players, with one extra PC for a total of 5.

Paladin of Iomedae
Kensai Magus
I redid Sosiel as a Life Oracle

They have the life oracle as no one had a great healer. And, I knew what would be coming in this path, so I decided to let them have him. Plus, it allows me to get real crazy with things when I know they have the resources to handle it.

I have told them and they agreed to this - I can use any Mythic points the NPCs may have for virtually anything I want. PCs confirm a crit? Nope. Someone wants to bypass SR or immunities? Nope. It may suck to have your augmented spell wiped out like that, but they also know that that is one less mythic point that can be used offensively against them.

So, rules lawyers would be cringing with every breath watching our games.

If a NPC is 2+ sizes larger than the PC and they have Awesome Blow - there is no roll. You get knocked back and prone 10-15 feet away.

This should help give you a better understanding of why I do what I do.

I look forward to more posts talking about what I have changed in Wrath. The AP is damn good. Tough to beat the scope of the story.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

For the longest time I have been reading every book I could find or webpage I can find in order to help flesh out some aspects of this AP. At the beginning of book 3, the PCs will have a new city and be able to use downtime to help rebuild it. Except, according to several sources, you have no usable river, farmland, or natural resources available to you. The only way you can fully rebuild is to import everything.

As an aside I incorporated the Equinox Crown module from Legendary Games into my campaign. So, I am not against adding things when and where they make sense.

Well, with Child of the Crusades, the PC basically gets sent to a location to help a member of this characters family "move on". That's all. Pretty bland.

In my campaign I have decided to incorporate a few things to surround this trait. And they are as follows:

Icerift Castle. Which is in northern Mendev along the border of the Worldwound. There was a wardstone listed at this location. Placing the PC's family member somewhere in the castle. Filling the castle with white wraiths. And having them fight the Wendigo that is there. All of which will allow the member to "move on".

Since you need multiple wardstones to create an anti-demon border, I have tied this wardstone's characteristics to the Druid of the group. I told him he had to spend a week's worth of mythic points in order to "activate" the wardstone. The result being to free the surrounding terrain of Drezen from the taint of the Abyss. Then allowing for farmland to be utilized. And, more importantly, not stepping on the toes of the Sword of Valor with the anti-teleporting thing.

And since Icerift Castle has been dormant for 85 years since the First Crusade, I figured it would not have been susceptible to the energy spike from book 1.

So, what a PC with this trait will learn is that their family has been involved since the First Crusade. And that by defeating the Wendigo and retrieving the wardstone they will both put their past to rest, finally, and ensure the survival of the future with the new wardstone.

And once all of this is accomplished you, the GM, now have a whole new slew of reasons for demons to attack this new city that the PCs call home.

Well, this is my idea for changing this campaign trait.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am also altering a majority of book 6. Encounter wise. Here are my quick thoughts on the new events.

Assuming the redemption of the Herald (I believe my PCs will achieve this), the paladin of Iomedae will accept the job of being her herald. The old herald will grant a vision to the paladin and druid as a thank you for rescuing him. The vision will be of the Circle of Heirophants in the Stonewilds. They'll research what it is and where it's at.

Right after this is when the demons launch their assault on Drezen.

When they get to the Circle they will be greeted by the original owner of the Crown of Equinox (a legendary item from a module published by Legendary Games that I incorporated into Wrath)

I am creating a ritual using the framework provided by Occult Adventures. The druid (who is a child of Sarenrae) will be the focal point. The result will cleanse the Stonewilds and revert the siabres back to druids.

They will then be able to research into the "library" of the druids a ritual for closing the Worldwound.

After getting back to Drezen, they and the new and improved crusader army will launch an attack on Iz. Big army battle. The army will surround Iz while the PCs go inside. After locating what they are looking for, they will eventually have the fight with Khorramzadeh on a levitating piece of rock. Essentially so everyone can watch what is going on.

Then the rest of the adventure is using the ritual to close the Worldwound and confronting Deskari.

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