William Ronald Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Northwestern Indiana |
Murdock Mudeater |
Having acquired my spirit animal today, I've decided to celebrate the occasion by rolling up a shark shaman druid. Has anyone found a RAW workaround for the shark's lack of land suitability?
Yeah, get the GM to have a mostly underwater setting. That's the easiest and best option within RAW.
As for land based solutions, there really aren't any. I mean, you could create water on land, you could grant alternate movement types to the shark (like fly...), or you could polymorph the shark into something else. There isn't really a solution beyond this.
If land based, best option for the Shark Shaman is to select a domain. Extra spells per day, plus 9 spells considered on your spell list for the things like wand use.
Personally, I'd suggest the Death Domain, with the Murder subdomain. Adds Suffocation, which has pretty obvious synergy with a swimming druid build.
I suppose, and this isn't RAW, but if the party has an Unchained Summoner with the Water Elemental for the type of eidolon, you could probably convince the DM that two could share a space on land. Still along the lines of creating water on land, but that is more permanent.