Ambrosia Slaad |

I don't have that issue of Dragon, but I know freshwarp/fleshcraft grafts will be in August's Horror Adventures. I'd almost guarantee it'll include some form of natural armor, which shouldn't be too difficult to tweak and re-flavor as carapace-y. Likewise, the Merisiel art preview looks like a tentacle graft is also in there too, so tweaking it into face tentacles shouldn't be too tough.
Googling says the mnemonicus is like a larval illithid parasite. Maybe you can find ideas from the psionic puppeteer?

Ambrosia Slaad |

I just dug out my copy of Rite's #30 Fleshgrafts. The leech maw gives a natural bite primary attack, the grab ability, and blood drain that does STR and CON damage. The hides series of grafts bestows between +1 to +5 of natural armor.

clff rice |

For play balance you should either craft them as intelligent magical items or Just stat them up. The stats as presented should work fine. the math might be a little off but as people will be wearing them most of the time i don't think this will be much of an issue. Give them a SLA that roughly mimics the quality. A strong arm carapace can cast Bulls strength on its wearer at will for example.

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Quick and dirty pass on the base rules
Complete creatures able to survive independent of a host, but stronger when joined. Generally Tiny, weak on their own.
A symbiont occupies part of the host creature's body- sometimes but not always taking up an magic item slot. Like intelligent magic items, symbionts have an Ego score, which reflects their will. Symbionts with high Ego can, and sometimes do, take control of their host creatures.
The Ego score of a symbiont is the sum of their Int, Wis, and Cha bonuses, plus 1 or each special quality and plus 2 for each special attack. Add 4 if the symbiont is an outsider.
If the host creature's alignment and goals don't match the symbiont's, a conflict results. A symbiont with an Ego score of 20 or higher always considers it superior to its host, and will conflict with the host on any point of contention.
When a conflict occurs the host must make a Will save (DC = symbiont's Ego score). If the host succeeds, they maintain control over their body. If they host fails, the symbiont takes over. This dominance lasts for one day or until a critical situation occurs (up to the GM).
Symbiont Traits:
when joined to a host, a symbiont gains a number of benefits – it acts on the host's initiative, regardless of its own modifier, is not flat-footed unless the host is, and is aware of any danger the host is aware of.
If the symbiont is grafted onto a visible part of the host, opponents can attack the symbiont itself instead of the host. This works like attacking an attended object. The symbiont gains the host's Dex mod to AC, as well as any deflection bonus to AC the host may enjoy. Its own size mod and natural armor bonus, if any, apply. Attacking a grafted symbiont provokes an AoO from the host.
Symbionts never take damage from attacks targeting the host. Like worn magic items, the symbiont is usually unaffected by spells that damage the host. If the host rolls a 1 on a saving throw the symbiont may be one of the 'items' that can be affected by a spell. A symbiont uses the better of its own or its host's saving throws.
Sharing Spells (Su): the symbiont shares any spells that the host casts on itself, can be the target of personal spells instead of the host, and may choose to share any spell or spell-like ability it uses on itself with its host. The host and symbiont can share spells even if the spell does not normally affect creatures of the host or symbiont's type. Spells cast on the host or symbiont by other parties cannot be shared in this manner.

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Carapace Symbionts:
When not attached to a host carapace symbionts lie dormant, curled up into a small sphere roughly 1ft in diameter. The symbiont is still cognizant of its surroundings in this state, can communicate with telepathic creatures if contacted, but otherwise remains sessile.
When held against the skin for a full round, the carapace symbiont begins the joining process and starts to spread over a potential host's body. This process takes 1d4 hours and is quite painful as the symbiont anchors itself into the host body – dealing 1d4 Con damage. The host can halt this process any time before completion by making a successful grapple check against the symbiont's CMD, but takes an additional 1d4 Con damage ripping the symbiont out of its body. Once the joining process is complete the carapace symbiont covers nearly all of the host's body (excluding sensory organs, orifices, and other areas the host has telepathically requested to be uncovered) and resembles a shell or strangely biological suit of armor. A host may only join with one carapace symbiont at any time.
After joined, any attempt to remove the symbiont precipitates a conflict. If the carapace symbiont wins, it takes control of the host as per the symbiont rules. If the host wins, they can peel and scrape the symbiont off, ripping it out of their body. This process takes 1 hour and deals 3d4 Con damage to the host. Once the removal is complete the carapace symbiont curls up into a ball and resumes it's dormancy.
A carapace symbiont cannot speak, but communicates with its host telepathically, and it understands Alko and Undercommon.

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A carapace symbiont has no way to attach itself to an unwilling host unless that host is helpless. It is able to defend itself only in a limited manner, and prefers to remain dormant and unnoticed if possible.
Natural Armor Bonus (Ex):
A carapace symbiont increases its host's natural armor bonus by +4, and takes the Body slot.
Soul Feeding (Su):
A carapace symbiont survives by consuming a portion of its host's essence. As long as it remains attached, the symbiont deals 1 point of Charisma damage to the host every day. Ordinarily Charisma damage is restored with a nights rest, so provided the host is able to rest each night they can maintain an equilibrium of -1 to their base Charisma. Some carapace symbionts have abilities that do additional Charisma damage with each use.

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Strongarm Carapace CR 1
NE Tiny Aberration (Symbiont)
Init -3; Senses blindsense 60ft, darkvision 60ft, Perception +7
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14 (-2 Dex, +4 natural, +2 size)
hp 19 (3d8+6)
Fort +4, Ref -1, Will +2
Speed 5ft, climb 5 ft.
Melee slam +1 (1d2-1)
Special Attacks -
Str 8, Dex 6, Con 14, Int 6, Wis 10, Cha 13, Ego 7
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 10 (can’t be tripped)
Feats Skill Focus (Perception), Great Fortitude
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +2
Languages Undercommon, Alko
SQ Blindsense 60ft, Darkvision 60ft, enhance Strength, natural armor bonus, soul feeding, symbiont traits
Environment on or around Dominion of the Black forces
Organization joined to a host, or solitary
Treasure none. If provided as treasure, worth 65,000gp
Special Abilities
Blindsense (Ex)
Blindsense lets a creature notice things it cannot see, but without the precision of blindsight. The creature with blindsense usually does not need to make Perception checks to notice and locate creatures within range of its blindsense ability, provided that it has line of effect to that creature. Any opponent that cannot be seen has total concealment (50% miss chance) against a creature with blindsense, and the blindsensing creature still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment. Visibility still affects the movement of a creature with blindsense. A creature with blindsense is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against attacks from creatures it cannot see.
Enhanced Strength (Su)
a strongarm carapace grants its host a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength. This bonus remains in effect as long as the strongarm carapace is attached.