Improvised magical weapon price

Rules Questions

I'm making a small setting, not really "low magic" but "magic is not everywhere and easy to access". You can't go to a shop and buy +5 weapons. I want to make the words "survival", "craft" and "harvest" important.
Think minecraft survival in a fantasy postapocalyptic Midnight setting.
(It's Gestalt P6 Mythic (3rank max) with limited magic, esoteric component optional, overclocked spells, wounds and vigor, called shots, for 2 PCs)

I'm doing a monster from the dark tapestry with an exoskeleton whose arm is like a magical falcata (psychokinetic falcata, in fact).

The "weapon" is embedded in the armor and cannot be taken by someone else, once the monster is dead.

But I'd like to make it possible to break it, and take the "blade" as a dagger.
So, it's an improvised weapon (the "dagger" has no handle and it seems to "burn" the wielder a little) but with magical properties (it becomes a vicious weapon used this way).

I see nothing making it impossible, why not an improvised magical weapon made from the broken part of a magical weapon ? :)

BUT, I'm note sure about the price. My "new" vicious dagger should cost 2302 gp if I'm right (2000 vicious, 300 mwk, 2 dagger), but what about the "improvised" ?

Liberty's Edge

Why have it be improvised ? Why not just make it a magical dagger with maybe a penalty for being broken ?

You will avoid all the magical improvised weapon mess :-)

As you are breaking the rules of magical weapons anyway, price it how you see fit.

Improvised weapons aren't designed to be weapons. Masterwork weapons are finely crafted normal weapons. The two would be mutually exclusive.

You can't have a vicious weapon without it first being a +1 weapon. That would make the vicious property worth 6000gp at the least (the difference between a +1 weapon at 2000gp and a +1 vicious weapon at 8000gp), assuming you could actually price it that way.

My recommendation wold be to simply treated it as a +1 vicious dagger in all aspects (so not an improvised weapon). Or make it a necessary component to make a vicious weapon (reducing the component cost to make one).

Thanks for the replies, maybe "broken" instead of "improvised" is the way to go. Good idea.

But Jeraa, maybe I'm missing something, but yes, I'm wrong with the price of 2302 GP, but why 6000 GP ?

For me :
dagger : 2 gp
mwk : 300 gp
+1 : 2000 gp
vicious (base price modifier : +1 bonus) : 2000 gp
so, it's 4302 gp, not 6000... or am I calculating wrong ?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You're calculating wrong.

2 dagger
300 Masterwork
8,000 +1 vicious (total +2)

oh so I'm sorry... I thought you pay the +1, +2, or whatever, then, you pay the properties separately...

Thanks !

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

No worries, that one catches lots of people out.

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