Post Your Starfinder Character Concepts Here

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Here's your basics if you want to get started:

Humans are Core, Ratfolk are Core, Androids are Core, all of the races of Pathfinder will show up but some might be hard to find, Aliens are what you're working with.

Absalom Station is where you're probably from or one of the planets of the Golarion Solar System.

Dark Archive

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A telekineticist with lightsabers.Hopefully with a sith lord arctype.

I have to finish writing up my new archetypes and gear first.

I need to see more of the game itself. I'm excited, but I don't know what to think about characters and such yet.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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A med droid who wants to kill all humans!

Some sort of Male Lashunta, depends on new classes that fit my style


I already have a character that fits perfectly. I originally made her for a Martian Gothic + System Shock + Doom style game.


She's a cyborg thief and hacker, a thrillseeker always looking for grander heists. The name was meant as her online handle, it might change depending on how/if Starfinder has internet type networking.

Motie watchmaker. Hoping the ratfolk can be massaged into a halfling watchmaker kind of character.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Human space cowboy.


Not the most creative idea ever, but one I don't get to play very often.

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Hmmm... a musical dancer who can gracefully warp the every elements to her will. She will pilot a robot suit in battle with a built in Psycommmu enhancer that lets her use elemental attacks in battles versus ships or mechanized suits.

Oh...wait...I know what I'm gonna run...


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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ysoki cyber-soldier... Because then I can play a stainless-steel rat. ;-P

Aranna wrote:

Hmmm... a musical dancer who can gracefully warp the every elements to her will. She will pilot a robot suit in battle with a built in Psycommmu enhancer that lets her use elemental attacks in battles versus ships or mechanized suits.

marries arrana when she isn't looking

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A cybernetic "paladin" with an energy sword.

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Cole Deschain wrote:

Human space cowboy.


Not the most creative idea ever, but one I don't get to play very often.

Space cowboys are awesome though. Why did they have to cancel Firefly?

I want to play a swarm of intelligent nanites trying and comically failing to pass itself for human.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would imagine that most humans would be of the variant species found on Akiton.

Of course, for anyone whose ancestors came from Golarion, the timing of the disappearance of Golarion could be very important. Did it happen a century or more ago, or last week? I am leaning towards the former since I suspect that they don't want to have player characters born on Golarion itself.

Dark Archive

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I may have to rebuild my living Dragonstar PC. I remember his being quite fun. Slightly mad gnome wizard walking around with a laser (or was it plasma?) rifle bigger than himself...

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

thecursor wrote:

Here's your basics if you want to get started:

Humans are Core, Ratfolk are Core, Androids are Core, all of the races of Pathfinder will show up but some might be hard to find, Aliens are what you're working with.

Absalom Station is where you're probably from or one of the planets of the Golarion Solar System.

Triaxians and Lashunta?

David knott 242 wrote:

I would imagine that most humans would be of the variant species found on Akiton.

Of course, for anyone whose ancestors came from Golarion, the timing of the disappearance of Golarion could be very important. Did it happen a century or more ago, or last week? I am leaning towards the former since I suspect that they don't want to have player characters born on Golarion itself.

Droffa/Androffa, Earth, Golarion ('s decendent), etc...

- - - - -

On topic: RockMan/MegaMan, Space Batman/Batman 5799, etc...

Lord Fyre wrote:
thecursor wrote:

Here's your basics if you want to get started:

Humans are Core, Ratfolk are Core, Androids are Core, all of the races of Pathfinder will show up but some might be hard to find, Aliens are what you're working with.

Absalom Station is where you're probably from or one of the planets of the Golarion Solar System.

Triaxians and Lashunta?

Whoops for got about them. Lashunta are a certainty because they were mentioned in the fluff. Triaxians I have no intel on.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Given that we know almost NOTHING about this beyond what was said then the blog post, I am not too sure we can even speculate at this point.

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Human Fighter. WIth a well-realised personality, and not too much background, who I can develop as the game progresses. ;)

Unless they don't have "Fighters". ;p

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Lord Fyre wrote:
Given that we know almost NOTHING about this beyond what was said then the blog post, I am not too sure we can even speculate at this point.

Oh we can definitely speculate, I assure you of that.

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Novus Ordo is an android follower of Groetus. He came to awareness (as androids do, when ensouled into an old body*) floating in the spaces between planets. He was pulled in by scavengers, who were surprised to find him alive. In exchange for the strangely built space-suit he was wearing, and labor, he was allowed to join the crew for passage. Since then, he has traveled the systems, recording everything he sees, (a compulsion whose reason he does not understand, nor has even questioned).

He knows many things, but among them is not how he knows those things. No matter what world he is on (and even on Absalom Station or in ships in the farthest reaches of the great emptiness), he sees a moon in the sky that no one else sees... it is to this, he transmits his constant stream of data and analysis of the cosmos.

*Assuming android "birth" is (at least in part) the way it is described in People of the Stars.

The silence of these infinite spaces fills me with joy. -Blaise Pascal

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Magi......Jedi......they sound pretty similar. :P

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Captain Killjoy wrote:

Oh...wait...I know what I'm gonna run...



Been working on this for about two days and here's what I got, all backgrounds are subject to change:

Harrison Phillips, Human- A freelance PI and bodyguard who stalks the mean hallways of Absalom Station in search of an honest buck.

Oksana the Hammer, Human- A young soldier who is desperate to live up to the memory of her father, a famous Starfinder.

LB66, Android- An android diplomat in search of his missing employer.

Unit 6, Cyborg- A woman who was raised by androids and thus has trouble understanding emotion.

Matthias Maziltongue, Ratfolk- A clumsy young Ratling who is desperate to escape the humdrum boredom of his home-world.

Reaver, Human- The most infamous bounty hunter in the known Galaxy.

Hakan Nasha, Kasatha- A grizzled alien hunter in search of the human who killed his son.

Kima Of The Summer, Triaxian- An anti-corporate activist who wants to use the Starfinder Society to expose corporate greed.

The Eliminator, Android- An android who works as a bounty hunter in order to support a five year old girl he's recently adopted.

Captain Nate Flint, Human- A cocky smuggler and criminal who has joined the society for the money.

Erica Kane, Human- Flint's pilot and Partner in Crime, also a violent bare knuckle brawler.

Petra Werner, Human- A fighter and engineer, Erica's former lover.

Felicia Trask, Human- A brutal corporate "fixer" who has her eye on the corner office.

Lady Essos, Red Skinned Akiton Human- A stifled woman who dreams of off world adventure.

Zira, Undine- A kind-hearted priestess out to help the sick and wounded.

The Judge, Human- A bad ass law man who shoots first and asks questions later.

Kragar Bonechewer, Orc- An infamous space pirate out of prison for the first time in decades.

The Seer of Castrovel, Elf- A powerful Elven oracle who is obsessed with finding Golarion.

Lucas Cresh, Human- A powerful psychic who is out to find his villainous brother.

Cade Cresh, Human- The dark servant of ancient gods.

Doctor Magda Merona, Human- A bio-geneticist who wants to stop a terrible disease that threatens an entire colony.

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One of the things mentioned in the Starfinder panel - "Holy Powered Armor" - great for a "paladin" with an energy blade!.

I'll probably be GMing, but I'll definitely have A. doppelgänger mafia and B. Contemlatives of Ashok being featured more they currently are.

Joseph Martin 681 wrote:
I may have to rebuild my living Dragonstar PC. I remember his being quite fun. Slightly mad gnome wizard walking around with a laser (or was it plasma?) rifle bigger than himself...

I'd love to do the same myself...but my Dragonstar PC could not exist without the Dragonstar setting, and we're not likely to get anything close to that.

Dark Archive

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I intend to play

An Elf (Eldar?) Special Circumstances agent (from Iain M. Banks's Culture) space Wizard thing with a robot Drone familiar.


Or some ridiculous Paladin/Space Marine maniac with a holy lightsaber and power armour.

Shadow Lodge

I've always liked the idea of an android who's been self-designed to work magic: Somatic components take the form of tiny little sensors and manipulators popping out of one arm and whirring around until the spell happens.

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My hat vanished during my long cryostasis/magical sleep/millennia-long hangover...


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You poor goblin! Gip, Mightiest of Space Pirates, will get you a new hat.


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For some reason, I misread this link before I clicked on it and I thought it said something about Succubus Space Cop.
As a result, this will be my character.

Dark Archive

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Because there will probably be cyborgs and I am a sick, twisted person:

Mecha-Joyful Thing.

I am thinking about an android pursuing personal perfection through replacing its parts with more efficient and beautiful ones. It's interests are dance, art and targeteering. The optimal positioning of self and and the perfectly applied level of force to achieve one's goals. Hopefully it will someday merge with a ship of its own and pursue further improvements as a graceful stellar swimmer. Absalom Station SECFOR have decided not to commission any further units of the class due to deemed personality defects.

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A droid that makes frequent use of the term "meatbag"
Someone that carries a miniature giant space hamster as a pet/familiar
At least one character that wears a brown coat
A reincarnated character that carries a sonic screwdriver, wears a scarf and has a companion named K-9

Grand Lodge

Darkbridger wrote:

A droid that makes frequent use of the term "meatbag"

Someone that carries a miniature giant space hamster as a pet/familiar
At least one character that wears a brown coat
A reincarnated character that carries a sonic screwdriver, wears a scarf and has a companion named K-9

Bite my shiny metal ass

Go for the eyes/beer Boo
Where my brown coats at?

But in all seriousness, I think I'd like to play a psychic android able to connect to the internet/outernet/information-magic-highway with my mind.

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Android assassin disguised as a Protocol Droid. Refers to organics as meatbags...

Liberty's Edge

Technomancer mechanic that will make your spaceship faster whatever it takes :-))

The Raven Black wrote:
Technomancer mechanic that will make your spaceship faster whatever it takes :-))

Bah. The only thing guaranteed to make your spaceship faster is drilling speed holes through the hull. Bonus: Improves ventilation, making the interior less stuffy.

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Member of a cult of planetary enlightenment that believes Golarion was "chosen", and wishes to establish the precise nature of the selection criteria.

Trickster mage who wears a mask and casts an illusion of a face so that security cameras never pick up on him.

Using old classes, Chaokineticist with Aether secondary who uses the fact that he's typically the only one present who can survive a hull breach to resolve fights.

Kitsune ace pilot fighting alongside an exotically-colored tengu pilot and a grippli mechanic. Will shoot you if you tell him to do anything as impractical as performing evasive maneuvers by rotating the entire ship along its length-wise axis.

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Hunt, the PugWumpus wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:
Technomancer mechanic that will make your spaceship faster whatever it takes :-))
Bah. The only thing guaranteed to make your spaceship faster is drilling speed holes through the hull. Bonus: Improves ventilation, making the interior less stuffy.

Silly git, everyone knows you gotta paint it red if you wanna go faster.

Red un'z go FAASTAA!

Character idea?

Magic/tech/psi eating tentacle/bug monster =^^=

Hmmm. Tyranid style *nomnomnomnom*

As it advances in level it evolves. Almost like an eidolon. But the evolutions are set once chosen

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Disgraced Naval Officer with a neural link that interfaces with a still young living ship armed for combat. The first of its kind.

We have an android bard; named Husker Du, who can feel no emotions and struggles to learn about music and its effects on living beings. He wields his mighty tuning fork staff - Tone Deaf.

Looking forward to space pathfinder!

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I think I will try to build the cast of futurama!

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

Rakkon Detroit wrote:
I think I will try to build the cast of futurama!


I want to be Fry or Zoidberg.

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