DM Orannis |

Character creation parameters! Hooray!
- 20 point buy
- 2 traits, please prioritize one of your traits helping to tie you into the module (more on that below/later).
- Classes: Core, APG, Magus, Gunslinger, ACG, Occult Adventures, Vigilante.
- Races: Core, plus: Aasimar, Changeling, Grippli, Ifrit, Kobold, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph, Tengu, Tiefling, Undine.
And here are additional, finer details:
Alternate racial traits: any you like.
Unchained Classes: Rogue and Summoner *must* be unchained, Monk and Barbarian are Unchained optional.
Unchained Alternate Rules:
Background skills. You get two additional skill points/level that may be spent on the following skills only: Appraise, Artistry, Craft, Handle Animal, Knowledge(Engineering), Knowledge(Geography), Knowledge(History), Knowledge(Nobility), Linguistics, Lore, Perform, Profession, Sleight of Hand.
Automatic Bonus Progression: This helps encourage variety in Magic Item usage. Explanation of the the rules can be found at the Pathfinder SRD site.
Archetypes: Any.
Avereage Starting Wealth.
Fluff: All three of you are among the best RPers I have ever rolled dice with. I am sure 3 to 5 paragraphs of background/character fluff/personality description will be non problem for any of you.

DM Orannis |

Aaaaand here's some general info for our module: The Dragon's Demand!
The Dragon's Demand finds the PCs in the remote Taldan town of Belhaim, where they will become wrapped up in all sorts of intrigue surrounding the town's history, an eccentric local wizard, and a fearsome dragon!
Belhaim At a Glance
Belhaim is a sleepy Taldan backwater located on a lesser trade route between Dunholme and Wispil within the Verduran Forest near a region of the woods known as Dragonfen. A lesser tributary of the Verduran Fork runs along the southern side of the town, connected to the main road by a covered wooden bridge. Belhaim was founded in 3672 AR by Tula Belhaim, a famed dragonslayer who was awarded stewardship over the Verduran Fork and Dragonfen region for her exemplary service during the Dragon Plauge. Over the centuries, as a result of tragedy and failed rebellion, stewardship of the area eventually ended up in the hands of the Devy family, who rule to this day. A handful of human generations past, an earthquake flooded the town's limestone quarry and eliminated much of Belhaim's economic relevance.
Nearly all of Belhaim's residents belong to one of the three dominant religions in the town, which more or less define the town's political lines.
Worshipers of Abadar want to see Belhaim prosper as a trade center once again and, deprived of the limestone quarry, seek to drain the Dragonfen and use the land for agricultural prospects. They regard the Shelynites as layabouts.
Followers of Shelyn essentially prefer the town as it is: cozy, a bit remote, and far away from any real action. They view the Abadarans as greedy, overly traditional, and unable to enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Adherents to the Green Faith are largely patient and even-handed, and find the town's political squabbling tiresome.
Character Hooks: Notable NPCs
Lady Origena Devy and Aarnholde Devy:
Lady Origena is the region's Baroness, and is a pragmatic woman who likes to see things running smoothly. She's also eager to see Belhaim "put back on the map". She could potentially be a useful resource or connection for PCs seeking dealings with Taldor's nobility. Arnholde is her adult son, next in line for stewardship of the region.
Balthus Hunclay:
A reclusive, sour old Wizard who moved to Belhaim a few years ago. His name is not particularly well-known in arcane circles, but he could be a useful resource for PCs seeking answers to mysteries of a magical nature.
The oldest resident of Belhaim, she is a gnome in her 414th year who's managed to avoid The Bleaching. She is belhaim's primary historian, and could serve as a family or social connection for gnomish PCs or player characters interested in the history of the Dragonfen, Tula Belhaim, and/or the Dragon Plague.
Character Hooks: Events and Environs
Kobolds in the Woods: A tribe of green-scaled kobolds has lived somewhere between Belhaim and the Dragonfen for some time. A peace built on mutual disinterest between the town and the tribe has been the norm for generations, but with reports of some townsfolk and travelers going missing, perhaps that has changed?
The Monastery: A long forgotten, and presumably abandoned, monastery to Irori was established in the Dragonfen not long after Belhaim was founded. The monks there vanished around 4500 AR under mysterious circumstances, but rumors the monks were researching knowledge heretical to Irori surface from time to time.
Trade Caravan: Not much trade stops through Belhaim these days, but a man named Silas Gribb offered you 50 gold just to sign on as a caravan guard on a trip to Faldamont. A princely sum for such simple work! Though you do note that Silas comes off a bit shady...
If you have any other questions about Belhaim that would fall under "something pretty much anyone could find out by asking someone on the street" please ask! Also ask if you'd like some additional information on any of the character hooks I suggested (and feel free to combine, mix, and match those hooks!). Ideally, I'd like one of your two Traits to reflect/tie in to whatever hook you choose/create.

Lishaleaf |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hello Everyone~ I am so so excited to be all playing again!! I can't wait to meet all our characters. ^___^
Still solidifying my character, here is my first pass at stats and all that.
(Please feel free to chime in on my notes so far Orannis).
Name: Grin Jung-Woo
Race: Fetchling (Orannis, I will send you my notes on racial characteristics)
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 125lb/56.6KG
Str 10 +0
Dex 15 +7
Con 13 +3
Int 12 +2
Wis 14 +5
Cha 14 +5
May need to re-balance a little into Wisdom if my agility based fighting style plans don't come together... :P
Looking at the Wild Rider Archetype which would give me the ability to ride another medium sized creature.
I will upload my character sheet doc for everyone to see to google once I've got skills, traits, and details hashed.
Animal Companion: Considering doing another dinosaur, is that still on the table with this campaign? If so, thinking of a Deinonychus... like this with more feathers.
Thinking Bodyguard archetype is probably strongest for this baby, although Racer has some cool implications as well (overall the stats don't seem as shiny or versatile).
(My backup Animal Companion is a Hyena? Monitor Lizard was another I considered but they are a Large animal from the stats I could find.)
Working on my trait selection presently, (I've got like 6 sweet ones I'm pairing down :)
Jung-Woo is private, and goes by the ‘first’ name Grin to those who aren’t in his immediate family. He rarely speaks of his family outside of discussing their hospitality business.
Jung-Woo’s family has a very strict power structure embodied by his parents’s discipline. Innkeepers by trade, they presented polished professional hospitality to the customer at all times. The five siblings were integrated into the business from the time they could hold a dust rag. Relentlessly pitted against each-other for family position.
Grin’s family is very private originating in the Shadow realm, and prefer to associate with customers only in a work setting. (Insert Bamf paternity scandal here?)
In private very racist against those from the Material Plane (even though they benefit from the lack of oppression and servitude here).
His uncle’s trading family is a little less strict but still very tied to the Kylar (Fetchling is a human word) community in both the Shadowrealm and those settled across his caravan’s route.
Family worshiped a great Umbral Dragon back home, the family (three siblings @ the time) escaped because like many they secretly despise the dragon lord and simply stayed for fear of punishment. (Suffering is a common tribute in the shadow realm).

DM Orannis |

Hello Everyone~ I am so so excited to be all playing again!! I can't wait to meet all our characters. ^___^
Still solidifying my character, here is my first pass at stats and all that.
(Please feel free to chime in on my notes so far Orannis)....
Just a few quick points:
The stat spread you have listed includes your racial modifiers, yes? The point buy adds up properly that way, but you have the stats listed as if you paid for their direct value (ignoring racial modifiers), so I just want to make sure I'm interpreting it correctly.
Secondly. Going with a 9th level casting class with a race that has a stat penalty for that class's spellcasting stat can be a tough road. Remember, you need a stat of 10 + Spell Level to cast a spell, which means you'll be pouring every level-up stat increase into Wisdom to keep up with the joneses as it were. I'm not trying to discourage you from playing what you want, I just want to make you aware of mechanical challenges you may face. (If you perhaps want to look at other classes with pets as a major mechanic, I can help out with some suggestions.)
On the fluff side of things, Druid is a class with *very* specific roleplay characterization/flavor to it, and Fetchlings are a race with similarly specific but very different trappings. I very much doubt this reminder is necessary for you, but remember to put a lot of work into weaving those two disparate aspects together!
Lastly, some stuff on available rules materials (to clarify some things for everyone): Fetchlings aren't on my standard list of races I typically lay out for players, but we discussed you playing one some time ago so no worries there. Next, the archetype you selected is from a third party publisher (i.e. not Paizo). I typically don't allow that material because it often lacks the unity of design philosophy that Paizo-official material possesses. This typically manifests in one of two forms: being wildly overpowered or occupying tonally dissonant design space.
However, Wild Rider is merely very niche and, honestly, probably a bit weaker than a baseline Druid, so I don't mind allowing it. The long and short of all that being: I don't typically allow 3rd party material BUT if you see something that really makes your character idea sing, run it by me and I'll decide if it's something I want to allow or not.
In general, loving the basic idea of the character! I dig the innkeeper background a lot!

Lishaleaf |

I am not sure exactly how I did my math on my stats, I worked my notes for this character a long time ago. :P I am pretty sure that racial modifiers is a correct assessment of my point spread. I thoroughly acknowledge that a fetchling is a tough druid, would it be possible to align with a god of the Shadowrealm? I was hoping to be less focused on my magic and focused on fighting alongside my animal as stealthy stabbers.
I took way too many notes deciding on a druid archetype lol. It never felt quite fluid for my character, I may be open to switching class if I can still use ride on my companion and use a derpy lizard or heyena.
I'm hoping for a smaller stealither speed lizard, but something that looks like this. Half derp half eating your face from the shadows.
Also omg real life low light vision. O_O

DM Orannis |

If you want to be less focused on magic, and more on fighting, you might want to go with a Hunter. They're a cross between a Druid and a Ranger. Their spells only go up to Level 6 (but you get access to the Druid and Ranger spell lists!), but they get more combat focus (martial weapon proficiency, etc.) and they still have access to the full range of animal companions, as a Druid does.
Additionally, they get to pick a fighting style to work in tandem with their animal companion: either archery while the companion ties up their target, or working together in melee. This is further supplemented with access to bonus Teamwork Feats that your animal companion automatically learns as well.
As for your "sorta goofy monster lizard" aesthetic, I've dug up a few that might fit. Unfortunately, without that Wild Rider archetype for the Druid, you won't be able to ride them until they are large. The earliest choice this happens for is at level 4 with:
Giant Chameleon
Their defenses are weak, but they get huge bonuses to Stealth while remaining stationary and can grapple enemies at range with their tongue!
There are also some fitting options that become large (and rideable) at level 7:
All three are fairly offense-oriented. The allosaurus (similar to a T-Rex) gets Pounce, one of the most powerful abilities in the game. It allows you to use all of your attacks after a charge.
The Iguanodon (long, kind of hunchbacked guys with front legs similar to arms) get a x3 critical modifier on their claw attacks.
Pachycephalosaurus are the dinos with the big, bony skulls that they use to ram their enemies. They're a bit one-note, but their single ram attack hits like a truck.
As far as fluff: Most Druids simply worship nature, or a naturalistic philosophy. The ones that do worship a deity follow one with nature (or another a more specific naturalistic element, such as forests or oceans) in their portfolio.
If you go with a Druid, perhaps your character just feels a particularly strong bond to his adopted plane, and took up the druidic arts to feel closer to his new home world?

DM Orannis |

Now that folks are posting things, here are a couple helpful links. The first is to a particular favorite character of mine I ran in an adventure for about a year on this site. It will give you an example of my preferred character profile formatting (i.e. What reads easiest to me). You don't have to format exactly like this, but I would prefer it if you hewed as closely as possible:
The second is an example of the flow/feel/formatting of Play by Post (PbP) games. You obviously do not have to follow this to the letter, but the game Soroza was in was a particularly exemplary one, and I feel makes a pretty good "role model". The page I'm linking you to is in the middle of the adventure, at the tail end of a "boss fight". I feel like there's some pretty good RP in there from everyone, and you can click to the previous page for a really good example of combat. Of course, feel free to read more of the game if you like!