Splendor |
Found a couple online and modified one in case anyone else ever looks for one....
I. Definitions
A. The Party
i. The Party is the collective group of persons consisting of the following members:
B. The Contract
i. The Contract consists of all explicit and implicit directives, regulations, bylaws, imperatives, procedures, and any other terms agreed to by all members of The Party for the duration of The Contract.
C. Contract Duration
i. The contract is valid from the date signed, through _____ days.
ii. The contract becomes invalid on the first stroke of midnight at the end of the last day of the duration.
iii. The Contract Administrator reserves the right to terminate the Contract early at his/her discretion.
iv. Individual Members formally removed from the Contract are no longer entitled to its benefits nor beholden to its tenets.
D. The Contract Administrator
i. The Contract Administrator is here named _________________. As a legal member of the Party, he/she is so named above in sec. I.A.i. “The Party.”
II. Objectives
A. The Primary Objective of this Party is to advance our skills, knowledge, and wealth by undertaking various Quests, Jobs, and
Duties in our travels.
B. The Secondary Objective of this Party is to ???
C. The Tertiary Objective of this Party is to ???
III. Responsibilities
A. Structure
i. The Party shall be structured such that there is no hierarchy of ranks.
ii. Seniority, where applicable, shall be based on the Experience of the individual member.
B. Decision-Making
i. Decisions which affect the Party or a simple majority of the Party are to be decided by a simple majority vote. In the case of a tie the Contract Administrator is allowed to break the tie.
ii. Decisions which affect the Contract, including alterations, addendums, or amendments, are to be decided by a super majority vote. A super majority vote is one in which at least 2/3 of the Party must agree upon the decision.
C. Leadership
i. No individual member may act as a leader or commander of The Party, except in extremely limited and temporary circumstances.
ii. Titles and ranks, such as royalty, nobility, knighthood, officers, etc, are to be respected accordingly. However titles and ranks do not entitle any individual member to leadership within the context of The Party or The Contract.
D. Roles
i. The Contract Administrator, as named in section I.D, is responsible for maintenance of The Contract, any official correspondence of The Bloody Nine and administration of the Party's finances.
ii. Combat Specialists are responsible for maintaining the security of The Party.
iii. Magic Users are responsible for using their power to the benefit of the Party such that the Party’s Objectives are more easily achieved.
iv. Healers and Wardens are responsible for preventing and healing harm done to any member of The Party. They are responsible for putting the wellbeing of other individual Party Members before their own wellbeing, but after the Party’s well being as a whole.
v. Skill Specialists are responsible for applying their specific skill sets to the advancement of the Party towards its goals.
vi. Stewards and Support Personnel are responsible for the Party’s maintenance, logistics, and miscellaneous needs.
E. Commitments
i. Each individual member of The Party is hereby committed to fulfilling the responsibilities of their Role.
IV. Regulations
A. Prohibited Actions & Penalties
i. It is forbidden to cause serious bodily or psychological harm to another Party Member, except in self defense. Any Member found in violation henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, is formally and immediately Expelled from The Party and The Contract. This includes, but is not limited to, magical compulsion.
ii. It is forbidden to kill another Party Member, except in self-defense. Any Member found in violation henceforth shall him/herself be killed, and their property forfeited unto The Party. Outstanding financial obligations then fall unto the violator’s next-of-kin or legal successor(s).
iii. It is forbidden to steal from another Party Member. Any Member found in violation once must return what was stolen, plus three times the stolen property’s value into The Party Fund. Any Member found in violation more than once henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, is formally and immediately Expelled from The Party and The Contract.
iv. It is forbidden to steal from The Party Fund. Any Member found in violation henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, is formally and immediately Expelled from The Party and The Contract, and is to have their hands forcibly removed at the wrists.
v. It is forbidden to act against the Party’s Objectives or aid others in acting against the Party’s Objectives. This includes willfully violating the contract in such a manner as to risk total or partial failure of achieving the Party’s Objectives. Any Member found in violation henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, and is to be executed in a manner and at a time of the Party’s choosing by simple majority vote. The violator is considered formally Expelled from The Party and The Contract prior to Execution.
vi. It is forbidden to engage in high-level diplomacy (including negotiations with heads of state and acts of war) without the consent of The Party. Any Member found in violation henceforth forfeits all property to The Party, plus all funds paid to the violator over the course of the current Contract, on further penalty of being found guilty of treason by way of acting against the Party’s Objectives (see Sections IV.A.v.)
B. Dispute Resolution
i. Disputes shall be resolved by a supermajority vote (2/3).
ii. If two or more individual members are in conflict, they have the right to agree upon a duel and the terms of said duel to resolve the conflict.
iii. Contractual disputes are to be clarified in correspondence with The Bloody Nine through the current Contract Administrator.
iv. Coins of precious metal are the preferred form of payment, followed by gems, followed by paper currency, followed by barter-able property. The value of barter-able property, where it affects The Party, must be agreed upon by a simple majority vote.
C. Standard Operating Procedure
i. General Conduct
1. The Party shall conduct itself in a manner cogent to and consistent with the efficient achievement of its Objectives. Where necessary, tactical considerations shall be made to ensure the safety and success of the Party. Where necessary, proper etiquette in accordance with local customs shall be followed to ensure a professional appearance.
2. When sleeping in an unsecure or unsafe area, the Party shall set up a rotating Watch. Each Party Member must participate; severely wounded Members are excluded from Watch duty so they may recover. The willful dereliction of Watch duty is considered Treason as defined in section IV.A.v of The Contract.
ii. Combat
1. Combat Specialists are to be the primary source of tactical authority when in combat. In general, threats are to be quickly assessed, prioritized, and neutralized. Enemy spellcasters represent a greater threat than hired thugs, for
2. In the event of a Fallen Party Member, the Party is hereby contractually obligated to make every reasonable attempt to prevent Death, including immediate evacuation of the critically wounded or a full tactical retreat in order to provide medical aid, under penalty of Treason as defined in section IV.A.v of The Contract.
iii. Prisoners
1. The Party may take and indefinitely detain prisoners, provided they are reasonably cared for. The Party must determine its own guidelines for prisoner interrogation, handling, release, discipline, and transport. Execution of prisoners must be decided by a supermajority (two-thirds) vote of the Party. Considerations must be made for the acquisition of useful information, ransom, and morality, when dealing with prisoners.
2. Prisoners must be remanded to local authorities when asked, unless there is overwhelming probable cause to believe that doing so conflicts with the Party’s Objectives.
iv. Subterranean or Urban Exploration
1. The Party must swiftly join in formation, with a scout or skill specialist at the forefront, followed by combat specialists, followed by high-risk members of the Party or persons travelling with the Party, followed by spellcasters, and if possible, trailed by a scout or skill specialist for rear security.
2. Scouts or skill specialists are responsible for the detection and neutralization of threats presented by traps.
V. Finances
A. Party Fund
i. The Party Fund is managed by The Contract Administrator, and grants equal access to each official and legal Party Member. The Contract Administrator is not to willfully interfere with the affairs of the Party Fund under penalty of Theft as defined in section IV.A.iv.
ii. The Party Fund also includes the Slush Fund, a small depository of cash equaling between 5 and 10 gold coins per Party Member in value. The Slush Fund is drawn from the Party Fund and must be maintained at all times. The Slush Fund provides for food, lodging and minor incidentals for the Party.
iii. The Party Fund’s status is to be made knowledgeable only to the Party: it shall therefore be considered a contractual secret. The Party Fund's status is to be made available at any time.
iv. Party Members may borrow from the Party Fund with no interest. Loans must be approved by a simple majority (1/2).
v. Party Members may exchange items and cash between the Party Fund and their own private funds with unanimous approval from the rest of the Party.
vi. At any reasonable time, the Party may unanimously vote to Distribute Payment from the Party Fund. The items and cash within the Party Fund are then distributed equally among all Party Members. Individuals may purchase items from the Party Fund at 1/4 their appraised cost, with a simple majority vote.
B. Treasure
i. Treasure encountered is to be placed into the Party Fund.
ii. If a Party Member can demonstrate an immediate need for an element of Treasure, they may borrow it from the Party Fund until the need has passed.
C. Payment
i. Payment made to the Party goes into The Party Fund.
ii. While under Contract, a Party Member which enters into a separate Contract with a third party that includes payment paid specifically to that Party Member, the Party Member is hereby contractually obligated to remand 50% of their payment into The Party Fund under penalty of Theft as described in section IV.A.iv. Money earned outside of contracts is hereby contractually obligated to remand 10% of their payment into The Party Fund under penalty of Theft as described in section IV.A.iv.
D. Optional Surcharges
i. Life Insurance
1. The Party Member can request to activate his life insurance plan and must make a monthly payment of 10 gold coins into the Party Fund.
2. In the event of death or dismemberment of a Party Member with active Life Insurance, the Party is contractually obligated under penalty of Treason as defined in section IV.A.V. to pay for the Resurrection or Restoration of the dead or dismembered Party Member as quickly as possible. Payment comes first from the deceased member's funds (gems, gold, selling of equipment) and then from the party fund. Monies drawn from the party fund must be repaid in a timely manner with no interest charged. If there is not enough funds for the individual to be healed, a 'Gentle Repose' spell will be cast upon them often enough so healing can occur later.
3. If a Party Member without active Life Insurance dies or is dismembered, see section VI.A. for details.
VI. Extraordinary Circumstances
A. Death of an Individual Member
i. Each Party Member is responsible for maintaining their Will and Testament.
ii. The Party is under no obligation to resurrect dead Party Members without active Life Insurance (see section V.D.i.)
iii. Upon the death of a Party Member, the Party must make a Payment Distribution from the Party Fund as soon as is reasonable, including any dead Party Members in the Distribution. All funds and property of the Deceased are to be remanded to the next-of-kin or legal executor of the Deceased’s Estate. If there is no next-of-kin or legal executor of the Deceased’s Estate, the Deceased’s funds and property shall be used to provide a reasonable Death Rite (burial, funeral, cremation, etc.), and any remainder shall return to the Party Fund.
iv. Upon execution of the Death Rite, or upon releasing the Deceased’s remains unto their next-of-kin or legal executor of the Deceased’s Estate, the Deceased is henceforth removed from The Contract.
v. The Party is Contractually Obligated to add an objective seeking some form of vengeance or reparations, as required, for each Party Member killed in the execution of the Party’s attempts to achieve the Party’s Objectives.
B. Warfare
i. In the event that large-scale, sustainable warfare breaks out which partially or fully and directly involves any one of the Party’s individual Members, the Party must immediately convene and vote on whether to suspend the Contract temporarily, or to add provisions to this section (VI.B.) which specify contractual directives and obligations related to the warfare.
C. Titles & Land
i. Titles bestowed to any individual Party Member are the sole possession of that Party Member, and may not be applied to the Party.
ii. Lands or properties bestowed to any individual Party Member are the sole possession of that Party Member. The rest of the Party are not obligated to pay its taxes, nor may they benefit from the Land in any way not sanctioned in writing by the rightful Owner.
iii. For the Duration of the Contract, each Party Member must allow access and passage through any land they own to the rest of the Party.
iv. And land or property acquired by or bestowed upon the entire Party becomes the equal responsibility of all Party
Members. A Party Member may sell their share of ownership of Party Property or Land to the Party Fund.
v. In cases of Party ownership of land or property, the majority shareholder becomes the manager and primary executor of the land or property, and votes regarding decisions made concerning the land or property are weighted according to shares held by individual Party Members.
D. Universal Threat
i. A Universal Threat is a serious threat to the continued existence of large parts of the population, planet, or reality, itself as acknowledged by at least one expert on the subject.
ii. In the event of a verified Universal Threat, the neutralization of the Universal Threat automatically becomes the primary objective of the Party.
iii. The Party may only remove the neutralization of the Universal Thread as an objective by unanimous vote.
iv. The Party may vote unanimously to temporarily suspend the Contract in cases where contractual obligations may potentially interfere with the neutralization of a Universal Threat.
VII. Signed
The signatures below represent those persons solemnly sworn into this Contract for its Duration.