Questions about P:ACG Organized Seasonal Play

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Hello all,

I've been trying to find a local group or game store that does the Pathfinder ACG seasonal play with little luck.

I've purchased the PDF's for the new season so far, can I run these in house with family and friends to register my character that way?

Is there anything different for this other than being a month or two behind?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

You can run PFSACG scenarios at home and report them officially, provided you play by the Organized Play rules set forth in the guide. You can also run PFSACG scenarios at home and *not* report them officially if you just want to play them, and you can then houserule stuff, but then the characters you play with won't be sanctioned to take to cons and such.

For playing officially, the only difference is being a month or so behind. If you have a decent sized group, you can try to convince a game store to sign up for you and host events on your behalf; that way you'll get scenarios as they come out. If that seems super challenging, you can try getting in touch with your regional VCs to see if they'd be willing to help get that process started.

Indeed, I have two Season of the Shackles campaigns running right now.
One is official and I plan on taking its character to the summer cons.
The other is being played just like the adventure path. Naturally, I don't report it. ;)

It might be a long drive, but we're in Chicago. Our store is all signed up, so we get everything as soon as it's released. If you're ever interested in trekking down here, I'm sure I could make something happen.

You can also post where you are located and maybe someone else on here might have some info on where there are guild events.

1/5 *

Other posts indicate KennedyHawk's near Madison, WI. The PFS folks from around there have a Warhorn page which also links to a Facebook group.

Also coming up is Nexus Game Fair next week in Milwaukee; they have ACG events on the schedule.

FWIW, if nobody is organizing ACG events locally but you're interested in that style of play, why not run some yourself at your favorite store?

Good luck!

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