I am still having a hard time downloading my humble bundle books...

Website Feedback

Continually get the "Personalizing... Click link again in 60 seconds to download" message and download never starts...

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

You need to click the link twice; once to get that personalizing message and again to fire off the download. There isn't much load on the servers so you likely don't need to wait 60 seconds; clicking the link a second time in 5-10 seconds should be fine.

If you're doing that and it still isn't working, please post back with what browser version and OS you are using (e.g. "Chrome 50 on Windows 10" or "Safari 7 on OS X"), with that information I or someone else can likely better assist you in figuring out what's going on here.

(Flagging to be moved to Website Feedback as this likely isn't something the CS team is able to resolve on their own besides giving advice like "try a different browser")

Technology Manager

Basically what skizzerz said, we have also rarely had an issue with folks presenting an old security encryption because of a proxy server. If you find you're having issues, contact customer support and we should be able to get it straightened out.

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