Pathfinder Advantage

Website Feedback

For some reason, I no longer see the Pathfinder Advantage applied to prices displayed on the Paizo store, nor does it get applied to the shopping cart.

I'd like to get PACG Adventure #2-2—City of Secrets, but it seems other products are affected too.

Customer Service Representative

Hi Fayries,

I'm not finding anything on your account right now that would be affecting this for you, so I'm having this moved to Website Feedback to be looked into further.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I also do not see Pathfinder Advantage applying to PFSACG #2-2, so I'm guessing the file is incorrectly marked as a non-paizo pdf. I tried adding a couple of other random pdfs from paizo to my card and saw Pathfinder Advantage applying to them, so I think it's a product issue and not an account issue.

Community & Digital Content Director

I've given this product a nudge, and it should be displaying the appropriate discount now.

I went through with my order and the Pathfinder Advantage got applied. Thanks!

At the moment, it seems the Pathfinder Advantage doesn't get applied to PACG Adventure #2-4—Wrathworks' Churning Heart. Could someone look into this? Thanks!

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