Armor Master's Handbook Feat Prerequisites

Rules Questions

Liberty's Edge

I am playing a game tomorrow (Tuesday) and I cannot buy the PDF until Wednesday.

I have seen posts online for 2 feats I want to use for my build, Shield Brace and Shielded Mage, but I do not know what the prerequisites are.

Am I allow to ask for feat prerequisites here, before the PDF is available for general release? I know the subscribers already have it and there are hard copies available. If so, can I get the prerequisites for those 2 feats?

Shadow Lodge

I know Shield Focus is required for many things, don't recall for those specific feats, but it's a solid bet.

There is a thread about optimal two handed builds and i believe someone did a full copy paste of Shield Brace in it. i'll dig around for you.

EDIT: here is a quote from Alex MAck about Shield Brace, "You get a penalty to hit equal to the Shields ACP which doesn't matter as Darkwood is a thing.

Pre Requisites are Armor Training or Shield Focus and BAB +3 or Fighter level 1."

Liberty's Edge

Thanks. Does anyone know for Shielded Mage? I would assume something like BAB +1, Caster Level 1, Shield Focus.

I am pretty sure I could sell that to my DM but I would like to be on the level.

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