GM share prep?

Iron Gods

Dark Archive

Is there a centralized thread or web location (e.g. Google Docs) for GM prep materials?

I just started running this AP. I have a few things I can share, but it is always interesting to see what others have come up with.

Sovereign Court

There is, although there's not much there yet it seems:


I made a random treasure chart a while ago for my beginning. I'm working on a few other things if I can find the time.

Here are few random things I have thrown together for my personal use:

The beginnings of a random enoucounter sheet using the Hex Map. eRLXoaBU/edit?usp=sharing

A Random Technological Treasure sheet, with information for new treasures in the adventure: 3xR_PEXY/edit?usp=sharing

My full Folder:

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