In Terms of Monster Roles, What Do the Occult Classes Count As?


Hi. I'm planning on adding some occult class levels in some monsters I'm making for a homebrew campaign, and I need to know which category does the occult classes go under? I'm assuming that most (if not all) of them go under the spell role, but I'm not sure if some (like the mesmerist) go under the skill role, as the book does say that it's similar to the bard class. And I don't even know where the kineticist would go under-they can't cast spells, yet spell-like abilities...

Liberty's Edge

The roles are really more what you might call guidelines. To actually add Class Levels to a Monster and get anything approaching a relevant CR, you should look at what the Class actually gives it rather than the pre-decided roles.

For example, a Dragon getting Sorcerer levels or a Nymph getting Druid levels should always be 'same role'...but so should a Succubus getting levels of antipaladin, and a Dragon getting levels of Cleric is seriously 'off-role'. It all depends on what actually benefits the creature.

So...I'd just eyeball it and call it good. That's what you should be doing in any case, IMO.

All that said, if you really must assign roles, Mesmerist would likely be Skill, Occultist and Medium are either combat or skill, depending, Kineticist and Spiritualist would follow Paladin and Monk into 'no role' and Psychic would be 'Spell'.

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