Online PFS News – April 2016

Online Play

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hey everyone! The Online VOs have been rather quiet recently, and those who know me know that I don’t like being quiet when it comes to PFS, so I wanted to give a heads up as to what we have in store coming up.


I want to highlight two conventions coming up. The first one is F-G Con (Paizo thread) – it’s happening this weekend, April 8th to 10th, and it will be featuring a number of Pathfinder Society games, including running 6-97 Siege of Serpents on Saturday. There’s still some slots left in the special if you want to try out Fantasy Grounds, along with a couple slots remaining in other games.

Another con to keep in mind is Roll20 Con – a 24 hour convention happening on June 3rd. We haven’t been able to submit events yet, but we will be running PFS that day, so save the date!


One other thing I want to talk about is a pet project of mine. One of the roles I’ve built myself into over the past couple of years is one that makes it easier for GMs to run scenarios, and this is an issue that online play has more than most. Whereas a physical GM can just needs a couple physical materials and they’re ready to run a game, online GMs have the extra step that we have to create a table in whichever VTT we use. For those who are not familiar with extracting maps and creating tokens, this can seem daunting, and really, I would prefer a new GM to online take their first game to learn the GM interface without having all the frustration of learning how to build a table. In addition, some people have trouble building tables in general, or don’t have time to build a table, but are still good GMs who we want running online.

So there’s some interesting complications of Online Play and GMing. Fortunately, I’m in a position to help.

I’ve been building the tables for the new scenarios every month since I try to run them soon after they come out. Now I’ll be trying to build them the first week of every month, and building them in a slightly cleaner way so that everyone can use them. Once I’ve built the scenarios, I’ll lend them out to anyone who requests that they want a copy. That copy is yours to use and to run the scenario as many times as you want. There is two caveats:
- I do have to watch space. I’ll guarantee that you have the table for the rest of the month, and I’ll let you keep the table as much as our space allows.
- Once I write it, I do intend to send out surveys to anyone who borrows a table from us. Nothing too onerous, mostly asking how often you used it and what kind of improvements I could make to make the tables better in the future.

So right now, I have two tables available to lend out: One is 7-19 Labyrinth of Hungry Ghosts, and the second is a table that combines 7-14, 16, & 18, aka the entire Faithless and Forgotten series into one table. Either or both can be yours with an email to (I know some of you have other email addresses for me due to various reasons, but please use this email address to request tables – I would like to have those requests all in one place.)


If you have any questions about the tables or really anything at all, please feel free to post in this thread. If you would like to email me in private, you may do so at

If you need something that requires a VC, or you just feel like emailing someone else, then you can email Jesse Davis at


Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

We are trying to get a list going where people who made a nice table for any scenario can add it so that others can borrow it.

You can find it here.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

James McTeague wrote:

Hey everyone! The Online VOs have been rather quiet recently, and those who know me know that I don’t like being quiet when it comes to PFS, so I wanted to give a heads up as to what we have in store coming up.


I want to highlight two conventions coming up. The first one is F-G Con (Paizo thread) – it’s happening this weekend, April 8th to 10th, and it will be featuring a number of Pathfinder Society games, including running 6-97 Siege of Serpents on Saturday. There’s still some slots left in the special if you want to try out Fantasy Grounds, along with a couple slots remaining in other games.

Another con to keep in mind is Roll20 Con – a 24 hour convention happening on June 3rd. We haven’t been able to submit events yet, but we will be running PFS that day, so save the date!


One other thing I want to talk about is a pet project of mine. One of the roles I’ve built myself into over the past couple of years is one that makes it easier for GMs to run scenarios, and this is an issue that online play has more than most. Whereas a physical GM can just needs a couple physical materials and they’re ready to run a game, online GMs have the extra step that we have to create a table in whichever VTT we use. For those who are not familiar with extracting maps and creating tokens, this can seem daunting, and really, I would prefer a new GM to online take their first game to learn the GM interface without having all the frustration of learning how to build a table. In addition, some people have trouble building tables in general, or don’t have time to build a table, but are still good GMs who we want running online.

So there’s some interesting complications of Online Play and GMing. Fortunately, I’m in a position to help.

I’ve been building the tables for the new scenarios every month since I try to run them soon after they come out....

That is exactly what I was asking for , just one a more wider basis.

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/55/55/5

Thanks for the update James. Assuming my work doesn't give me any surprise travel notice I would love to GM on the 3rd of June for Roll20 Con.

James McTeague wrote:

I’ve been building the tables for the new scenarios every month since I try to run them soon after they come out. Now I’ll be trying to build them the first week of every month, and building them in a slightly cleaner way so that everyone can use them. Once I’ve built the scenarios, I’ll lend them out to anyone who requests that they want a copy. That copy is yours to use and to run the scenario as many times as you want. There is two caveats:

- I do have to watch space. I’ll guarantee that you have the table for the rest of the month, and I’ll let you keep the table as much as our space allows.

Thanks for doing this, James! Should be a big help to a lot of people.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

Side note: Any idea when the next PbP event is on? :)

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

captnchuck67 - yeah, I wish I could offer it on a wider basis, but I just don't have the time or energy to do that. But it sounds like you could also use the tables that Nullpunkt is pooling, which I highly commend.

Darius - we'll keep you in mind!

Shifty - not sure. Jesse's more the one to do with scheduling, and the fact that Paizocon and Gencon are coming up means that scheduling is going to be awkward.

4/5 5/55/55/55/5

Cheers mate :)

Just contributing my enthusiasm for the awesome events (and there could be specials, and I'm hunting specials for that slippery 5th star) :p

Liberty's Edge 1/5

James McTeague wrote:

captnchuck67 - yeah, I wish I could offer it on a wider basis, but I just don't have the time or energy to do that. But it sounds like you could also use the tables that Nullpunkt is pooling, which I highly commend.

Darius - we'll keep you in mind!

Shifty - not sure. Jesse's more the one to do with scheduling, and the fact that Paizocon and Gencon are coming up means that scheduling is going to be awkward.

James I have started and It is not as hard as it seemed at first. it just took practice

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