wordelo |
I made a thread on the advice forum about my player having a really high perception check.
I got a lot of good advice from the thread but it outlasted its usefulness and was locked.
For those wondering I did simply ask the player and he said he wanted to roll for perception checks and have a chance of failure. The promise of extra XP was too good for him to pass up.
And here is the trap I came up with.
Down the hallway are two arches. At the end is a large pit and the hallway turns to the right. An abstract eye has been painted on the wall at the far end.
Perception DC 50 notices a perfectly square crack at the apex of the arch (10 feet high)
Pressing it deactivates the trap for one round.
When anyone besides the guardians stands within 30 feet of the eye they are subjected to a grapple maneuver +40 vs CMD. If it succeeds it is grappled. The CMD of the effect is 50.
In the next round the trap tries to move the grapple to the pit. Success means it is moved 10 feet closer to the pit. Before it reaches the pit however the target gets one last escape attempt with a +4 bonus.
The pit is really only 20 feet deep however the floor of the pit is a portal to an extra dimensional space. The portal is all darkness and absorbs all light. It radiates an overwhelming aura of conjuration(calling). Anyone who falls into the pit is teleported to a realm filled with negative energy. They are constantly falling there is no floor in this realm and take 4d8+20 negative energy damage(will DC 31 for half) per round.
If they pass the save twice in a row they free themselves of the realm and are teleported near the center of the sarcophagi chamber. Due to momentum not changing when you are teleported you take 20d6 falling damage.
As soon as the telekinesis is triggered the alcoves in the sarcophagi chamber conjure up the carrion golems.
Battle: 6 carrion golems