Mogloth |
I know that mythic enables massive output of damage by the PCs. But, the group I am GM WotR for are already 12/5. A couple of them just now hit 100 hit points. The paladin is in the 150-170 range.
I'm looking at some of the damage potential by the bad guys and am wondering how in the world will my group be able to withstand it?
They are not real optimizers. I mean, the paladin turned down a potential feat because it was, "too boring".
What are some typical stats for upper level mythic?
Alenvire |
My paladin had a 24 cha. (with items) I got a 7 ac bonus from smite. Which is better then a ring of protection 5. Amulet of natural armor 5. Armor +5. Dex (mithril if they have a good dex). Shield plus bonus. All depends on what he takes. You can hit 40 ac without a shield or smite.
In our Mythic game things got bananas when the wizard got teleport. Can travel around for money. Buying/selling. Really takes away the limits. Which against the mythic game is a good thing. The wizard also had the archmage path. Which, the adventure books beef up with the ability to recharge wands. There is a lot of wands given to you in the path. Several days of travel you can max it back to 50 and sell it.
They are at the point where we balled out of control. And it does not take much. They should be pushing for buying good gear by now. Crap tons of loot if they are smart. The paladin was the beast of our group. Remember they are supposed to do the kingdom building aspect which is months of bulking up their gear. A good idea is 17+level ac for a front line fighter. With the goal of 27+level ac for the tank. Someone else posted that and I find it works pretty good.
In the mythic... Maybe 5 more AC. Though I suspect he would be fine with the 27+level. As long as he is the type to heal himself every round as a swift with lay on hands, while a healer helps him out. Let the paladin do what the paladin should. Be the center of attention. A demon will focus on a paladin. And a mythic paladin is a demi god of a god.
These are just my thoughts. Half awake right now so I hope it makes sense. Wave the GM wand and help them on their way if need be. If they wont be smart with their money, then make them be. Have the needy come to them and beg for 20k gold, then give them that Nat armor amulet in a encounter that they have been needing. Look at the bonus the mythic enemies have. And help the paladin to 50% hit/miss. Or 75/25% if you think thats better. My GM pulled no punches but we were smart with our money and in the end, he needed a crit threat just to hit the paladin. The whole manticore fight was a slug fest between the paladin and the manticore. The bard buffed and thats about it. Not made for damage. The wizard did not have much in the way to help. And the cleric healed every round. We won but it was a long fight.
mithril +5 plate mail. 14ac +3 max dex. Nat armor amu +5. Ring of protection +5 =37 base ac. shield +5. 6 or 7 more ac. Jingasa of the fortunate warrior. +1 ac. Dusty rose ioun stone +1 (in a wayfarer even). I think all of that comes out to like 46 ac. Some might not stack. Dont remember. there is 3 ac feats he can take though feats like that I consider not worth it. combat expertise. Defending sword. Lots of ways to make ridiculous saves.
Not all of that may work. Some may not even be considered. After all I did not have the jingasa or the ioun stone. Let the epitome of good stand in front. Have everything focus on him unless you need to spice it up some.
And now sleep. Good luck and have fun. *edit for bad typing*
Tangent101 |
Okay. As a comparison... here is a character from my Runelords game.
She has Celestial Armor, a Ring of Protection +2, Amulet of Natural Armor +2, and a Ring of Shield (+2 to AC, don't recall the proper name). And a high Dexterity. With Dexterity, using a defensive feat, class bonuses, and Dodge... regularly has an armor class around 40.
My guess is that once the character fully beefs up the Ring of Protection, the Amulet of Natural Armor, and switches out the Ring of Shield for a +5 Buckler, she'll have an armor class of over 50.
If this was an actual fighter instead of a mangled class selection (Unchained Rogue 4/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 2/Swashbuckler 5) and was using +5 Full Plate, a +5 Heavy Shield, had the two Shield boosting Feats, and the like? You're looking at someone with an armor class that is above 50. And approaching 60 if you include a +5 Defending weapon.
There are still foes out there that would hit that half the time.
Ssyvan |
In term of HP, my group generally leaves up Ablative Barrier and Shield Other. That takes the brunt of any HP damage. On top of that we've got two guardians one with Absorb Blow and the other with Sudden Block, so they're really sturdy.
Their ACs (at levels 10/4) are all between 26-31, so they get hit a lot, but they can take quite the beating (and do regularly).
HWalsh |
Easy way to look at AC.
At level 10 assume the following:
10 from armor/shield/dex combination unenchanted.
So: dex 12, full plate would be 10, or Dex 10 Shield could be 10-12
It can be higher depending on feats.
Then assume, at level 10 around +3 to +4 from magical sources. Again, could be higher, but this would be:
+1 Deflection
+1 Natural Armor
+1 Enhancement Bonus
+1 from another source (Dex, Spell, Sacred Bonus, Etc)
Then assume a given PC may be able to buff that number by 3-5 or higher. So... Using my Paladin, for example, going full tilt while smiting at level 10 looked like:
+1 Dex
+9 Full Plate
+1 Enhancement Bonus
+2 Sacred Bonus (crusading)
+1 Natural Armor Bonus
+5 Deflection Bonus
+4 Natural AC Enhancement (Ironskin)
For AC 33 when going all out, or AC 24 baseline.
So as long as the PCs are sitting at 22+ they'll be fine around 10-ish
King of Vrock |
Currently our Aasimar Paladin 15/Dual Path Champion/Guardian 7 has an AC of about 48 against a demon he's smiting. On the low end of the AC scale is our Barbarian Champion at AC 28 while in titan's rage and large size... though he just dropped 626 points of damage on a mythic power attack vital strike (improved) critical (w/ foe-biter) on Hepzamirah.
--I wanna Vrock!
JohnHawkins |
The high level defense my group used was an Oracle who used Divine Metamagic to cast Mythic Heal a lot (or Mass Heal), with the mythic ability to use heal spells on you after death and the other mythic ability to turn into a healing spirit when killed.
They often had to use ressurection on their healer after a boss fight but they had scrolls of it prepared.
Their Ranger tank had AC63 at level 20 (68 vs Evil Outsiders from Favored Defense). I had some theoretical designs who got to really big Ac's