Red Mantis Vigilante for PFS


I'm interested in making a Red Mantis character for PFS and Vigilante seems like a great chassis for that, but I'm hung up on a few details. First off, I know the prestige class isn't legal and I have no intention of taking it, but Vigilante still allows a ton of the flavor you'd otherwise get.

I'd love to be able to go dex-based two weapon fighting, and Lethal Grace seems like a fantastic way to do that since it's specifically not reduced for off-hand attacks. The problem, then, is trying to get dex-to-hit for sawtooth sabers. Slashing grace no longer functions with TWF to use them with a dip into swashbuckler, and Effortles Lace isn't PFS legal. Is there any other way to do this, or am I chasing a dream that just won't come together?

Liberty's Edge

I don't think there's a way to do Dex-based TWF with Sawtooth Sabers, sadly.

Maybe the CotCT Hardcover will have one, since that features the Red Mantis heavily, but that's not gonna be out for quite a while.

That's what I was afraid of. It's frustrating that the best way for these feared, sneaky, roguish assassins to employ their signature technique is by pumping strength and avoiding dex entirely with ranger combat styles. Hopefully there's a fix eventually.

Liberty's Edge

Lethal Grace doesn't give you the bonus damage unless you're specifically doing Strength to damage and Dexterity to hit, so if you did find a way to get Dex to damage, you'd lose the damage bonus from Lethal Grace.

They introduced this mechanic in the Weapon Master's's another way of giving some TWF's a damage boost without allowing them to go Dexterity to everything. At level 10, you'd get a +5 bonus to damage with both weapons, save a feat or two not having to take Slashing Grace, still get a little Strength damage if you have it (which could come from magic or items), and STILL get to depend on Dexterity as your main fighting stat. I don't think its a bad option, even if it isn't simply Dex to damage.

It's not a bad option, but there isn't even a way currently to get dex to hit for sawtooth sabers as far as I can tell, much less to damage. I'd be pretty happy with the Lethal Grace setup for it.

Liberty's Edge

Okay, I went back and re-read can treat it as light for two-weapon fighting, but it's still one handed in regards to Weapon Finesse. That is...stupid. I had assumed that they were finesse-able.

Yep. Nope.

Shadow Lodge

You could get a pair of short swords and add the Sawback modification from Ultimate Equipment / Adventurer's Armory. They'd have the right look and be light weapons, but you'd drop from d8's to d6's.

If you go exotic, you could put the same mod on an Aldori Dueling Sword and keep the d8's.

Heh. Unorthodox, I suppose, but creative. Not a bad idea, thanks.

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