Abed Nadir |

20th Century Fox has announced a New Mutants spin-off/tie-in to their Marvel X-Men franchise. Josh Boone (The Fault In Our Stars) will direct, and he has co-written the script with Knate Gwaltney. Casting announced so far:
Ororo Munroe/Storm: Alexandra Shipp (also plays Storm in this summer's X-Men: Apocalypse)
Illyana Rasputin/Majik: Anya Taylor-Joy (Thomasin in The Witch, Cassandra in Atlantis)
Rahne Sinclair/Wolfsbane: Maisie Williams (YESSSS!) (Arya Stark in Game of Thrones, Ashildr/Lady Me in Doctor Who)
Charles Xavier/Professor X: James McAvoy (also plays Xavier in this summer's X-Men: Apocalypse and its two predecessors)

Ambrosia Slaad |

Argh. The movie is happening, but Fox is denying the casting news. :( The news broke on 3/31, so I assumed it was not an April Fool's, but maybe it was just wishful rumoring.
Sorry everyone.

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Sooooo... The Cypher/Psylocke love story? Warlock and the Magus story? Asgard? I am not sure how to feel. Agree with product of its time.
Warlock seems way to 'big' for a starting New Mutants team (since the original five had some pretty strong limitations / a lower power level).
The same with Amara/Magma, for that matter (although introducing her opens up the introduction of Selene, perhaps the New Mutants most iconic and lasting villain).
Asgard seems right out, being that Fox doesn't have permission to touch the Thor side of the Marvel universe.
Cypher/Psylocke was kind of a footnote (one I liked, but still), and I'm not sure if Cypher goes the other direction and has powers / abilities that are too subtle for the big screen. Although, Psylocke as one of the team's adult mentors could be interesting, and different than the more expected fare of Storm, Xavier, etc.
There's a lot of stuff I don't really want to see, most of which showed up later, like Gossamyr & Spyder or Karma's bionic leg or Sam being an External (until he wasn't) or Bobby as Reignfire (until he wasn't...) or anything-ever-by-Liefield. For all the team's shining moments, there was a fair amount of weird stuff in there as well.
There's also a lot of characters to choose from!
The original five; Sam/Cannonball, Dani Moonstar, Rahne/Wolfesbane, Berto/Sunspot and Xian/Karma.
Later additions; Amara/Magma, Doug/Cypher, Ilyanna/Magik, Warlock, Warpath, Boom-Boom, Siryn, Rictor, Shatterstar, Feral...
Random teens that *could* have been New Mutants; Kitty Pryde, Jubilee, Madrox, Rachel Summers
Teen foes; Jetstream, Roulette, Tarot, Catseye!, uh, other Hellions... Or even more recent 'Emma's New Mutants' like Hellion, Mercury, Rockslide, Surge, Dust, etc.
One thing I liked about the New Mutants, and definitely fresh for it's time, was that we had a 'five-man team' that had three girls and two boys, which was pretty radical in a time period when every other team seemed to be 'four dudes and a chick,' or, as one Image comic cheekily said, 'the standard new-team formula, some established loner, a couple of dudes from another team, and two bimbos nobody has ever heard of before.' Indeed, Karma, introduced previously as a Spider-Man side-character, was the only pre-existing character, and Bobby and Sam ended up being two of the 'bimbos nobody has ever heard of before!'
(That said, of the original five, Karma's probably my least favorite, and got sidelined pretty fast, in favor of shinier new characters like Magma, Magik and Warlock. I'd love for her to have come back from working for Uncle Nguyen as a badass martial artist/criminal enforcer/psychic, but then Psylocke might have had to stay British to avoid stepping on Xian's Asian ninja psychic schtick!)

Freehold DM |

I believe that would fall under liefeld silliness.
I like gossamyr, but I understand how others wouldn't.
The comic was very very strange when it wasn't awesome. Lots of power level issues and overall inconsistencies, usually to make sure everything was working fine with the x men comic, but also to assuage the bloodlust of many readers(I remember the "please kill x or y" letters, which made me worry about the people reading this comic).

Hitdice |

If this movie doesn't start with an orphaned Dani Moonstar considering killing herself and end with her triumphantly pulling an arrow from the corpse of a slain demon bear, I'm gonna rant all way home from the theatre. Considering how the Iron man trilogy, like, completely glossed over Tony Stark's alcoholism, my hopes aren't very high.
I'm fine if she loses the rawhide wrapped injun braids, though; I'd prefer it, actually.

thejeff |
Really the best use of Cable would be in Deadpool 2: Electric Bugaboo with pretty much no explanation of his backstory.
I can't even begin to imagine trying to do Cable's backstory in movie form.
First we have to hook Scott up with Jean's clone and get her pregnant, then abandon her so that he and a resurrected Jean can rescue the baby later on and send him into the future so he doesn't die from a Warlock-based virus. (We'll have to intro Warlock and do his story too.) And that's just the early version, not everything that got retconned in later with Rachel & time traveling Scott & Jean.

thejeff |
If this movie doesn't start with an orphaned Dani Moonstar considering killing herself and end with her triumphantly pulling an arrow from the corpse of a slain demon bear, I'm gonna rant all way home from the theatre. Considering how the Iron man trilogy, like, completely glossed over Tony Stark's alcoholism, my hopes aren't very high.
I'm fine if she loses the rawhide wrapped injun braids, though; I'd prefer it, actually.
That would be awesome. Probably my favorite New Mutants storyline.
But I'd be okay if they only set it up in the first one.
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Krensky wrote:Really the best use of Cable would be in Deadpool 2: Electric Bugaboo with pretty much no explanation of his backstory.I can't even begin to imagine trying to do Cable's backstory in movie form.
First we have to hook Scott up with Jean's clone and get her pregnant, then abandon her so that he and a resurrected Jean can rescue the baby later on and send him into the future so he doesn't die from a Warlock-based virus. (We'll have to intro Warlock and do his story too.) And that's just the early version, not everything that got retconned in later with Rachel & time traveling Scott & Jean.
No. It's far simpler.
You have Cable start to explain it, then cut to a shot of Deadpool and ripple transition to a fantasy sequence of him frolicking in a meadow or doing the Bat-tusi with Death or something, then cut back after a few minutes when Cable's done.

thejeff |
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thejeff wrote:Krensky wrote:Really the best use of Cable would be in Deadpool 2: Electric Bugaboo with pretty much no explanation of his backstory.I can't even begin to imagine trying to do Cable's backstory in movie form.
First we have to hook Scott up with Jean's clone and get her pregnant, then abandon her so that he and a resurrected Jean can rescue the baby later on and send him into the future so he doesn't die from a Warlock-based virus. (We'll have to intro Warlock and do his story too.) And that's just the early version, not everything that got retconned in later with Rachel & time traveling Scott & Jean.
No. It's far simpler.
You have Cable start to explain it, then cut to a shot of Deadpool and ripple transition to a fantasy sequence of him frolicking in a meadow or doing the Bat-tusi with Death or something, then cut back after a few minutes when Cable's done.
Actually, you cut back a couple of times as Cable breaks out the charts and digresses into a dissertation on diverging time streams.
Yeah, that works, you just can't do it seriously.

Kalshane |
By what stretch of the imagination would you do a Deadpool + Cable movie seriously?!?
On that note, I vote they cast Henry Rollins as Cable. He'd almost assuredly never do it, but I think it would work brilliantly.
I don't know. He's done voice acting for super hero properties before (as well as The Legend of Korra) and hasn't been above doing goofy cameos in movies, so I don't think he takes himself too seriously.

GreyWolfLord |

By what stretch of the imagination would you do a Deadpool + Cable movie seriously?!?
Cable + Deadpool used to be a thing, along with a teleporting fortress and a randomly time jumping element.
I think the comic was even called Cable and Deadpool...or was it Deadpool and Cable (Deadpool would certainly advocate the latter).