Feral combat training, flurry of blows, pounce and rake

Rules Questions

I'm not sure how to handle the combination of elements mentioned in this title.
Lets take an unchained level 6 monk.
It has 3 attacks with flurry (+6/+6/+1) and can get a fourth with 1 ki at +6 for 1D8 each.
Now, it shapechanges to a dire tiger.
A dire tiger normally has 3 attacks (2 claws 2D4 1 bite 2D6) + grab rake and pounce.
Without factoring any feats or ability, i believe the monk would get those attacks ?
Could he spend 1 ki to get one more attack ?
Now, the monk takes feral combat training (claws).
What happens then ?
Does he get his normal flurry of attacks (+6/+6/+1) with 2D6 (1D8 gets augmented to 2D6 due to large size) ? Does he gets rake attacks if he pounces or grabs ? (does he even get grab ?)
Or does he get another combination of attacks ? I'm lost here.

Also, if the said monk has dragon ferocity and horn of the criosphynx feats, how would they apply ? (without feral combat training and with it)
Help would be appreciated :)

zerathule wrote:

I'm not sure how to handle the combination of elements mentioned in this title.

Lets take an unchained level 6 monk.
It has 3 attacks with flurry (+6/+6/+1) and can get a fourth with 1 ki at +6 for 1D8 each.
Now, it shapechanges to a dire tiger.
A dire tiger normally has 3 attacks (2 claws 2D4 1 bite 2D6) + grab rake and pounce.
Without factoring any feats or ability, i believe the monk would get those attacks ?
Could he spend 1 ki to get one more attack ?
Now, the monk takes feral combat training (claws).
What happens then ?
Does he get his normal flurry of attacks (+6/+6/+1) with 2D6 (1D8 gets augmented to 2D6 due to large size) ? Does he gets rake attacks if he pounces or grabs ? (does he even get grab ?)
Or does he get another combination of attacks ? I'm lost here.

Also, if the said monk has dragon ferocity and horn of the criosphynx feats, how would they apply ? (without feral combat training and with it)
Help would be appreciated :)

He can't use natural weapons during a flurry of blows.

In Tiger form, he could either do a normal flurry of blows (doing 2d6 because 1d8->2d6), using all of his monk abilities and feats. He could even pounce-flurry, because the tigers pounce-ability isn't restricted. Or he could use the tiger natural attacks (including rake on a pounce). He still enjoys the ability to charge through allies and difficult terrain from Dragon Style.

Whether or not you get grab, rake and pounce depends on the spell you use to shapechange.

With Feral Combat Training, he can use claw attacks for 1d8+grab (instead of unarmed strikes for 2d6) with his Flurry of Blows. He also gets the damage bonus from Dragon Style on those attacks. Taking FCT (bite) is better.

Extra attacks from Ki apply when using a flurry of blows, so not when using the tigers claw/claw/bite.

Thanks for the quick reply :)
I would be using Wildshape 3 or better.
I don't get why i would not get rake and grab when using flurry of blows.
If i select weapon focus "claws" don't it apply to rake attacks (they're claws special attack) ? So, with FCT, it means i can use rake with flurry ? And in that case wouldnt FCT claws be better than bite ?
For damage dice, nothing is stating that i can use the monk damage dice with FCT ...
I'm playing a gestalt game (2 players only) where i'd like to play a druid(Lion Shaman)/Monk(unchained).
Seems like this doesnt work as good as i thought it would :'(

You can only use UA damage with UAS. If you attack with your claws, regardless of whether or not you have FCT, you use the claws. As for rake, if you flurry you get no additional from anything. That means TWF, extra natural attacks and rake.
The main appeal in going druid-monk is either being able to flurry with one big natural attack (like the behemoth hippo bite), or upping your UA damage by being larger.
Oh, and another thing. Manly-man teapot missed one attack option. You can make your standard set of UA attack (base and iteratives, no flurry) and make every natural attack you have, but as secondary attacks.

Kaboogy wrote:

You can only use UA damage with UAS. If you attack with your claws, regardless of whether or not you have FCT, you use the claws. As for rake, if you flurry you get no additional from anything. That means TWF, extra natural attacks and rake.

The main appeal in going druid-monk is either being able to flurry with one big natural attack (like the behemoth hippo bite), or upping your UA damage by being larger.
Oh, and another thing. Manly-man teapot missed one attack option. You can make your standard set of UA attack (base and iteratives, no flurry) and make every natural attack you have, but as secondary attacks.

Ok, so now, if i do natural attacks as secondary attacks, with dragon ferocity and horn of the criosphynx, would it do 2.5 times STR damage on a charge if i have FCT on claws ?

How horn of the criosphynx works with things such as pounce and dragon style/ferocity is ambiguous. I am assuming you are playing a homegame, so for that feat I'd just work out how it works with your GM. Remember, the only thing worse than accidentally using an illegal combination is using a technically legal but obviously broken loophole without talking to your GM first.

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