Cuttler |
Ok, I'm seeking to build an half-orc invulnerable rager. Want to say up front, that I never played a barbarian before and haven't rolled or attributed points yet, but can expect to have mostly the usual high STR and high CON...
I like the concept of deathless initiate which basically allows you to keep fighting (even stronger some might say) while being in negative hp and I would like to build something around it.
However, I'm looking at ways to extend the survivability of the character at negative hp (either reducing damage, avoiding damage, increasing threshold of negative hp where you die, etc)
With the stalwart and improved stalwart feat, my barbarian would have a huge DR, but probably at the expense of low ac which would mean being hit probably most of the times...
Of course, as I understand this is dangerous to keep fighting at negative hp, planning to take Tenacious Survivor in case things get bad...
So any suggestions? (particularly interested to know if , aside from mythic, there are ways to incease threshold of hp when you die)...