Rogue to Vault Breaker

Rules Questions

Can a human rogue progress to the prestige class of Arcane Trickster and ultimately to Vault Breaker?

I'm not sure about the spells in particular.


Silver Crusade

Where is Vault Breaker from? I'm assuming it's a prestige class?

It's from the NPC Codex, p.206.

Immediately under the title, the description goes thus:

Human Rogue 6
Transmuter 4
Arcane Trickster 7

The Transmuter is a bit of a riddle, as I don't know where it is outlined.

...and re-reading my post, I should clarify. How can a human rogue also get the class of Transmuter, as it appears this is required for the Vault Breaker.

Liberty's Edge

Vault Breaker isn't a class or prestige class, it's just a sample NPC.

In this case, Transmuter is a specialization of wizard. This particular NPC is a rogue/wizard/arcane tricker.

Silver Crusade

Oh! Vault Breaker in that case is probably just the name of the NPC.

And a Transmuter is a Wizard who specializes in Transmutation spells.

EDIT: Grrr, ninjaed by Feral :3

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