Magnetic Gauntlet

Iron Gods

Hi everyone, I'm GM'ing an Iron Gods game for some friends and I've got one player that wants to find a tech item (probably a gauntlet/glove) that he could call a weapon to him with. Because I don't want tech to feel just like another source of magic that needs power to run I was thinking of something like this:

Gravity Gauntlet:

Cost: 1,200 GP? for one gauntlet and one stud, 800-1000? for each additional stud. Must be bought as a set.
Slot: Hands (Gauntlet/Glove)

free action to activate
item comes as a set with a glove/gauntlet and up to four gravitonically synced studs which can be applied to items by a skilled smith or craftsman (typically on the hilt or haft if it is a weapon). They cannot be easily removed in the field (think welded on or something similar)
Item does not use any power normally, but when the user wants to call an item to her she makes a specific gesture based on which stud she is calling and the glove calls that stud to her hand as long as it is within 100 ft.. The item travels in a direct line to the user at speeds similar to a bullet. If there is a barrier or large+ creature between the item and the user the item impacts it, dealing damage to the barrier/creature (weapon’s damage die + 5?) and the item (falling damage equal to 2x distance traveled?). If the barrier is not destroyed the user must make a DC (?) strength check or be pulled to the barrier taking damage when she impacts it equal to a fall of the distance traveled. If a creature is in the path of the item, there is a 50% chance that the item will impact a medium size creature -20% for each size category smaller. If the creature is not killed the user and the creature impacted must make a DC (?) strength check (1/2 the barrier check for the user) or be pulled to each other. Alternatively she can make a DC (?) reflex throw to shut the gauntlet off and be moved 50% of the distance to the barrier/creature -10% for every 5 by which she beats the DC.
The glove has one battery slot and uses one charge with each use.

Aspects I know I'm not sure about are italicized. I based the pricing off the blinkback belt, but reduced it since I figured the fact that you can't easily switch what is affected and the lower number of returnable things (at the cheapest level) should make it not quite as expensive. Any other suggestions or comments?



Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

You could possibly use magnetist's gloves as an inspiration, with the tech version using charges instead of having a "times per day" limit:

Ultimate Equipment wrote:

Magnetist's Gloves

Price 6,000 gp; Aura faint conjuration; CL 3rd; Weight

These thin leather gloves have delicate steel wires running through them. Three times per day as a standard action, the wearer of these gloves may attempt a disarm combat maneuver on a target within 30 feet. The target's item must be mostly made of metal. If the combat maneuver check is successful, the target is disarmed and the item falls to the ground in the target's square. For every 5 by which the check exceeds the DC, the item lands 1 square closer to the wearer. If this would place the item in the wearer's square, the wearer may attempt to catch the item with a DC 10 Dexterity check; otherwise it lands in the wearer's square. The wearer can only use this ability if she has at least one hand free. If the wearer fails the combat maneuver check, she is not disarmed.

Construction Requirements

Cost 3,000 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, telekinesis

You should also look at the spell pilfering hand as the basis for the effect.

Thank you for the input Dragonchess. I like both of those, but I was going more for something to recreate the called weapon enchantment rather than something that would be used against others' weapons. I should have specified that in the original post. Although, you have given me some ideas for another fun item or two that I may have to equip an enemy with.

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