Lune |
I am sorta formulating an idea in my head... let me get some of this stuff out and see if I run across any speed bumps.
Alright, so... how many of these things can work together?:
Underground Chemist Rogue Archetype
The relevant parts:
At 2nd level, an underground chemist is able to retrieve an alchemical item as if drawing a weapon. She adds her Intelligence modifier to damage dealt with splash weapons, including any splash damage. She adds 1/2 her level to Craft (alchemy) checks.
This ability replaces evasion.
Precise Splash Weapons (Ex)
At 4th level, an underground chemist can deal sneak attack damage with splash weapons. The attack must be her first attack that round, qualify for dealing sneak attack damage (such as against a flat-footed target), and be directed at a creature rather than a square.
This ability replaces the rogue talent gained at 4th level.
Benefit: A rogue with this talent can make a number of bombs per day equal to her Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). These bombs act as alchemist's bombs, except they deal damage equal to the damage dealt by the rogue's sneak attack (the rogue doesn't add her Intelligence modifier to this damage).
At 1st level, a grenadier picks one martial weapon to become proficient in the use of.
This ability replaces Brew Potion.
Alchemical Weapon (Su)
At 2nd level, a grenadier can infuse a weapon or piece of ammunition with a single harmful alchemical liquid or powder, such as alchemist’s fire or sneezing powder, as a move action. This action consumes the alchemical item, but transfers its effect to the weapon in question.
The alchemical item takes full effect on the next creature struck by the weapon, but does not splash, spread, or otherwise affect additional targets. Any extra damage added is treated like bonus dice of damage, and is not doubled on a critical hit. The alchemical treatment causes no harm to the weapon treated, and wears off 1 minute after application if no blow is struck. At 6th level, a grenadier can use her alchemical weapon ability as a swift action. At 15th level, this ability becomes a free action.
This ability replaces poison resistance.
Precise Bombs (Ex)
At 2nd level, a grenadier gains the precise bombs alchemist discovery as a bonus discovery.
This ability replaces poison use.
Prerequisite: Alchemist 4
Benefit: As a standard action, the alchemist can infuse a single arrow, crossbow bolt, or one-handed firearm bullet with the power of his bomb, load the ammunition, and shoot the ranged weapon. He must be proficient with the weapon in order to accomplish this. When the infused ammunition hits its target, it deals damage normally and detonates as if the alchemist had thrown the bomb at the target. If the explosive missile misses, it does not detonate.
Aura faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Weight 2 lbs.
Slot none; Price 200 gp
This two-spouted funnel is used to safely mix two alchemical splash weapons into a single flask. Using the vial requires 10 minutes and a DC 25 Craft (alchemy) check; a half-elf has a +5 bonus on this check. Failing the check means both splash weapon are destroyed. Success means the two materials are safely mixed into one vial that is the same volume as a normal splash weapon vial; when thrown as a splash weapon, the mixture has the effects of both component substances and creatures are affected as if hit by both. The mixture becomes inert after 24 hours. Only liquids may be mixed with the funnel. The bearer can use it to mix an alchemical splash weapon with either holy water or unholy water, but the Craft (alchemy) DC increases to 30; half-elves still get the +5 bonus on this check. The funnel does not work on potions, elixirs, extracts, or other materials. Mixing a substance with a similar or identical substance (such as alchemist's fire with alchemist's fire) has no effect. A mixture cannot be combined with another mixture.
If the bomb from Grenadier is delivered with an attack qualifying as a Sneak Attack does it do the Bomb Damage Plus the Sneak Attack damage? all targets hit?
As a separate yet related question: Explosive Missile says "one-handed firearm bullet". Can you fire a one-handed firearm bullet from a Sling?
If I get a positive on all the above then my next questions will be regarding Slipslinger Bombardment.
Calth |
Generally, sneak attack is only allowed once per attack, even if that attack hits multiple targets (see Arcane Trickster and simultaneous spells FAQ).
Explosive missile does not work with alchemical weapon. Explosive Missile never actually creates a bomb to be the target of alchemical weapon, and does not work with precise splash weapon as it is not actually a splash weapon either.
Not sure if alchemical weapon works with hybridization funnel either. Even if both items are in the same flask, I would still consider them to be two different alchemical items for purposes of alchemical weapon.
Lune |
Sorry, I didn't catch it. So why would Explosive Missile and Alchemical Weapon not work together?
And then assuming that those two work together why then would Precise Bombs not work?
Also, why would Alchemical Weapon not work with Hybridization Funnel?
I don't mean to sound harsh but I don't care what your personal feelings are on it for a house rule, I am asking about whether these things work together RAW. I mean when you say something wouldn't work could you point out the verbiage supporting your position? Or if there has been a ruling somewhere or an opinion shared by a Dev maybe point that out?
N. Jolly |
Explosive missile does not work with alchemical weapon. Explosive Missile never actually creates a bomb to be the target of alchemical weapon, and does not work with precise splash weapon as it is not actually a splash weapon either.
Not sure if alchemical weapon works with hybridization funnel either. Even if both items are in the same flask, I would still consider them to be two different alchemical items for purposes of alchemical weapon.
I'm not sure of the first statement here since it doesn't matter if there's a bomb for alchemical weapon, you just apply alchemical weapon to the weapon/ammo in this case, which is there.
I think there's debate over precise splash weapon and this, since the idea of making a splash weapon that doesn't splash seems odd to some even if by rules it's still a splash weapon regardless of splash (at least how I read the rules, not sure if this has been cleared up yet.)
And there's nothing in the language of either that says hybridization funnel shouldn't work with alchemical flask.
Calth |
I misunderstood what you were trying to do with alchemical weapon and that should work. But precise splash weapon doesn't work with explosive missile as explosive missile is not a splash weapon.
And the single item limit of alchemical weapon is the issue with hybridization funnel. Letting you combine two liquids in one flask for thrown attacks (which is explicitly the only thing affected) doesn't actually make the items into one.
Lune |
N. Jolly: Thanx for weighing in.
Calth: In what way does it not make the items into one item? I think that is exactly what it does.
It is good to get this kind of thing out of the way before considering a build so I actually appreciate the discourse. For some of this I may play devil's advocate but I honestly don't see the other side of the topic on Hybridization Funnel.
Also, you both keep calling it "precise splash weapon". Are you talking about Precise Bombs?
Benefit: Whenever the alchemist throws a bomb, he can select a number of squares equal to his Intelligence modifier that are not affected by the splash damage from his bombs. If the bomb misses, this discovery has no effect.
Explosive Missile uses the language, "as if the alchemist had thrown the bomb". So where is the hangup on that one?
edit: Oh. Yeah. Precise Splash Weapons. The Underground Chemist ability. Hm... yeah.
Lune |
By the way I think what I am considering here is an Underground Chemist Rogue 4/Grenadier X using all of the above. I had been considering going with a Halfling and trying to work in the Slipslinger feats (up until Grenadier anyway) but I don't think that will work, sadly. So at the moment I'm thinking Half-Elf for the bonus on the Hybridization Funnel and either Skill Focus or Exotic Weapon Proficiency.
CampinCarl9127 |
There are people who create more powerful builds. There are people who create crazier builds. There are people who create hair-tearing builds. But nobody can make a build as rules-complicated as this Lune can.
Lune |
Yeah... my builds sometimes give me headaches. But when I figure out how stuff works I end up liking it. :) So, um. I guess I take that as a compliment. hehe
So here are some of Abraham spalding's musings on the subject of Precise Splash Weapon stacking with bomb damage. My opinion pretty much matches his. His seems to be the popular opinion, not that that makes it the correct opinion. Just a point of reference, I suppose.